one_two's sketchbook
Solid maybe just a bit of restraint in underlining the cheekbone instead of a continous line i would go more angular and use 2 stroke to define the corner of the side of the lips going up to the nose than change angle and go up the cheekbone.

But i don't know it seem to be part of the style you have going to use flowing line.You don't necessary have to go more angular you can just adjust the curve to be a litt more deliberate since i think they give alot of realism and solidy to the face after all.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
thanks for feedback, darktiste

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Where you at mentally with drawing now a day?What does drawing accomplish for you and why is it a consistent part of your life.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Darktiste, well, I guess i can say i love it and enjoy it a lot. That's why i still do it, there's a lot of pleasure involved in drawing for me. I'm not doing it out of strain i could be under because of a job or for some other reason.

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Are you aware of what you enjoy?Is it just about loosing sense of time?Observing?Understanding?Creating?Giving yourself a excuse to learn and share your interest?

To me i think it mainly an excuse to stay curious and teach myself to work hard aswell as trying to think outside the box.

I just wonder sometime if we draw because it a disease we got or we have something to share we don't yet know.I suppose i draw because it also let me discover what i like...

Drawing is a fantastic opportunity to exchange also

So i guess i am just gonna say thank you for drawing even if i don't understand why you draw the thing you draw.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(08-12-2022, 01:44 PM)darktiste Wrote: Are you aware of what you enjoy?Is it just about loosing sense of time?Observing?Understanding?Creating?Giving yourself a excuse to learn and share your interest?

To me i think it mainly an excuse to stay curious and teach myself to work hard aswell as trying to think outside the box.

I just wonder sometime if we draw because it a disease we got or we have something to share we don't yet know.I suppose i draw because it also let me discover what i like...

Drawing is a fantastic opportunity to exchange also

So i guess i am just gonna say thank you for drawing even if i don't understand why you draw the thing you draw.

Well, I guess i like the tactile aspect of it. How a marker moves on a paper, i like the extent to which i can control the line, i like to measure things like angles and views. It's hard to articulate the feeling i get when i draw, but it's a pleasant one. Thanks, darktiste.

Excellent updates here. Again, really admire the quantity and quality in your sketches. Loving the different angles as well, I'm sure that's a great help in understanding figures and faces in 3D space. Well done!

Thanks CG.

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I like those done with lineweight the stroke are more thoughtful it seem.I guess using a fine liner is a good way to not worry about lineweight but focus more on idea or maybe proportion and composition.You just got me thinking of what using different brush(tool) can really do in term of limiting us but at the same time let us be focus where it more logical depending on where we are in the drawing process.Sure some people like to pick one and stick it to that one tool but they are missing out on what those tool do best.

For example i think i would use your more marker like pen to do the drapery since it make sense that the line would go from a more thick to thin fashion.An other good use of the fineliner would be for hair detail instead of hair mass and mixing the marker to create a sense of direction in the hair.Just to name those type of tool and how i would image they could play there best role.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
thanks, darktiste
a WIP of an oil painting

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The transition from light to shadow is very nice in the difuse light.But also the color transtion for example on the wall.The composition is also interesting the accidental strip create flow across the piece .Is this a WIP of a photo you took of someone or yourself?For the floor what going it like a trippy experience the shape don't make sense yet but we can still recognize a ornamented carpet.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
thanks, darktiste. it's a photo of my brother sitting in a room

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An old oil painting from art academy days..

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It as a nice quality to it almost mystical.It look like it made in other period in history because it look aged and the surface of the canvas give it texture you wouldn't have unless you add it yourself in a digital piece.

Is it from reference or imagination?

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Loving your clean linework with your lasted. The painting WIP looks good so far, really great use of light so far. The painting with the owl is also very well done, loving the style and color choices there!

darktiste, i made this composition up, but i used reference on the owl
cg, thanks

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Really into these sketchbook pages. Are you only using a pen for them?- Some looks sorta like a brushpen was used and other maybe a ballpoint?
Makes me want to get back into using my physical sketchbook haha.
Regardless, Keep em coming!

These all look great as usual, quality and quantity wise! Are you planning on starting new paintings any time soon?


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