Hello there
Well I actually knew of this forum many years ago (around 10?) but didn't registered because I was still a noob and was embarrassed of my art plus I felt very easily intimidated by other artists (I was 18 y/o that's why).

I'm a selftaught artist and love character design. The only thing I'm interested in painting is everything related to my OCs and a novel I've been trying to finish for more time that I'm willing to admit.

I love forums way more than Discord so that's why I remembered this forum existed and I'm glad to finally make an account here! :)
I know that feel, that's why I post-poned just ripping off my art forum sketchbook virginity back on ConceptArt.org. Ah, well 'the best time to plant a tree was yesterday, the second best is today' and all that...

I too, have stories I've been putting on off writing, since FOREVER. But, they have never left my mind. Hopefully, one day. I want to at least write a first draft (for each). You're totally right about Discord, it's super easy to get lost in the shuffle. At least with forums you have your own dedicated space. It's like your own little internet desk studio space, were other come to say 'Hi!'.

Welcome to the forums, btw. Is that artwork in the OP yours? Very nice blending and atmosphere! Still learning digital, myself. :)
Welcomeeeeee! I like discord for some stuff but forums have this vibe IDK!
I've also lurked for a while now but it's time to hatch !

Nice to find people retaking their passions.
Have a nice one!


Brushes are like chocolate.

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