Ass Kick
Hello everyone!
I'm Anna, 18yrs, from Germany.
My main goal right now is to really get focussed and work on my fundamentals. So don't hold back with critiques.
I'll try to post something everyday so I can stay motivated. No more excuses! 

Today I did some figures, hands a digi doodle of Vegeta and some weird train sketches. Not much to say except that i need to improve >.<

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Hey, welcome to the forum, Anna. I like your traditional stuff especially gesture drawings. Can's say the same about that portrait. It seems that not quite understand a form and planes of a skull. So keep an eye on that.
Also check out our discord channel if you want to :) Cheers!

Hey Anna, welcome to Crimson Daggers :).

Be careful - browsing and get involved in this forum can seriously improve your art ;).  Seriously, I have picked up loads of great study techniques and links from this forum over the 12 months I've been on here.

Those are some nice sketches there.  One little tip for you on the gesture sketches - sometimes it can help to include wrapping lines around areas of foreshortening.  Being clear in your own mind of the orientation and form of your figures can be helpful if you want to go back and do more work on these figures later e.g. adding values and colour etc...

I've done a quick aquamarine draw-over for you to illustrate what I mean (hopefully I've understood the poses correctly!):

Hope that helps :).

Keep up the hard work :).

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Haha thanks Artloader ^^ thats what I was hoping for by joining this forum. And yes I can see what you mean with those forms I'll try that tomorrow right away. Thanks for pointing that out.
Hey Anton thank you for the honest critique I really apreciate it. You are totally right my faces suuckk >.< I'll start pracicing them more intensely from now on!

I did not have much time today so sadly not much to post. Just some figures, hands, doodles while sitting in the car and a WIP I didnt get to finish yet. Tomorrow will be better I promise.

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Today I tried to focus mostly on faces. A selfportrait, some from imagination, then skull, hands and torso studies. Cause just drawing faces is kinda boring. And I finished the WIP from yesterday ( Syndrome from the incredibles yay). If you have any suggestions what or how I should study something let me know. I'm never shure if I do the right thing.

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Didn't get much done today because I got home from work really late... but thats not an excuse. I need to push harder aaarrg! >.<

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Not as much as I wanted to do today.. I forgot my sketchbook at home so I couldnt draw while riding the train gaahh! So stupid >.< Well yeah... here is what I got done today. The proportions on the Selfportrait are super off and I have big problems with seeing the forms of the human body. But I'll work on that!

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Today a bit of anatomy. I tried to remember what I still know and draw stuff out of my head. When I wasn't sure I looked at reference quickly to fresh my memories up. I wanna repeat the bones before I start learning the muscles.
And I tried out my new brush pen that i got yesterday... and completely failed. But its really fun ^^ And a Seflie about 1 to 1.5 hours.

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Another day gone by. Only one day till the weekend. Then I'll have more time yeeesss! Work sucks haha
Another Selfie then some train studies of people, and some imaginary anatomy. Does anyone know a way to upload the pictures somewhere else and just put the link in here cause the page always takes so long to load :/

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It's friday wohooo! Some train doodles and hands. They are so hard... but I kinda like drawing them haha
I drew my parents while watching TV, they seem so excited...
Then a few Bobby Fischer studies. I don't know why but i really like his face. I think it's super intersting to look at. And a quick Selfie, cause its 2 am in the morning and i am tired as hell. I'm going to make a Selfportrait every day for this month cause I feel like i am really learning something while doing these. Enjoy your weekend!

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great studies! The last hand drawings show very nice form and lines!

The face and heads are looking a bit wonky at the moment, maybe study the construction of the head a bit more. But you seem to be doing the right thing by doing self portrait studies and life studies too!
Keep up the good work!

About your image hosting question, I haven't used this site for uploading, I use photobucket which works good for me. After you upload they give you an IMG link which I just copy and paste to the posts here.
Thanks VoodooMama! Love your username btw. Yeah I hate how bad I am at drawing faces but I'll just keep practicing, I swear! Thanks for the tip with Photobucket. I tried that out right away. I'm not shure if I'll continue using it yet.

So today the upload comes a bit later cause I was so tired this morning that I had to sleep a few hours haha.

Daily Selfie:
[Image: 009_sp_zps858lovrr.jpg]

Sketches in the morning:
[Image: 009_Sketches_zpsxmdlzcv3.jpg]

[Image: 008_Sketches_zpslshwzxto.jpg]

And then some anatomy and poses. I tried to focus more on the basic shapes on the faces than the details this time.

[Image: 007_qp_zpsavovh6xy.jpg]

[Image: 006_qp_zpsnixankln.jpg]

[Image: 025_Anatomy_zpsjl6gfagy.jpg]

[Image: 024_Anatomy_zpsyydkfv88.jpg]

[Image: 023_Anatomy_zpsmrs3cyso.jpg]

[Image: 022_Anatomy_zpsfru3tmva.jpg]

[Image: 021_Anatomy_zpsz6fi08hm.jpg]

[Image: 019_Anatomy_zpsnk3lxtee.jpg]

[Image: 020_Anatomy_zpsqad5tbfp.jpg]

And I did a WIP but I am too lazy to upload it so you'll see it when it's finished
Oh and I wanted to ask, if I post a link to the picture instead of the picture, if you would still watch or skip it. Cause all those pics always loading annoy the hell out of me.

Did some anatomy today. Man, muscles are kind of overwhelming thats why I decided to star with arms. I feel like its way more managable for me right now. Yeah and some faces and a Selfie. Need to go to sleep now...blah

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Not much today... just me being lazy. Tomorrow will be more, I promise ^^
Just faces and a train sketch

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Hey Anna, your drawings look pretty solid so far save for some missing craniums here and there. Would love to see a stronger/more direct light source on top of those forms.

Hey thanks Hozure! Really means a lot to me. But I am still so far away from where I wanna be...
I will try that tomorrow right away thanks for the tip : )
So today not as much. Tried drawing as much as i could in the train cause I was pretty busy with work stuff blah..stupid >.< But at least doing anatomy makes me feel productive, sort of.

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Some Anatomy from Bammes ( <3 ), a selfie and a little digi sketch just for fun. Had a really stressfull day. meh

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Gaahh! Intactive for two days...unacceptable! Work is kinda draining me out a bit. All this overtime is pretty shitty. But I'm not here to complain about stuff like that haha, so this time daily selfies, Anatomy and a generic fantasy thing. Tomorrow will be more I promise! I will become good one day aaahh!

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Only the two selfies this time.

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Another day. Not that much today but still better than the last days. I will improve! >.<

Daily Selfie, train sketches, lips and a Zombie thingy :3

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