12-08-2017, 03:30 AM
So, here's another pack of wips, sketches and some other stuff. All critique is welcomed.
Fed: Hahaha, it's funny you've mentioned Creative Illustration by Loomis - this is just a book I was burning through recently. And isn't it an amazing book? I was so furious with myself for not reading it earlier. Oh, well. Life. ;) There are quite a few things I'm going through right now - when it comes to books and education - so I hope it'll show soon in my works. Anyway, you got some nice points, and some which I don't really agree with. Anyway, I've changed a lot of stuff in this last picture of mine, and when I'm done with it you'll see how many variations I've went through in the process.
As of right now, it's still a WIP, and I'm in a sore need of some fresh eyes.

Here are some other stuff I've been working on recently. Very rough, mainly ideas for ASoIaF scenes.

And some quick sketches.

I've seen some personal posts recently here on CD. I'm usually not into this stuff, it's just the way I am. But here's something some of you might find useful. At the beginning of September I was an attendee of Promised Land Art Festival. There was a lot of amazing lecturers there, I've learned a shitload of stuff and talked to amazing people. Azevedo, Amundsen, Lacoste, Bagiński, Madej, Chanthara, Zeen Chin, Grello, Peter Han, Nicholas Cole, Majkrzak, Bomba and a whole lot more. And we talked, mostly they talked, and I gotta tell you - those people do NOT fuck around. They are as cool as they can be, but those folks work hard, man. They know their stuff, it's not a fluke they're doing what they're doing. And the thing is, you know, if we want to do this stuff, those are the people we're competing with. And it's not about a rat race, I think, it's about being true to oneself. "Do you want to do it" isn't enough, it's whether you're so into it you can't help yourself but do it, against all odds. And don't think it's going to bring you "happiness". Happiness is overrated in my opinion. At least the sort of happiness that the media is creating. You know when I'm happy? When I'm swimming in a public pool till my muscles burn after a day of drawing and painting when I didn't fuck around all day and actually did some work, went with the plan, did what I wanted, what I knew I needed to do. And when I slack off for too long, when I find excuses and bullshit myself and others, that's when I feel bad, that's when I feel like I'm wasting my life. And you know it when you're doing it, whatever you say to yourself. I think that fooling onself is actually hard work. Much harder and much more paintful than actually doing the things you need to do.
Anyway, I'll leave you with 3 nice videos (you can see some other talks from Promised Land Art Festival as well!). Consider it food for thought. I know those kind of things help me.
Peter Han got an amazing attitude and some scary skills. Watch it HERE
Master Royo speaking, at least for me. Watch especially from 15:50. This is all there is. Watch it HERE
And lastly, this is what I would like to do with my art someday. Telling a worthwhile story is one of the greatest things a person can do, I think. Also, visuals here are amazingly powerful. This what visual language is supposed to be in my opinion.
Fed: Hahaha, it's funny you've mentioned Creative Illustration by Loomis - this is just a book I was burning through recently. And isn't it an amazing book? I was so furious with myself for not reading it earlier. Oh, well. Life. ;) There are quite a few things I'm going through right now - when it comes to books and education - so I hope it'll show soon in my works. Anyway, you got some nice points, and some which I don't really agree with. Anyway, I've changed a lot of stuff in this last picture of mine, and when I'm done with it you'll see how many variations I've went through in the process.
As of right now, it's still a WIP, and I'm in a sore need of some fresh eyes.

Here are some other stuff I've been working on recently. Very rough, mainly ideas for ASoIaF scenes.

And some quick sketches.

I've seen some personal posts recently here on CD. I'm usually not into this stuff, it's just the way I am. But here's something some of you might find useful. At the beginning of September I was an attendee of Promised Land Art Festival. There was a lot of amazing lecturers there, I've learned a shitload of stuff and talked to amazing people. Azevedo, Amundsen, Lacoste, Bagiński, Madej, Chanthara, Zeen Chin, Grello, Peter Han, Nicholas Cole, Majkrzak, Bomba and a whole lot more. And we talked, mostly they talked, and I gotta tell you - those people do NOT fuck around. They are as cool as they can be, but those folks work hard, man. They know their stuff, it's not a fluke they're doing what they're doing. And the thing is, you know, if we want to do this stuff, those are the people we're competing with. And it's not about a rat race, I think, it's about being true to oneself. "Do you want to do it" isn't enough, it's whether you're so into it you can't help yourself but do it, against all odds. And don't think it's going to bring you "happiness". Happiness is overrated in my opinion. At least the sort of happiness that the media is creating. You know when I'm happy? When I'm swimming in a public pool till my muscles burn after a day of drawing and painting when I didn't fuck around all day and actually did some work, went with the plan, did what I wanted, what I knew I needed to do. And when I slack off for too long, when I find excuses and bullshit myself and others, that's when I feel bad, that's when I feel like I'm wasting my life. And you know it when you're doing it, whatever you say to yourself. I think that fooling onself is actually hard work. Much harder and much more paintful than actually doing the things you need to do.
Anyway, I'll leave you with 3 nice videos (you can see some other talks from Promised Land Art Festival as well!). Consider it food for thought. I know those kind of things help me.
Peter Han got an amazing attitude and some scary skills. Watch it HERE
Master Royo speaking, at least for me. Watch especially from 15:50. This is all there is. Watch it HERE
And lastly, this is what I would like to do with my art someday. Telling a worthwhile story is one of the greatest things a person can do, I think. Also, visuals here are amazingly powerful. This what visual language is supposed to be in my opinion.
Why do you complain of your fate when you could so easily change it?