Razor's 2019 Sketchbook
hey all been here a few times in the past.... just trying to get back into the community art spirit thing... hopefully get some feedback and help others where I can....

dont know if ill post all my studies and doodles as I practice mainly in pen and pencil and its just so much work taking pics, cropping and uploading, but any photoshop stuff Ill def post

my main goal is character design soooooo 2019 here I come lol

did this tonight just started out as a black an white enviro sketch but added a character

also been playing with perspective.... definitely need to get a perspective grid happening lol

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I don't like the composition.The object might be abit to complex for you yet i suggest to use a layer to lay down a grid.

I think you should explore way more angle of view and framing option this not interesting at all.What the point of a gate in the middle of nowhere is this some kind of ruin?

It would be best if you would tell us what your trying to achieve in term of mood and direction so we can help you go there.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Thanks dude yea probably is complex but if ya don't try then what's the point got to push those limits aye
and as I said it started out as a enviro sketch with a character added later.... It'll probably go into some folder never to be seen again
but hey that's the whole point of this sketchbook is to show your flaws, learm from them then move on.... no use sitting on your hands and doing nothing..... I'm here to pump as much crappy drawings as I possibly can lol

Yea the last one was a fail did it freehand was trying to get that isometric feel and to be honest mate wasnt trying to convey a mood or feel.... sometimes you just draw crap

Thanks for the insight will def try and keep your suggestions especially about mood and story as I move forward
Yea i kinda felt you where going for that isometric perspective but that not how isometric work you would see the top of every block.Every line that should go to the same vanishing point are parallel instead of converging toward a vanishing point.

Here an idea of what it might look like.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
yeah thats the more generic isometric look..... Im more after a sketchy painterly feel... similar to designers like Paul Richards.....

anyway could be a plan going forward create some game asset type art just for practice, might give it a go.... you keen ;)

of course my perspective and design is pretty crappy but as you can see in this image you are not always looking down at the blocks.... got the Isometric feel but yeah def 3point perspective should have alluded to that but hey.... anyway not sure who the artist is.... but this was the direction I was trying to get at...

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got a black and white sketch in took a couple hours.... Mongol Warrior

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Heinrich Kley gesture studies....

need to dust of those charcoals and get back into studying this master

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Nice gestures.

Unrelated but can you post the original reference for the first one? I curious to see how he handled the hand compositionally since it makes a tangent with the leg-hip line and it's both in shadow + in front of the belly shadow

(01-08-2019, 01:57 PM)Gliger Wrote: Nice gestures.

Unrelated but can you post the original reference for the first one? I curious to see how he handled the hand compositionally since it makes a tangent with the leg-hip line and it's both in shadow + in front of the belly shadow
good observation skills... had to double check see if I did the original justice Im happy to say I did lol.... love Heinrich Kley gesture probably him and Frazetta my to fav artist to study from

PS: just noticed her other arm lol

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little peice I been working on the last couple days, still rough but might leave it for a few days and come back with fresher eyes.... feedback welcome

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Create interest in your shape use 1 small 1 medium 1 large shape to create a shape

Also i would suggest pushing the scene back and to add some really nearly visible mountain in the distance to add even more scale cue.For the mood depending on the feeling you want either mystery or adventure that the 2 primary feeling i get when watching both picture.Also is the tower rectangular or cylindrical?

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(01-11-2019, 03:28 AM)darktiste Wrote: Create interest in your shape use 1 small 1 medium 1 large shape to create a shape

Also i would suggest pushing the scene back and to add some really nearly visible mountain in the distance to add even more scale cue.For the mood depending on the feeling you want either mystery or adventure that the 2 primary feeling i get when watching both picture.Also is the tower rectangular or cylindrical?
Thanks darktiste for the feedback
Yes was playing with a few different shapes for that middle ground area was also trying to avoid tamgents but yes will probably change that area....

atm to many blank spaces, I might put some more rocky outcrops back further as you suggested..

but my feel for the peice was that it was supposed to be some deep dark cavern like LotRs Moria the character is a wizard type dwarf lol and the tower was originally supposed to be a menhir type rock but change it because I wanted a yellow /orange light to break up the blue.... Atm its just a rock outcrop tower
Than yea i would definitely make sure to had some kind of ambiant light( or torch) because cave are dark but you still need to sell that it a cave and add a celling.Also it feel more like he on the seaside before sunrise.Some torch and some natural cave wall would help sell the thing.Maybe also add some bat flying around.You want to have more element that sell the story telling but make sure they enhance and not stole the spotlight.

One of the reason why i say it look like it on the seaside it because of the silhouette read of the tower it look like a an ''abandoned'' lighthouse.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Yes you probably could add water and it might come out looking like a lighthouse hopefully I can sort of fix that.... I'll definitely see how far I can take it with my skill level

Will take your suggestions on-board as I move forward
ok this as far as Im going to take, learn from it and move on....

tried a few different scenarios but kept it simple in the background and made only a few changes in middleground... fairly happy how its turned out feedback welcome

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couple Frazetta studies

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just couldnt leave it alone lol.... touched it up a little

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More Frazetta studies please

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(01-14-2019, 02:48 AM)darktiste Wrote: More Frazetta studies please
just for you lol

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Nice studies! Keep working on that piece with the dragon with the knowledge you have now! :D

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