Also, if you're really into matching proportions, try using a grid for a little while. It makes a big difference if you're training observational skills.
hey man, thanks. Yeah i think should take notes haha. thats true sometimes i will go blind and just do without thinking.
its not really observational skill, for the figure i did not exactly the full grid think. but i used grid, it just didn't work well lol. it was suppose to be study for long pose life drawing.
thanks for the video, i haven't watch it yet. but i will, its Anthony Jones after all hahaha.
Looks like you can actually really push it if you want to, make it even more than a doodle. Only if it's not boring, though, haha.
Keep up the great work.
Hi, thanks dude. hahah its not like its boring, but i got a lot of homework. will try to push it once i finish my homework.
wanna do a lot of stuffs but I'm so lazy lol @_@
Hi insbox! Thanks for checking my sb out! Btw, good job working in the fundamentals, loving your studies! Specially dynamic sketches, I can see Peter han teach well his students haha. Cool analytical approach on your old armor studies, wish I do studies that way and not just copying things out.
Hi Lordminkx, haha yeah Peter really teaches a lot of stuff. well this is just my opinion just simplify the way you can remember it better next time for study haha that usually i do.
Sweet environments man! Maybe I'll be able to push my environments into hardcore mode once that mentorship starts up. Then I can maybe do stuff like that, haha.