05-30-2024, 08:05 PM
This week's theme and brief by previous winner, RottenPocket
Crimson Character of the Week #52
Sorry I'm late! Life is a Vortex...
This week's challenge is going to touch on your design and worldbuilding skills - with one central theme:
This week's challenge is going to touch on your design and worldbuilding skills - with one central theme:
Conceptualize, Display and Illustrate a Fantastical or Sci-fi Specimen as though you are the scientific observer. We will keep this Broad in the sense it could be Animal, Vegetable or Mineral - But you must exhibit some element of your character's artful journey in understanding the subject.
This is not just a 360° creature concept. Explore Scientific Diagrams, Alchemical apparatus, taxidermy or écorché, and illustrate a scene, or journal entry of the subject.

Examples from BL Sloane Alchemical Apparatus 1091; Alchemy Simulator the Game; Vincent Coviello Mermaid Roe; Saruman's Book - Balrog; Camille Renversade - Pheonix.
- No photograph paint overs, must be 100% original work. (See next rule for exception)
- 3D is permitted and renders MAY be used as whole or in part of a painting, as long as YOU created the work. Pre-made and/or purchased, online, assets are forbidden.
- AI may be used in the ideation process, but the final image must be 100% hand-drawn.
- There is no restriction on the character's gender, time period or culture.
- Studies are recommended, but not required.
- There is no restriction on image formats (horizontal, vertical, square).
- Environment backgrounds are optional.
- Keep in mind you are not required to stick to what is in the passage. It is more of a guide in terms of mood.
- You must post at least one WIP in the WIP thread to be accepted into the final poll.
- Finals must be posted in the finals thread before the deadline.
- At least 3/4 of the character must be visible (minimum from the knees up).
- Only ONE submission per person in the finals thread.
- No fanart. We want to see your original, unique interpretations!
- Voting will be held for 5 days after the deadline.
- In an event of a tiebreaker, a winner will be chosen through a randomized name picker.
Deadline is Saturday, February 17th @ UTC: 23:59
-+|| WIP THREAD ||+-
Deadline is Saturday, June 14th @ UTC: 23:59