Allenthelost's Sketchbook
so I did something I haven't done in forever, I tried out perspective again.
Sure, I have in more ways then not actually been thinking a lot about perspective, but not in the whole "everything must be correct" side of things. 
Sure that nice and all, but I also love having a bit of movement in things you know. Make things look alive without making stuff very stiff.

But heck I'll try again. I'll try my best on working on this alone, if I want to improve it's best to also improve on the base knowledge I already have of perspective, to make me better at it and shit.

(While also not making it boring and forced. which you can probably see that some of this shit were.

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I recall there being a different image on this page, not sure if I'm mistaken or you changed it. Again, like I said in the Discord chat, I'm hearing you say that your work is shit repeatedly. It's a damning attitude, you know how they say, keep believing it enough and eventually it'll come true? I feel like that's what's happening for you.

You are at the level you are now - you are more than you were before - you will become more than you are now. Not so sound all motivational guru on ya, but that's the gist of it. You keep telling everyone you're shit and not being comfortable or confident in being a work in progress, then your way in life will be very very difficult.

Don't be afraid to post your work.

Don't think too much about what you or others think of it.

It's there as a foundation for your new and improved work, and by seeing it here, being received by others you will observe your own work and see things in it you can improve on. Remove that work or refrain from attempting the next step, and you have no foundation.

Keep posting Allen - the guys on daggers are here to help.


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Discord: emnida
(08-11-2016, 06:49 PM)RottenPocket Wrote: I recall there being a different image on this page, not sure if I'm mistaken or you changed it. Again, like I said in the Discord chat, I'm hearing you say that your work is shit repeatedly. It's a damning attitude, you know how they say, keep believing it enough and eventually it'll come true? I feel like that's what's happening for you.

You are at the level you are now - you are more than you were before - you will become more than you are now. Not so sound all motivational guru on ya, but that's the gist of it. You keep telling everyone you're shit and not being comfortable or confident in being a work in progress, then your way in life will be very very difficult.

Don't be afraid to post your work.

Don't think too much about what you or others think of it.

It's there as a foundation for your new and improved work, and by seeing it here, being received by others you will observe your own work and see things in it you can improve on. Remove that work or refrain from attempting the next step, and you have no foundation.

Keep posting Allen - the guys on daggers are here to help.

thanks Pocket :)
I know it's a bad thing to say about your own art and stuff. the word "shit" has kinda lost it's meaning to me so that usually why I use it as freely as I do. but yeah shouldn't keep the habit of doing it all the time.
But yes, there was something else here on this page but I was way to embarrassed to keep it up here, so I deleted it. couldn't stand looking at it. :/

working on my rendering skills. didn't focus to much on proportions in the faces or anything so they look a bit "meh". but still not the worst thing possible.
Realised quite late in my digital life that "hey, round soft brush that look like spray paint is your friends." xD

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some traditional sketches and a big page of old thumbnails for about 1 year ago? or less. just a bunch of old thumbnails just because

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(08-13-2016, 01:30 AM)allenthelost Wrote: some traditional sketches and a big page of old thumbnails for about 1 year ago? or less. just a bunch of old thumbnails just because

not sure why the website sometimes refuses to add more attachments but whatever. 
[Image: 13934959_10209869487830606_3737098958834...e=58131683][Image: 13923756_10209869487870607_3887529363917445352_o.jpg][Image: 13975423_10209869487790605_467149829678763459_o.jpg][Image: 13996317_10209869489070637_2339150271412104007_o.jpg][Image: 13987555_10209869489150639_5304099189268619681_o.jpg][Image: 13908804_10209869489110638_5110760907489984843_o.jpg]

Hey Allen,

Seen you work with portrait studies! I love doing them myself. And I believe you starting with values is a smart way to go at it. Here's a tip! If the pictures you're copying from are in color, turn them into grayscale to check values. It's harder to be accurate with the values when the colors are turned on. Here's one way how to turn photos gray:

Not sure if you know this... but here's another tip (more of a shortcut on where to place the facial features):



Of course, these aren't hard rules to follow. Like when the head's in perspective, you'd have to adjust the proportions accordingly.

Keep up the good work!

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead
(08-14-2016, 12:12 AM)John Wrote: Hey Allen,

Seen you work with portrait studies! I love doing them myself. And I believe you starting with values is a smart way to go at it. Here's a tip! If the pictures you're copying from are in color, turn them into grayscale to check values. It's harder to be accurate with the values when the colors are turned on. Here's one way how to turn photos gray:

Not sure if you know this... but here's another tip (more of a shortcut on where to place the facial features):



Of course, these aren't hard rules to follow. Like when the head's in perspective, you'd have to adjust the proportions accordingly.

Keep up the good work!

Thank you :D I'll do some more portrait studies and obviously use the link you sent!

so I'm in a D&D group where me and a buddy of mine play a pair of twins. my character is the one on the left and hers is the one on the right.
I managed to find a couple of references that worked somewhat to the poses I thought off, but there's some errors here and there in the anatomy still, but I'm still okay with the result since I did it as quickly as I did. As well as I got to have a more closer look the the back anatomy.

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just a few quick sketches today. was busy with stuff so didn't really have any time to draw.

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So a lot of sketching and attempt on value stuff. plus some mass effect because I'm a nerd that have spent way to much time playing those games.

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a little of absentminded sketching during a roleplay meeting over skype.

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so some pretty "less good" thumbnails for a short comic I'm thinking about creating. Gonna be trying out and practice a lot of perspective in it (since I learn by making more than constant practice it seems) ((even though I also practice duh.))
lines, because gotta get em all straight (HA funny coming from me)
A head of a lady who's gonna be one of the main character in the short comic.

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for some reason I got really angry while I sketched this. and I just started not caring about those smal strokes I usually do, and started making larger and quicker ones. the first was right above the right eye. that chuck of lighter grey against the darker grey. felt nice and made me feel less angry and also less lost.

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Been quite busy today with some stuff. been quite stressful but managed to draw something

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some head studies today, I was more focused on trying to understand the different types of head structures more than making something pretty. Obviously I need more practice when it comes to all the muscles and everything, but one step at a time.

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a couple of sketches and some tiny fanart.

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study skeletons a bit more than usual and you will end up rediscovering things that should be quite obvious. Or is obvious.  At least I did.  Going to spend more time on studying today than usual. after a couple of hours I think I'll make some silly fanart.

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all I can really say to all of this is "ugh."

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Busy with school AND busy with a commission. 

Wow I'm really not used to this, but I love it :> (being busy with art stuff I mean)

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