I'm new here and looking forward to continuing my artistic endeavors/progress here. Hoping to be great one day, but gotta take it one day at a time.
My goals at the moment are simply to stop being afraid of jumping into imaginative works, and working from references within those respective materials.
Critiques are welcome, but that's a given, innit?
These are all studies! I'll be adding new content soon. :D
This story about brad rigney, cryptcrawler, has been around for quite a while, but it's been in total shadow over at conceptart. It's such a shame, and i'm not sure if he ever got what was his. I think I saw a post that TAD did themselves on facebook after this controversy, where they apologized to cryptcrawler and did what they could to set things in order. Here's a bit more information about Manley fucking up TAD. http://www.theartdepartmentschool.com/ and urgh yeah, he was sexually assaulting women at work via mail and when they turned him down he went full on psycho and wrote horrible stuff to them, just because things didn't turn out the way he wanted. He's weird.
This is nothing new to me, but i've taken a pretty good distance from engaging and supporting Manley. I guess having an account over CA is enough support, but I haven't bought any of that Levelup stuff.
I'm glad you started out your new sketchbook here, as far as I know Crimson daggers isn't as populated as CA is but people give good crits nevertheless.
(12-12-2014, 10:27 PM)Murderotic Wrote: Hiyas Misty! Uiriamu here
This story about brad rigney, cryptcrawler, has been around for quite a while, but it's been in total shadow over at conceptart. It's such a shame, and i'm not sure if he ever got what was his. I think I saw a post that TAD did themselves on facebook after this controversy, where they apologized to cryptcrawler and did what they could to set things in order. Here's a bit more information about Manley fucking up TAD. http://www.theartdepartmentschool.com/ and urgh yeah, he was sexually assaulting women at work via mail and when they turned him down he went full on psycho and wrote horrible stuff to them, just because things didn't turn out the way he wanted. He's weird.
This is nothing new to me, but i've taken a pretty good distance from engaging and supporting Manley. I guess having an account over CA is enough support, but I haven't bought any of that Levelup stuff.
I'm glad you started out your new sketchbook here, as far as I know Crimson daggers isn't as populated as CA is but people give good crits nevertheless.
Thanks for the additional info, man. :) I just like how Crimson Daggers was founded-- The people behind it, and the community seems awesome. Lots of people from CA on here too, so I can keep up with peeps. :D
I totally understand keeping a distance from that aspect of the site, but still taking advantage of the community and resources, no judgement on my end, haha. I was just shocked pretty hard by the audacity and the utter massive madness of it all, and I'm kind of ashamed of supporting it through LevelUp.
I'm guessing that Rigney wasn't the only person who had some massive issues, and it's just... Yeah, such a shame, such sadness.. I don't really want to be a part of that. :)
But yeah, moving forward! I'm looking forward to getting crits on my work here. I think it's just nice to have a place to chronicle my journey, even if it doesn't get a lot of attention. I know I'll improve as long as I keep at it. :D
Yeah it's just ridiculous reading mad stuff about Manley over and over again... It's really overwhelming and shocking that someone can screw up an entire website with so many employees. I feel really sad for good TAD folks. I'm actually considering posting more over at permanoobs again, to take some further distance from manley.
Welcome here :) There isn't much to critique other then to do those personal pieces you're talking about. The studies are solid for sure and I'm sure you have more work lying around to show too.
Keep updating !
heyy mist. well, you've given me something to think about huh? I think I was around when all that TAD stuff was about, but didn't really get involved. the site was down, then I lost interest. when I came to check one day, it was up again. I cant say all this stuff isn't getting to me, but Jason did help me get some art-block I've been stuck on a looong time, so I feel obliged to stick around at least for now. I guess I'll keep my eyes open now though.
lol, I think I even started a thread here one time, but I didnt really follow it through.
Murd: Yeah, it really hit me hard, all this crap... It's definitely made an impact. I wish I had known sooner, but I don't regret my time with the community at CA-- Everyone was awesome and super helpful.
BenFlores: Thanks a lot! I definitely need to get started on some of that, hehe. I seem to be doing another bunch of studies, though-- Again! But, it's to enhance my visual library to jump into a personal project. :)
ashess: I totally get you. I mean, there's nothing that says Jason can't help people, be a great artist/teacher... But, he made poor/scary choices, and he wasn't accountable/responsible for them, or at least tried to clear things up. That strikes me as unprofessional. It was the Facebook thing by John English that really hit me the most, though.
Ultimately, what anyone does is their decision. And you make that decision with that info in mind, so you're alert and you're aware of the possible consequences. Just take care and be careful, okay? :)
I didn't really want to stir up stuff. I was planning to just give everyone some hints, and just go. I know how it affected me, and that it would affect others. But, I know that it's not fair to just up and leave without saying why. I just hope it doesn't impede anyone's progress, and that everyone keeps working hard and being the best ever. :D
So, here's yet another study I'm working on. I'm gonna do a bunch of girls and ladies in different crouched positions, in order to get a feel for the pose. Then I'm gonna do some landscape studies. Then I'm gonna try to do some kind of peek into a surreal fantasy landscape. Or horror. Or sci-fi. I haven't decided yet. :D I will take votes!
Fun imaginative thingie. Probably my first imaginative work in a long time. :) Pose was referenced. Everything else is from my head. :3
I'm not particularly proud, really, but... I kinda like it. And it's nice to actually do stuff other than studies. Learning from that is really valuable, I think.
Hey Bookend, I appreciate the nice comments on my sketchbook.
It looks like you've off to a good start here. My only critique is to make sure you analyze your subject when doing studies. For example, try to mark out the proportions, planes, and just basic shapes when studying photos of faces. For poses and bodies, the line of action and gesture is really important. When you get more advanced, constructing a "mannequin" based in spheres, cubes, cylinders,etc, really helps for understanding the dimensional form and volume of the human figure.
The main idea is just to break down the thing you've studying so you can understand it at a more fundamental level.
That being said, the personal piece you did today is really interesting, it seems like you have a good intuitive sense for establishing mood. I assume you've trying to get into illustration?
i wouldn't hesitate to say that everywhere on the net where appropriate; your stuff is off the hook and you're on the safe road to becoma great master dude keep it up! w00t!
Ultramarine: Thanks very muchly! -- I've gotten that before. I kinda get into 'the zone' and forget what I'm doing half the time, so it's valuable for me to remember.
I love gestures, and the action lines, so I do try to emulate that in my work, but it's not as easy as it looks for the pros, haha.
But, yeah-- I'll keep trying! Thanks again-- I think it's a fairly simple piece. I have no idea what I'm trying to get into. I think illustration is interesting, but I'm hoping to be going in the concept artist direction. I suppose they're both kinda related though.
jamsession: Haha, you are way too kind, dudette, thanks a lot.
I hate hands. So it's time to practice more of them.
Well, I don't hate hands. I think they're beautiful constructs of the human figure. But, I suck at them, so.. Yeah. More coming. This took a surprising amount of time.
As you go down the page, you'll see the improvement. I should really warm up first before studies, lol.
I literally did that pair of hands at the top like.. 3 times. And it still sucked. It's like.. The awesomeness of the end result is perpendicular to the interest in the subject. Is it the same for everybody?
Good job on those hand studies. You might want to look into or think more about the mechanics of how the hand moves, which parts actually move and how much.
I like to imagine it as if it were robotic. If you were to make a robotic hand, it would basically retain a lot of the same shapes, moving bits and rotating surfaces, because ,for the most part, it's actually very similar to how we approach robotics. So instead of thinking of it like some bones with flesh on top, or like cylinders or some geo forms, maybe think about them like robotic hands.
Maybe that will help you maybe it wont, but either way keep on studying and make sure you do some from imagination so you don't lose that info!
hey there! so far i like what i see here, that ellen page study is really good.
So we are talking about hands? what i did back then was this:
i studied Bridgman, Vanderpoel and Hampton mostly. Combine that with drawing your own hands and lastly, i tried drawing hands by imagination the way Tsutomu Nihei does (a mangaka) So its like studying in 3 steps, first from books, then from life then from imagination. Try doing that daily, you will be drawing hands with ease in a few weeks for sure.
Patrick Gaumond: Hey, thanks a lot for that differing perspective on how to think of the structure of the hands! Maybe I'll do some robot studies, haha. Whatever helps to apply it to imagination, right? :Grin: So, yeah-- Awesome tips. Gives me ideas for moar study.
pindurski: Pinduuuuu! Once again, call me anything you like.
EduardoGaray: Thanks a lot, dude! I'm a big fan of Bridgman, Loomis, etc. I love how Bridgman breaks down the figure though. I'll look into Vanderpoel and Hampton though, definitely. I think the key to learning how to do anything is just... Keep doing it in as many different ways as possible, so your ideas are super helpful and totally truuuth!
I found this girl in quickposes.com... I was really interested in the pose. Really enjoyed this one. Maybe an hour or two? I dunno. The hours are blurring together today
Been playing with some new brushes from Anthony Jones and... I only just got the Rapoza tutorials + brushes, so we'll see how that goes. Really pumped to see the tutorial and experiment with the brushes.