Alex Danila's Sketchbook
I finished with the Game of Thrones fan art..need to study some more. I don't particularly like how it turned out. The composition isn't that good. 

@Toxicpanda. Thanks for the visit. I will be sure to try to study the way you suggested. Sounds neat.

Have you checked out the Crimson Crucible 1 Game of Thrones thread? It's a pity you didn't participate! Yep composition studies are a good idea, this vid by Noah Bradley was very helpful for me.

(05-14-2016, 04:15 AM)neopatogen Wrote: Have you checked out the Crimson Crucible 1 Game of Thrones thread? It's a pity you didn't participate! Yep composition studies are a good idea, this vid by Noah Bradley was very helpful for me.

Yeah, been postponing master studies for some time now. I am really finding excuses to start them. At home i have a low end computer and i kind of struggle with the tablet and Ps doesn't respond that well either, but i think i will invest in some acrylics and try to do some traditional.  Most of my better drawing i do at work, in the lunch break ( a little each day)
Thanks for the video, i've seen it before. Also, i bought Framed Ink and read it, but have failed to apply to principles that well.

Here is a character design exercise i did recently. 

also, a little mask study 

All the face studies are looking good. I love your dragon and the mask study. Your game of thrones piece the promblem with the composition is that the figure is too centered or close to the center. I would practice putting everything in silhouette. Check out loomis composition guide and look at the rule of thirds.. It helps to break down other artist paintings into simple shapes and value. I did it with a lot of Frazetta's paintings and it helped. I would also do hundreds of tiny thumbnails to play with ideas. It might help to do it daily. I your character sheet is looking really good. I love that you played with variations and the expressions. Keep up the good work!

Thanks ZandraDragon, i plan on reading more on composition. I bought myself Framed Ink recently, have red it twitce, but i still need to practice, hehe :P. Started practice on gesture drawing.

Also, some random doodles

And a splash screen i made for a match-3 game at work. Game is on store, but development on it is canned :(

portrait practice 

The brushwork on that mask study is really excellent, really expressive. Seeing it again in the armoured boot of that dwarf looking guy. I'd definitely look into some more studies exploring that kind of brushwork, got a bit of a Jamie Jones, Craig Mullins feel to it. Great work btw!
@Pilssken. I used a Shaddy Safadi brush on those. 
Here is a little bear study.

Hey dude. Thanks for stopping by my sb. Just got a question. When you do studies like that portrait practice one post above the bear and the bear, you obviously have enough technical proficiency to create/recreate them well. So, when you do them, what's your purpose behind them? Is it just routine practice or habit to do studies like those for some sort of loosely defined long term gain or am I missing something? Also, for composition I've heard Composition by Arthur Weasley Dow being recommended a lot for getting really quick composition mileage. Never taken a look at it myself but might be worth taking a look. Good luck!
@Pax.  I do have a goal, to get better, and learn better anatomy. This is what i set out or myself until the end of the year, to learn better anatomy. Sometimes i do things for fun, or do very quick practices, but every morning i do almost 2h study on paper. For composition, i have also the book Framed Ink which i find very good.

Alright thank you. I was wondering for my own stuff; I guess I just need to trust in the process. I was actually thinking of getting Framed Ink. Got a massive amount of backlog to work through before that, though.
I pose/armor study i did.

and also a DnD avatar i did for a friend

little portrait practice. 

recent study, doodles

Hey man!! Very cool stuff here and seeing that you´re working hard.
Hope you don´t mind that i´ve picked one piece and overpainted it just to illustrate the issue i´ve seen that needs some tackling; values.
To be honest i´ve picked that piece because it has a lot of potential if worked properly.

Just my two cents. Hope it helps

Thanks Rick Richards. Thats something i definetively need to work on in the future. I almost always use references for what i draw, but don't always spend as much time as i should to render them proper. Right now i'm focusing on anatomy, so i could get a good grip on that, but after i plan to do a 100-200 material studies on cubes/ spheres. Can't wait :D

Some studies and stuff i've done lately.

recent studies and doodles 

recent studies and doodles


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