Spooky Town perspective question
Hey guys, i'm just looking for some insight here. The perspective on the castle (on the left) just doesn't look right, even though I've looked over it for problems. I tried to adjust it to what "looks" right (on the right) but then it seems wrong in that it ought to be lower on the horizon (or else a flat building?) I've been fucking with it too much to be able to judge it objectively, and would love some insight, if only just which one you prefer.
As always, critique of any sort is appreciated.

I'd say the one on the left (the one without the path--although you should add the path to it as it is really cool).

Both spires might be too vertical for the overall angle of the castle. You may need to do some foreshortening.
If that doesn't make sense I could try and paint over (though architecture is not something I excel at).
The distortion is what's gonna happen given where you put your vanishing points.

In order to lower distortion you need to widen the cone of vision, which means having larger distance between your vanishing points.

[Image: 25.jpg]

This is a problem I still struggle with.

Hiya! Hiya! Hiya!

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That diagram makes my brain explode.

Maybe that's why I try and stay away from architecture.
Ok, i've given some thought to your piece, here's where i think you "doesn't seem right" feeling might be coming from:

it's strange that you are looking up but can still see the ground, don't you think?
i've erased the ground and putted a yellow light coming from below (typical street lamp), so it's clear that we are looking up, i guess this makes the building taller than you intended, but i think it makes your piece more consistent.

in my crazy head, it does't look so strange in either side now, even if the perspective is a little off, i think you can get away with a little inacurracy since the building are not in even ground.

what do you think? i hope i helped you somehow.

(11-27-2014, 11:43 PM)Gabriel-H Wrote: it's strange that you are looking up but can still see the ground, don't you think?
No, he is not looking up.
Vertical lines aren't converging, they're parallel, thus he is using 2 point perspective (and in this perspective it's perfectly fine to see the ground).
Thanks for the help guys, I managed to finish the piece. (its in my finished-stuff thread)

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