Steeliebob's Sketchbook
Hi. I'm Steeliebob. I'm trying to learn how to draw. I'll try to keep posting here. A talented bunch around
here. :) 

[Image: vThNi3o.jpg][Image: NbhTKwV.jpg][Image: rY1Gdv9g.jpg][Image: sMRQKNX.jpg][Image: 9tvYNnL.jpg]
Welcome to the forum Steelie :)

Nice sketches here - I like the construction in them. You ever studied Peter Han's stuff? His teaching on construction from fundamentals is awesome.

Keep posting dude!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Hé Artloader. You've made a correct assumption and thank you. :)

Here's some more practice.

[Image: 1pAYapL.jpg] [Image: Y3blTgD.jpg]
[Image: 6ugXixx.jpg] [Image: Bjb45e0.jpg]
[Image: AFDqv9f.jpg]

And a few more. :)

[Image: IhQS8oD.jpg] [Image: KFnMYuT.jpg] [Image: ldT2HYx.jpg]

Well it's been a while. Well, here's some more pages. 

[Image: hMjcqZo.jpg][Image: 8dTejTJ.jpg]
[Image: kR5aJgh.jpg] [Image: HOqpmMO.jpg] [Image: umWBfiZ.jpg][Image: 9KIuywl.jpg] [Image: GVjviUn.jpg][Image: 7AB6fF9.jpg] [Image: lq9qjUe.jpg][Image: tumblr_oovvegb7u01w7s9byo1_1280.jpg]
[Image: rPksZFI.jpg] [Image: yfkFom6.jpg]
[Image: 0ZdznOe.jpg] [Image: LJ8euDQ.jpg]
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[Image: g7rQchg.jpg] [Image: wI5qQXV.jpg]
[Image: 2GMnZuy.jpg] [Image: s8UXwX7.jpg]
[Image: RQ6vOkk.jpg] [Image: ApL0HmVg.jpg]
[Image: I0LQbRb.jpg] [Image: dWAiVC3.jpg]
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[Image: Mie9gkZ.jpg] [Image: H5r0GaW.jpg]
[Image: KRfYukY.jpg] [Image: HNLCdjC.jpg]

Thumbs Up 
Your expressive figures and faces are so fun to look at! I followed you on Tumbly btw!

Keep it up dude!

hey steeliebob, well I don't have really much to say about your stuff as far as critiques. You have an appealing style, kind of reminds me of Sinixdesign and Ashley wood. I like how you color coordinate your hatching and wrapping with different colors, it's interesting and unique...

As far as what you could do better, it's hard to say because you do a lot of things well, in all fields, gesture, story, shape, perspective, design... 

But I'll say this and maybe it'll make sense. The sketches on the top right in this one, particularly the girl are on the money, something about that one is just way more appealing and finished looking than everything else. But the more I look at it, it kinda comes apart, like the hands are strange and really big and the lines aren't really coherent in that particular area.

Also sometimes your thin lines get scratchy/lumpy and messy and it lessens the quality of the drawing. But I'm sure you're aware of these things, seeing how cohesive and unique your style is. I think just being aware of those things will help you and doing what you're already doing will work those kinks out. Your stuff is VERY close to being fantastic, so just hurry along and you'll get there soon

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Thanks Voodoo! I've followed you back alright! :)

@fedodika. Thanks for the insight. It's always appreciated, especially if it's sand witched in between compliments. haha.
There's nothing wrong with your eye as I quite like Ashley Wood and Sinix.

You picked out the very one that was study by the guy who's name I had written next to it. I think why it's better is that it has cleaner and has some of those thick lines for overlapping shapes.

Here this is the one:
You pretty much told be the bad things where those I changed. xD Don't really remember why I did that though. but yes, my hands need a bunch of work still.

Again, thanks for the feedback. And I'll keep putting in the practice.

Here's a few more pages. and a landscape.

[Image: r16Xmgz.jpg] [Image: Ee59aEj.jpg]
[Image: theet0n.jpg][Image: ukdP1LE.jpg]
[Image: KO7yPu7.jpg] [Image: MWDp6y6.jpg]


Hey man. Thanks for dropping by my SB.

Your style is awesome and I definitely get what you're going for, but I feel like in some instances you push the exaggeration a bit too much/a bit in the wrong direction, and it ends up impacting your style negatively. Most prominently I think it's the example on the bowed calves and small knees, I feel like with a bit of tweaking it could be so so much more appealing. But again, since it's your gig and all, take this with a grain of salt, I'm sure you'll figure something out that works for you.

I would also love to see you spend some time on a bigger/a bit more refined traditional piece, maybe exagarrate elements enough to create a sort of composition within the figure itself; your style is extremely lenient to accomplish that.

I can't comment much on perspective since I'm still learning that as well, but I like the castle sketch.

In your landscape study (or at least what I assume to be a study) the colors look a bit washed out. But again, I can't comment much since I too am learning that aspect.

Love your stuff regardless dude, keep on posting!
Cool work here Steelie! I'm loving the pen drawings - especially how you indicate volume on hair. I also like how you're using a touch of colour here and there - makes me want to get some coloured pens as well :).

Keep pushing!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

@  sempersuperneniten 
Jeez, yes I think you hit me in all the weak spots on the figure. lol. I need to get back to learn some proper anatomy I guess. haha. I appreciate it, It's always good to be made more aware of these things. :)

I'm not sure what you're saying about exaggerated features making a composition within itself. Do you maybe have an example of this? ^^

Thank you, Artloader. That's nice to hear. :P You should, Drawing with pens is so much fun. haha

[Image: hmDm77k.jpg][Image: nDHCS1d.jpg][Image: 2yv4neh.jpg][Image: P27Y5zs.jpg][Image: KAYb0bD.jpg]

bloeb. The digital ones are figures from photo reference.
[Image: kL1cQkV.jpg][Image: iJ2d8zm.jpg]

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Very fun SB to look at. Goodies everywhere. Gonna keep my eye on this, I have no critiques! :D

Hé, thank you Arteriorrhexis! :)

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[Image: KwIQZIc.jpg] [Image: PvJBvo3.jpg] [Image: PFxHKMo.jpg] [Image: X6rcjtx.jpg]

Yo steelibob, nice style as usual. I think you'd develop a lot more if you looked more into drawing from reference and really fine tuning your knowledge of anatomy in a realism sense. Can you nail a figure from reference without stylizing? If no, there are a great deal of things you can learn from that, and it will give your work a stronger foundation/hence make it more appealing.

Also, I know you are intentionally placing features in certain ways, but if you were to really get the structure of the skull down, it'd help your stuff immensely. I feel your stuff has a lot of appeal, but some of the features you draw feel like symbols or placeholders for like a nose or an eye. Learning structure will make it feel like it fits inside the head.

I feel like you're spending most your time on imagination drawings, but maybe for incorperate some longer figure/portrait studies into your routine. If you struggle with it, it'll end up helping you a lot in the long run, and you might immediately jump forward skillwize <3

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Steeliebob! You, here?

Cool Stuff as always. The amount of appealing (traditional) drawings you pump out is just astonishing!
You must have so many amazing Sketchbooks at your hand to flip through and they all look amazing as well.
Just awesome.

Rational Thought never helped anybody.

btw. Youtube:
i like your figures, they got nice legs..

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
[Image: xXzPUzg.jpg][Image: Dch0HIF.jpg]
[Image: ifONi0x.jpg][Image: 1eYQpVK.jpg] [Image: pXuBUE4.jpg] [Image: 9zgYAtB.jpg][Image: v84X41o.jpg] [Image: Q8A6xhr.jpg] [Image: pqohZAM.jpg] [Image: YEkfUlN.jpg] [Image: ZxFjLfG.jpg][Image: KBbGM5G.jpg][Image: q5LqnNp.jpg] [Image: hdMe41i.jpg][Image: 1lzThpM.jpg] [Image: Qd9HnMu.jpg] [Image: F7XCW3L.jpg]
[Image: KVKHgje.jpg] [Image: s5kssRs.jpg] [Image: VR9ajX7.jpg] [Image: GLtCdcm.jpg][Image: TalJk2y.jpg][Image: sqWTkJa.jpg][Image: eQYDQKq.jpg][Image: dwHYHQv.jpg][Image: Af1PEpz.jpg] [Image: tRD81GY.jpg] [Image: NpM0S23.jpg][Image: pcrquoJ.jpg] [Image: rD9hDeN.jpg] [Image: IBBlEF0.jpg][Image: aUxPvvA.jpg] [Image: 2bIsO3Y.jpg] [Image: lMtYVHv.jpg] [Image: SKU1F3x.gif] [Image: QzKUlS6.jpg] [Image: rmWy1fo.jpg][Image: Eroi06V.jpg] [Image: kjxgtCQ.jpg]
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