My Sketchbooksss+
Study - 06

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Study - 07

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Study - 08

The Art on the left :

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Study - 09

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Study - 11

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Study - 12

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Study - 13

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Push the darkest dark.Use the eye dropper tool at the end of those exercise to check if you have achieve similar value.
You want to have contrast to show area where fabric fold weak value won't crate a sense of deep fold.

I recommend you squint to check value difference before use the eye dropper.

I guess this was a value exercise so you can ignore my comment on a few minor thing i noted if you judge them unrelevant.

1.The Top of the skull doesn't follow the angle but is still really close to exact.
2.Missing observation on detail like fold of the skin due to expression.
3.The collar should not curve.
4.The Highlight doesn't fade enought and the hatching doesn't conform to the form to show volume.
5.The Nose and lips might require you change to smaller brush.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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(01-02-2018, 05:51 AM)darktiste Wrote: Push the darkest dark.Use the eye dropper tool at the end of those exercise to check if you have achieve similar value.
You want to have contrast to show area where fabric fold weak value won't crate a sense of deep fold.

I recommend you squint to check value difference before use the eye dropper.

I guess this was a value exercise so you can ignore my comment on a few minor thing i noted if you judge them unrelevant.

1.The Top of the skull doesn't follow the angle but is still really close to exact.
2.Missing observation on detail like fold of the skin due to expression.
3.The collar should not curve.
4.The Highlight doesn't fade enought and the hatching doesn't conform to the form to show volume.
5.The Nose and lips might require you change to smaller brush.

Firstly, i don`t use eye dropper tool at studies. Secondly,I didn`t copy everthing intentionally . But , you are still right about all points you have said about . Thank you for writing to me . Sometimes it feels like the crimsondaggers is dead . No people , no talks just  nothing.  Thanks again for your help ) 

Also i took a look at your stuff , it is great that you give advice for everyone , but apply it to your artworks as well. Or you just a guy who think , that he knows , however he does not.
(01-02-2018, 08:26 AM)UKRAINIANWOLF97 Wrote:
(01-02-2018, 05:51 AM)darktiste Wrote: Push the darkest dark.Use the eye dropper tool at the end of those exercise to check if you have achieve similar value.
You want to have contrast to show area where fabric fold weak value won't crate a sense of deep fold.

I recommend you squint to check value difference before use the eye dropper.

I guess this was a value exercise so you can ignore my comment on a few minor thing i noted if you judge them unrelevant.

1.The Top of the skull doesn't follow the angle but is still really close to exact.
2.Missing observation on detail like fold of the skin due to expression.
3.The collar should not curve.
4.The Highlight doesn't fade enought and the hatching doesn't conform to the form to show volume.
5.The Nose and lips might require you change to smaller brush.

I didn`t copy everthing intentionally . But , you are still right about all points you have said about . Thank you for writing to me . Sometimes it feels like the crimsondaggers is dead . No people , no talks just  nothing.  Thanks again for your help ) 

Also i took a look at your stuff , it is great that you give advice for everyone , but apply it to your artworks too. Or you just a guy who think , that he know , however he isn`t.

You can't alway have master teaching you so remember to alway be gentle with those who try to help you.

I critic so that i can comfirm i understand myself.It help me identify what error i might do myself.Because it hard to be honest when you judge you own work i find it useful to use other to show myself what error i don't admit to myself.Sometime you become to proud and you need to go critic and see that you make the same error as other.I turn my ego into a tool that serve both way.

I don't take lightly giving my opinion because i understand the risk of misinforming those who i try to help.
I am sorry that my sketchbook might not showcase my knowledge.Like the saying say don't judge a book(person) by it cover(sketchbook).At the end of the day you know more than me if my critic is worth discarding or taking in to account.

I also understand that you didn't ask for a critique.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(01-02-2018, 10:19 AM)darktiste Wrote:
(01-02-2018, 08:26 AM)UKRAINIANWOLF97 Wrote:
(01-02-2018, 05:51 AM)darktiste Wrote: Push the darkest dark.Use the eye dropper tool at the end of those exercise to check if you have achieve similar value.
You want to have contrast to show area where fabric fold weak value won't crate a sense of deep fold.

I recommend you squint to check value difference before use the eye dropper.

I guess this was a value exercise so you can ignore my comment on a few minor thing i noted if you judge them unrelevant.

1.The Top of the skull doesn't follow the angle but is still really close to exact.
2.Missing observation on detail like fold of the skin due to expression.
3.The collar should not curve.
4.The Highlight doesn't fade enought and the hatching doesn't conform to the form to show volume.
5.The Nose and lips might require you change to smaller brush.

I didn`t copy everthing intentionally . But , you are still right about all points you have said about . Thank you for writing to me . Sometimes it feels like the crimsondaggers is dead . No people , no talks just  nothing.  Thanks again for your help ) 

Also i took a look at your stuff , it is great that you give advice for everyone , but apply it to your artworks too. Or you just a guy who think , that he know , however he isn`t.

You can't alway have master teaching you so remember to alway be gentle with those who try to help you.

I critic so that i can comfirm i understand myself.It help me identify what error i might do myself.Because it hard to be honest when you judge you own work i find it useful to use other to show myself what error i don't admit to myself.Sometime you become to proud and you need to go critic and see that you make the same error as other.I turn my ego into a tool that serve both way.

I don't take lightly giving my opinion because i understand the risk of misinforming those who i try to help.
I am sorry that my sketchbook might not showcase my knowledge.Like the saying say don't judge a book(person) by it cover(sketchbook).At the end of the day you know more than me if my critic is worth discarding or taking in to account.

I also understand that you didn't ask for a critique.

Wow, hold on. I am sorry if i somehow abuse you . Come on let us be friends. The thing is don`t watch at others you are only your best teacher , most of your progress is practice not the observation ,thus it is one of piece. Others mistakes aren`t yours in order to grow , it is essentialy to learn from your mistakes FIRSTLY. I also know that i have a lot of work ahead , and i am working at it right now ,when i my roommate is sleeping, my goal is to finish 100 of b&w pictures.  Come on let us be friends. Okay?
I personally have trouble being honest when it time to auto-correct myself since i am not being noted by a teacher at a school to learn art atm i am using other to shine light on error i might do myself.I don't personally believe you can progress if you do not take the time to observe other but i also understand that you need to balance it with practice.Most of the work i am currently doing is being done traditionally so it why you can't really see where i am now it been a few month since my last post in my sketchbook.I am currently mostly practicing pen control line control and ellipse and a few other type of exercise.That are not really interesting or hard to self-critique.I will in a few month start to transition from traditional to digital.

I personnaly don't like to make mistake so it why i seek to find what are the most common mistake so that i can prevent them before they happen resulting in less frustration and discouragement.This help build confidence when it time to practice and it like a road map of thing to look will you work.It like starting with a map and a direction.Without it it like taking the road and falling over and over and getting up trying to reach the end feeling tired and sad you keep falling over and over.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(01-02-2018, 11:37 AM)darktiste Wrote: I personally have trouble being honest when it time to auto-correct myself since i am being noted by a teacher at a school to learn art atm i am using other to shine light on error i might do myself.I don't personally believe you can progress if you do not take the time to observe other but i also understand that you need to balance it with practice.Most of the work i am currently doing is being done traditionally so it why you can't really see where i am now it been a few month since my last post in my sketchbook.I am currently mostly practicing pen control line control and ellipse and a few other type of exercise.That are not really interesting or hard to self-critique.I will in a few month start to transition from traditional to digital.

I personnaly don't like to make mistake so it why i seek to find what are the most common mistake so that i can prevent them before they happen resulting in less frustration and discouragement.This help build confidence when it time to practice and it like a road map of thing to look will you work.It like starting with a map and a direction.Without it it like taking the road and falling over and over and getting up trying to reach the end feeling tired and sad you keep falling over and over.

Heya wolf. The only thing i will say is, i hope these studies are being applied in some way to your own work. Study for it's own sake can get grind-y and inefficient if you aren't careful.

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