CC 1 GoT: Crackedskulls whips
Thank you Smrr :)

Heres colors and enviro.

lookin' good!

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Nice indeed!

Thanks guys.

I decided to try and go for the painterly rendered finish, even though I wanted to do a cel shaded heavy lineart one at first. I just got too frustrated managing layers and for every change I wanted to make I had to manipulate 3 or more layers.

So far so good!

thank you hobbit

pretty much done with this, any last moment crits guys?

I love all the different textures you have going in the image. I really like the way its coming together!
That looks sweet dude!
I would suggest pushing the values a little more. Right now everything seems to be around the same value range. The back part of the wolf also seems to be missing, it''s  probably because he's behind the character but it creates a weird tangent. 
And lastly I would make sure to remove/paint over the linework since it's unnecessary at this point :)
Made a quick paintover to show what I mean with the value

Awesome that you're already this far, keep up the good job :D

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This looks amazing! Kudos for finishing it on time!

I like it alot, you dont have to change anything, but with time on your hands still,
you can do more rendering, if not still good.

Looking really great! You're really good at taking these standing still poses and making them look interesting : )

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Very nice rendering, especially on the head. One thng that doesn't feel right is that his torso is to long (I think I do this all the time), either that or he has some low hanging hip-hop pants :)

Piotr - thanks for pointing it out, the crotch area was too low, also the pants themselves looked kinda crappy so I did soem studies and improved them.

JyonnyNovice - Thats good to hear man, thanks :D

Liberty - Yea, I did some rendering on the evergreen trees, since they just looked like triangles lol. Thanks for the support :)

Purplescissors - Thank you.

Bjork - Props to you for the help! I did make my image darker at parts, but I was scared of overdoing it, gotta find that balance. I added a wolf leg, which is barely visible, but the anatomy of the wolf cant be stretched. Also cleared up lineart at some more noticeable parts like the furcoat and lower spear. As for some other parts I wont mind if lines show through, as long as it fits in. Edit: I checked the new version I did against your paintover and saw some ways I could improve, gonna be making it darker and also playing around with the edges more, also forgot that arms cast shadows :D

Jadesky - Thanks :D


Damn dude! Nice rendering on everything, you didn't bring it too far either. Good choice on the background, it makes the character pop right out. Huge improvement man.

I think his right hand (viewer's left) is a bit too big. I liked the way Alex Negrea looked at it, "Imagine his finger would be able to pick his own nose".
Hahaha thats a good analogy, I made the hand smaller. Was afraid to make it too small because then he has babby arms and thats even worse.

I added some blur and messed with the edges, darkened some parts aswell, what do you think of the changes ppl?

Fan-bloody-tastic work, cracked-!!

When I saw your first finished-piece update I was gonna crit about your edges needing a bit more lovin' - but then I scrolled down a bit more and bang! Fixed!

Seriously good work man, its gotta feel good being 98% done (minor tweaks are always that Midas touch ;) )

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
I love how you did the face. I love how you rendered the fur. I love the colors. If your intent was to lead the eye to the subject's face, you did a really nice job. 

The lighting for the staff he's holding seems off. You lit the subject having the light from the top center, while you lit the staff from the right and almost behind the staff.

If a cylinder is lit from the top, it should somehow look like this..

and will cast a shadow on the subject holding the object.

This is a really strong piece. I super dig the color choices. I cannot wait to see this finished.

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead
Smrr - Yeah, my grandpa Rick lent me a gadget to look into the future. Thanks :D

John - Yeah, I dont know what I was thinking with that staff lol, thanks for pointing it out, I tried to fix it.

I think Im finished with it, gonna give it another go over tomorrow to see if I can tweak something. Also hid 16 golden beetles in the image, because... well theres no real reason, but it was fun to do.

haha you actually did it. Now put one on the end of his nose that he is actually looking cross eyed at :)

 YouTube free learnin! | DeviantArt | Old Folio | Insta
Really good job man! If you want to do tweaks at this point you could try to make the trees feel more organic and give the wolf a clearer shape/posture. The figure is already looking damn good, and the most impressive part is the face.

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