Would you like to come up and see my etchings?
thanks guys! Trying out orthographic projection.

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Good to see you going all in with construction! Just don't forget to train your creative muscles inbetween. A well constructed figure is nice but bland without a good design and good design comes from trying out a 100 bad design and figuring out what does and what doesn't work :)
Hey Adam, awesome SB! :-) Overlaying constructions over figure ref is a technique I haven't seen before. Do you recommend it? Oh yeah, and the orthographic projections are cool! Looks like a Scott Robertson technique. Are you studying him right now?

Looking forward to your next post!

"Drawing is a skill like hammering a nail. You might not be great at it yet, but there is nothing stopping you from gettin' down and hammering away." -Irshad Karim

Hey Adam. Where do you get your picture references for post #462?

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead
Hey bud, 

Something that might be fun to try out is using the distort transformation to porject  an orthogonal grid into perspective.  You'll need to make sure you've set up a proper perspective grid with both measuring. Points and vanishing points but it comes in useful for more complex orthogonal designs.

(Sorry it's on paper I'm doing this on my phone) 

So step one would be to draw out a really dope orthogonal design contained in a grid of squares (make sure it on one layer on its own with nothing drawing out side the grid) 

Then draw two lines from one side of grid to a vanishing point.

Use that vanishing points corresponding measuring point to find out how far along the vanishing line the grid of squares will  need to go

Then use >free transform > distort on your orthogonal design layer to place it correctly in perspective. 

It may seem like a bit of a faff but you'll be able to protect a really complicated, detailed design into correct perspective in a matter of moments

I made a quick video

i'll remove it ASAP if you don't want it clogging up your sketchbook


I still cant get the paths in PS to behave. I wrestled with trying to do orthos of cars for the whole week and gave up. So I did some houses using the vanishing point tool as a grid.

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Cool perspective exercise. Those houses look pretty much correct to me. Some of your lines look a bit wobbly, though. I'm guessing you did them freehand? That's a great thing to do, keep it up! But I definitely recommend practicing Scott Robertson's ghosted line technique and Peter Han's superimposed line exercise as warm-ups each day, in pen preferably. Builds confidence and accuracy. :-) And takes a long time to get good at, LOL.

"Drawing is a skill like hammering a nail. You might not be great at it yet, but there is nothing stopping you from gettin' down and hammering away." -Irshad Karim

thanks mech, my digital lines still need a lot of work.

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Quote:thanks mech, my digital lines still need a lot of work.

As do my traditional lines! :D Practice makes perfect, though. Very cool architecture, I like this one. Are you inventing it or studying from real buildings? And do you plan to enter CC5?

BTW–you could try those basic line exercises on your tablet, that might help you get comfortable with making nice straight lines on it.

"Drawing is a skill like hammering a nail. You might not be great at it yet, but there is nothing stopping you from gettin' down and hammering away." -Irshad Karim

(04-04-2016, 07:34 AM)Adam Lina Wrote: I got a cintiq but need to get a new hard drive before I can get it actually set up. So heres some trad. The last ones studies from the Tactics Ogre book.

Oh dude I have that Tactics Ogre book with all the designs from Akihido Yoshida! I can spend hours just drooling over the drawings in there, such a perfect fusion of medievel fantasy and manga/anime

Mech, its a drawing of the "lantern" on top of the dome of the Florence cathedral. I used reference to draw it from a different angle so its kinda both. I wanna get better at drawing hard surface stuff and design as well.

Nick, for sure man! That book is always out on my desk.

Heres  a design Im working up from a sketch that quite a few people said they liked. Im using Devin Platts gumroad to try and learn how to better use layer modes. Also taking a lot more time to develop the drawing is opening up my eyes. Im excited to work on more things using what I've learned recently. Im just starting to feel comfortable going deeper with constructive drawing and expanding my painting methods.

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That God damn preggo fetus monster, you've got a beautiful mind Adam

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That fetus tentacle monster will haunt my dreams from now on. SO thanks for that.

Really nice work on all the archicture stuff. It's coming alond really well. I think the lantern form that cathedral tunred out best so far. :)
Thanks fellas. Im glad you like it.


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A higher power must be guiding my hand to create such wizardry. Such mastery can only be wielded by the Gods!

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I don't know about this one man. That explosion? Not Michael Bay enough.


Link Tree

Discord: emnida
I think you're right. Needs more stuff added to the background to really give it that full on eyeball raping effect.

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^lol - this guy...<3

[Image: We-Die-Last-Starfighter.gif]

Heliux, lol

Not much to show, just some studies. Need to work on my lines.

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