Velt0n's Sketchbook
Hi guys! :)

I'm a self-taught artist who in recent years started to get interested in digital painting, my work is mainly focused on illustration for games.

To start my sketchbook, I'm going to show you some studies and paintings I've done over that time. (2021-now)

I am open to criticism, and I hope to improve my art with your teachings.

- Images are in chronological order.

- I ended up losing the reference image of some studies, sorry.

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First of all welcome to crimson dagger.Secondo let get straight into a critic.Other issue include angle accuracy and proportion accuracy.Don't hesitate if you want more precision to sned me a private message i think the rest is pretty straight foward and simple error to detect.

I don't know for the last piece but i seen very similar video tutorial with the same subject matter i recommend you make it clear to people because that could be very bad for you in term of reputation it important to make it clear what is study to avoid claim of plagerism i guess aslong as it not in a portfolio and it made clear what is Original work and what is study you can rest .I know you mention some reference not being provided so that not a big deal.Just for professionalism sake if you intend to sell your art and even if you don't just if you care about a reputation as an artist.

Just know that people who do this for a living can pick up the influence inside your work so it important to try to stay far from the reference and strive to create a high degree of originality in your work.Not only that we see ton of other artist work and some of us have pretty amazing photographic memory.

One last thing to avoid confusion you should sign your original work when they are not study this help put your name on original work and avoid confusion for the viewer.Because you said ''I'm going to show you some studies and paintings I've done over that time.'' that blur the line for use did he provide the reference or did he not give it on purpose to pass it as it own work... yeah sorry to scare you but it better now than never.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Thanks for visiting my sketchbook, I'm sure your tips and observations will be of great help.

About the last piece, I admit that I used the painting from the video as a direct inspiration. Sorry about that, I really didn't know that just the idea of the image could be considered plagiarism, anyway, thanks for opening my eyes and as you said yourself "it better now than never".

Welcome. These are very good studies! There's a lot of potential for sure. Especially this one is nice, good color, composition, shape design.

Don't worry that much about stuff like the last piece. This is your personal sketchbook, not a portfolio.

Hello Joseph, thanks for the encouragement and I'm glad you enjoyed the play. :)

Hi and welcome. You're doing some very nice work. I especially like the female character portrait. Is that an original concept?

Keep posting!

Hi @Jephyr, thanks for visiting, this portrait is part of the studies, it was inspired by some incredible concepts by artist Esben Lash. :)

With the tip about signature given by @darktiste, I hope to make things clearer in the next posts hahaha

Hey! :)

Here are some things I've done in the last week.

Some studies and masters studies (Sargent and Albert Bierstadt).

To solve some proportion problems, I'm doing a brief sketch before painting.


We have the goblin, which is an attempt to apply what was learned from Sargent, and the mermaid sketch, which I intend to illustrate in the future.

(03-06-2022, 04:42 AM)Velt0n Wrote: Hey! :)

Here are some things I've done in the last week.

Some studies and masters studies (Sargent and Albert Bierstadt).

To solve some proportion problems, I'm doing a brief sketch before painting.


We have the goblin, which is an attempt to apply what was learned from Sargent, and the mermaid sketch, which I intend to illustrate in the future.

I'm no expert, but for the drawing of the girl in the bikini - her torso is thicker and pointed in a different direction than drawn. (Your belly button is curved in one direction whereas hers is straight, which makes it seem tilted to a different angle). Her shoulders have more of an upward angle in the photo.

Overall, very nice work. Keep it up.

nice updates! it's really inspiring to see other people's work and I personally like the sea creature concept sketches. I think that something that can help you is spending a lot more time sketching with your studies and take some guiding measurements first on your reference to help with proportions.
(03-02-2022, 03:41 AM)Velt0n Wrote: Hi @Jephyr, thanks for visiting, this portrait is part of the studies, it was inspired by some incredible concepts by artist Esben Lash. :)

With the tip about signature given by @darktiste, I hope to make things clearer in the next posts hahaha

I see — no worries about that Velton.  I did check out Esben Lash and LOVE their stuff!

hey man you are fearless. How long have you been doing art?

I saw you Typhlosion in your insta did you participate in some art challenge by moderndayjames?

Don't be shy and message me if you have any questions.

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