vielen dank <3 und gleichfalls ^^

here is the timelapse video :)

finally.. so much difficulties when recording the first half on another monitor resolution xD

i will post the regular studies and other stuff soon :)

[Image: V20CyjV.jpg]

some fast comp. sketches
[Image: Lva5382.jpg]


[Image: iVaC1ao.jpg]
[Image: 0gz5Zna.jpg]
[Image: UBYawN3.jpg]
[Image: OsHywLy.jpg]
[Image: JAsoGqy.jpg]
[Image: IwR1IqY.jpg]
[Image: cPy07FI.jpg]
[Image: nMNVHpX.jpg]
[Image: fPzYQ9Y.jpg]
[Image: cYj8giK.jpg]
[Image: 88WRHIc.jpg]
[Image: k1JZxn0.jpg]
[Image: CaCdyqz.jpg]
[Image: sNETiDz.jpg]

Finished the dragonheaddesigns :)

[Image: MVXi3oM.jpg]
[Image: W8mUCNG.jpg]
[Image: xmcdgsl.jpg]
[Image: OERyT5G.jpg]
[Image: B0vNv8f.jpg]
[Image: M3ENzUR.jpg]
[Image: kBLz0F9.jpg]

hey Leonard,
nice how you make parallel brushstrokes to get that group feel!
One thing you could do is to think about where in the composition is going to be the focal point. Put in some more detail at that point and it will give a lot more depth to your studies :)

Hey, Dich kenn ich doch vom Rimlightforum! :D
Krass was für Fortschritte du machst, Chapeu!

Gregorkari: Yes i definitly need to work on where i put my focal points,
composition in general too, also noticed i need to use my time better and
read more books.

Yenchi: Ja, Knopfkater ist auch hier
und danke : D

Changes ahead!

I realised I'm procrastinating way too much and need to change my
routines and time management, I'm currently reading some books on
this topic and I'm motivated to manage my time wisely.

I'm going to post the time I'm spending drawing each day here, I'm also
going to start making lists with long term and short term goals related and nonrelated to
art (not gonna post them here though)

another thing I want to start doing is working in silence.

( gonna post a lot of stuff from last 2 weeks soon )


[Image: cbvtBVd.png]
[Image: yHqt5FO.png]
[Image: Kzj77aI.png]
[Image: iqt2zx1.png]
[Image: fCeyF9D.png]
[Image: h5yiorg.png]
[Image: KWK5SPZ.png]
[Image: 0aISz1y.png]
[Image: 2s54FG8.png]
[Image: KRs477f.png]
[Image: JZYmPG9.png]
[Image: yV5Yq9k.png]
[Image: 3Z3EoSI.png]
[Image: Gt8P9UG.png]
[Image: d31nSUj.png]
[Image: E4rEBwX.png]
[Image: LrZxwoA.png]

[Image: xRGqMP1.jpg]

[Image: x4CakXC.png]

[Image: pjasBSR.png]

stuff from vacation:

[Image: 1WYT7uy.png]

[Image: QM3gUvJ.png]

[Image: nWNigeN.jpg?1]
[Image: tOL7eeo.jpg?1]
[Image: 5ULKmiW.jpg?1]
[Image: CSAPdnL.jpg?1]
[Image: 6rCHovU.jpg?1]
[Image: PyANtlK.jpg?1]
[Image: EUuwQyS.jpg?1]
[Image: cf4tD5k.jpg?1]
[Image: Umh1M4S.jpg?1]
[Image: td6qXYJ.jpg?1]
[Image: 4fH1wdg.jpg?1]
[Image: CWCkfYn.jpg?1]
[Image: cTivxHF.jpg?1]
[Image: EMyAA4V.jpg?1]

had some problems this week, couldn't keep track of my time every day.
reinstalled GPU drivers a couple of times because of weird spikes in performance,found out my pc
had a virus , maybe a bitcoin virus.
resetted my pc completly, saved and backed up important stuff of course.
still lost some PSD's .

anyway here are the times i tracked:

31.5.17: 4hours 43 min
1.6.17: ----------
2.6.17: ----------PC reset
3.6.17: 3 hours 58 min
4.6.17: 4 hour 02 min

the usual studies

[Image: 05X6SVm.png]
[Image: x5WoRlR.png]
[Image: Tos0Fcc.png]
[Image: Eer8OAg.png]
[Image: Q8wmGhX.png]
[Image: HfwE9Qz.png]
[Image: LhoPiDe.png]

a dave rapoza inspired sketch and environmentstuff

doing the 'intro to environmentdesign" course from learn squared currently
will post lots of that stuff soon :)

[Image: DRmLm9C.jpg]
[Image: HqWcZ1n.png]
[Image: eiIKCqd.png]
[Image: wNzsf52.png]

Yay i always wanted to see some of your traditional stuff :D Your digital skills are really impressive you are improving so fast and i love your rendering style. You can defenitely see the verehin influence ;) but maybe draw a bit more traditionally. You are not on the same level as digital and its super relaxing in my opinion having something real in front of you. Ich hoffe du verstehst was ich meine ^^ aber jetzt mal ohne Mist mach weiter so! Hast du eigentlich ne bestimmte Routine jeden Tag?

thanks : D

yeah you're right i should draw more traditional stuff,
maybe i will practise composition traditionally from now on :)

ah nein eine routine habe ich nicht ^^

 times i tracked:

06.06.17: 4 hours 35 min
07.06.17: 4 hours 46 min  
08.06.17: 5 hours 15 min
09.06.17: 2 hours 42 min
10.06.17: 1 hours 09 min
11.06.17: 1 hour  48 min
12.06.17: 2 hours 41 min
13.06.17: 2 hours 36 min
14.06.17: 3 hours 21 min       
15.06.17: 1 hour  30 min
16.06.17: 3 hours 22 min
17.06.17: 1 hour  30 min
18.06.17: 1 hour  05 min
19.06.17: 2 hours 39 min
20.06.17: 4 hours 43 min
21.06.17: 0 hours 27 min
22.06.17: 4 hours 18 min
23.06.17: 3 hours 22 min
24.06.17: 1 hours 56 min
25.06.17: 0 hours 55 min
26.06.17: 3 hours 15 min

the studies:

[Image: CQaRxdc.jpg]
[Image: Uf9p3aE.png]
[Image: MRO69Ld.png]
[Image: aAd3jua.png]

some textures i created from imagination

[Image: UW8Or9t.png]

learn squared homework chapter 1-3 :

[Image: 7N8apzz.png]
[Image: xeXmzK3.png]
[Image: g4zSLor.png]

[Image: PquFxM2.png]

[Image: xibgAWJ.png]

[Image: MA9fmKR.png]

[Image: T5wiakq.png]


[Image: olS08Zu.jpg]

[Image: Zbs4HEU.png]

[Image: mbOd4bM.jpg]

personal illustration

[Image: sNT1v6T.png]

27.06.17: 4 hours 35 min
28.06.17: 8 hours 04 min

will post studies soon

finished up some environmentdesigns and started a new one :)
also started learning  cinema 4d, it's pretty boring but hopefully i will get better fast ^^

warmup sketch
[Image: vxLmf2e.png]

[Image: yhTqAtQ.jpg]
[Image: NsjnMqG.jpg]

[Image: dpuBs83.png]

[Image: P7GEITz.jpg]

The enviros look good and it's nice to see all the studies, make sure to do some longer ones once in awhile to learn how to bring things a little further.

Sketchbook ▲  Website ▲ TwitterArtStation ▲ Twitch ▲

Thanks man, means a lot especially coming from you :)

edit: forgot to add the times

29.06.17: 6 hours 05 min
30.06.17: 6 hours 09 min
01.07.17: 2 hours 12 min
02.07.17: 0 hours 50 min
03.07.17: 6 hours 03 min
04.07.17: 5 hours 18 min
05.07.17: 2 hours 57 min
06.07.17: 0 hours 00 min
07.07.17: 1 hour 39 min
08.07.17: 0 hours 00 min
09.07.17: 1 hour 31 min
10.07.17: 3 hours 33 min
11.07.17: 0 hours 57 min
12.07.17: 1 hour 51 min
13.07.17: 2 hours 11 min
14.07.17: 0 hours 33 min
15.07.17: 0 hours 36 min
16.07.17: -
17.07.17: -
18.07.17: 0 hours 40 min
19.07.17: 0 hours 41 min
20.07.17: 0 hours 48 min
21.07.17: 0 hours 33 min
22.07.17: 1 hour 20 min
23.07.17: 0 hours 00 min
24.07.17: -
25.07.17: -
26.07.17: 3 hours 28 min
27.07.17: 0 hours 24 min
28.07.17: 0 hours 58 min
29.07.17: 4 hours 18 min
30.07.17: 3 hours 38 min
31.07.17: 4 hours 40 min
01.08.17: 2 hours 01 min
02.08.17: 2 hours 37 min
03.08.17: 3 hours 14 min
04.08.17: 2 hours 39 min
05.08.17: 1 hour 48 min
06.08.17: 3 hours 20 min
07.08.17: 2 hours 41 min
08.08.17: 2 hours 17 min
09.08.17: 3 hours 10 min
10.08.17: 2 hours 33 min
11.08.17: 0 hours 48 min
12.08.17: 0 hours 30 min
13.08.17: 2 hours 22 min
14.08.17: 1 hour 09 min
15.08.17: 4 hours 00 min
16.08.17: 2 hours 05 min
17.08.17: 2 hours 56 min
18.08.17: 2 hours 28 min
19.08.17: 1 hour 36 min
20.08.17: 1 hour 37 min
22.08.17: 2 hours 01 min
23.08.17: 4 hours 22 min
25.08.17: 0 hours 43 min
26.08.17: 2 hours 51 min
28.08.17: 2 hours 01 min
29.08.17: 1 hour 00 min
30.08.17: 5 hours 29 min
03.09.17: 2 hours 08 min
04.09.17: 0 hours 40 min
06.09.17: 2 hours 47 min
07.09.17: 1 hour 45 min
08.09.17: 0 hour 15 min
11.09.17: 2 hours 00 min
13.09.17: 2 hours 02 min
14.09.17: 1 hour 22 min
15.09.17: 2 hours 30 min
16.09.17: 0 hours 46 min
17.09.17: 1 hour 12 min
18.09.17: 1 hour 40 min
19.09.17: 0 hours 40 min
20.09.17: 4 hours 39 min
21.09.17: 1 hour 30 min
23.09.17: 2 hours 50 min
24.09.17: 1 hours 37 min

studies from last 13 weeks :

[Image: bDZZEQe.png]
[Image: SW5AMKc.png]
[Image: i9l1gOt.png]
[Image: mLl1znU.png]
[Image: UUeiKaj.png]
[Image: iOeeLML.png]
[Image: 7lC9bSw.png]
[Image: sz0UPcz.png]
[Image: On3rh2Q.png]
[Image: NFew3BQ.png]
[Image: 4HDJeXS.png]
[Image: 7bbdUUt.png]
[Image: YJY9nTY.png]

moar stuff , some finished stuff and some wips

[Image: ll4Wztj.png]
[Image: KJln7Zr.png]
[Image: JY2S6OI.png]

[Image: v492Yt3.png]
[Image: XceYOrn.png]
[Image: DSUzFYY.png]
[Image: ZM73xdp.png]
[Image: AZRQ6GA.png]
[Image: pkS5UNm.png]
[Image: 7jbhmXr.png]
[Image: iZQ1zsN.png]
[Image: yFFmDQ6.png]
[Image: VB5dad4.png]
[Image: Dmiy2hk.png]
[Image: DiNMSGK.png]

Big Grin 
Good! I adore the fact that you aren't afraid of being a little sloppy with your studies and you are being cautious with the masterpieces and ultra finished stuff. And you do a lot of studies and fun sketches as well, good for you dude!

thanks man!

finally back posting here after some stressful months
also set up an artstation account :)

the regular almost daily studies

[Image: 536JucY.jpg]
[Image: su0EPhI.jpg]
[Image: yn2fuQ7.jpg]
[Image: uHdwfki.jpg]
[Image: HsYEIoy.jpg]
[Image: eE2ygVu.jpg]
[Image: a49RRb6.jpg]
[Image: BFAGuCd.jpg]
[Image: C08EuLV.jpg]
[Image: efat0gm.jpg]

some sketches and experiments :)

[Image: 0D8JWOW.jpg]
[Image: ztFx081.jpg]
[Image: 3RzMPRy.jpg]
[Image: WTA4N2U.jpg]
[Image: vY56voT.jpg]
[Image: ph3vlDU.jpg]
[Image: 3Wadof5.jpg]
[Image: avBhExx.jpg]

some portfolio pieces, not all finished tho:

[Image: tnfIs8N.jpg]
[Image: MUmf68B.jpg]
[Image: E74SGx8.jpg]
[Image: 3LtW7rS.jpg]
[Image: rPcoEbH.jpg]
[Image: KXy3K5N.jpg]
[Image: 50ECrXq.jpg]
[Image: 3K6m5Pr.jpg]

The blade runner transformation is SO SEXY holy fuck<3 btw i recently watched it for the first time and its so good. You already know i love the other stuff haha

@NoodleInBox thanks a lot!
haha I have only watched parts of it on tv, need to watch it soon ^^

@Hornkreis Thanks, i will :) you too

[Image: yVL9dVv.jpg]
[Image: OjxOtM0.jpg]

I see we're figuring this rendering thing out, cool but dont let it consume you!

Seems like you're having fun and doing what you'd like, but if you wanna improve faster, try focusing on one specific thing. Your portraits are not bad and this is pretty cool

I'd recommend if you haven't, going through drawabox and really grounding your perspective abilities. It will shoot the quality of all your work up very quick if you apply it correctly like 50% boost. Some of your heads are skewed and that will fix that problem, even if you cant see it now. Learn the Loomis method and really get it down, just the lay in part, dont focus so much on detail. Remember the more you can not focus on detail the better, PROMISE!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]

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