Willing to mentor
Hey dudes n dudets

My names Andrew
I'm from Melbourne Australia
I started my grind to get good around 4 years ago
Keen to help out If anyone is keen for my help

- General digital painting
- Character focused

Thinking to start with chats/crits/assignments via discord or email

Discord: AndrewGibbons#3357

EMAIL: [email protected]

Maybe can handle 3-5 pple
see how we go

post your interest and gallery if you have one

here are some examples of my work

[Image: geisha_samurai_concept_by_andrew_gibbons-da67u8t.jpg]  [Image: limina_by_andrew_gibbons-dar52yf.jpg]

Can check out more from the links in my Signature

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
One spot taken sofarrrrr

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Heya. I'd be interested in joining.

If you're taking on a few people, it might be fun to open a discord room/server for everyone so we can all have public chats and help one and other out on the side
sounds good to me, i sent you a link to the server in a PM.. just called it get good group...
and my personal one AndrewGibbons#3357

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
hello! are any spots open? i am really interested in joining

Welcome to the little group have enough time to accept least one more if anyone else keen


Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Me, me!

(09-10-2017, 04:37 AM)Mirna94 Wrote: Me, me!

ok! ill send you a PM with the group discord :)

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
So Mr. Gibbons,
is your mentoring group already full?
(09-17-2017, 06:35 AM)Flynnit Wrote: So Mr. Gibbons,
is your mentoring group already full?

Think I can fit you in, i'll pm you the group discord

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
andrew hi, you dont know me formaly but i follow through deviantart im interest just let me know:


please let me know if the offer is still open
(11-10-2017, 04:47 AM)rikudousen Wrote: andrew hi, you dont know me formaly but i follow through deviantart im interest just let me know:


please let me know if the offer is still open

Sorry for not seeing this till now, i thought i was subscribed to get notifications to this thread.
add me on discord and ill invite you to the group :)
Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Hi! Are you still mentoring? In love
(01-02-2018, 12:35 PM)Bunko Wrote: Hi! Are you still mentoring? In love

Sure! why not :P

add me on discord and ill invite you to the group :)

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Hello Andrew! If you're still mentoring I'd love to take you up on it. I'm very eager to learn and challenge myself in whatever way I can to improve! :)
Why not start a critic video channel on youtube... instead open up for donation with patreon... and you can than recieve submission form the viewer.IdK it seem so limiting to do it for free and still not take the opportunity to showcase your talent as mentor.Be generous but do it for yourself also.Who know it might snowball into a full time job.Once you good at something there a reason you get paid to do it.Sure you might say the experience was worth but there still bill to be paid.Idk if you plan to do it full time so i might saying this to a wall.Anyway if you need suggestion or advice you just need to ask.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
I subscribed to this thread but for some reason i didnt see any notifications.
im down for helping anyone that wants it.
i still have time and space

@darktiste yeah maybe i should do more with my youtube channel
ill work it out. maybe i can do some paint over stuff.. cheers

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
(06-22-2018, 11:27 PM)xelfereht Wrote: I subscribed to this thread but for some reason i didnt see any notifications.
im down for helping anyone that wants it.
i still have time and space

@darktiste yeah maybe i should do more with my youtube channel
ill work it out. maybe i can do some paint over stuff.. cheers

Hey! I am interested in it!
(06-23-2018, 08:17 AM)edd Wrote:
(06-22-2018, 11:27 PM)xelfereht Wrote: I subscribed to this thread but for some reason i didnt see any notifications.
im down for helping anyone that wants it.
i still have time and space

@darktiste yeah maybe i should do more with my youtube channel
ill work it out. maybe i can do some paint over stuff.. cheers

Hey! I am interested in it!

Okay, this is probably the easy way..
Add me on discord anyone thats keen

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357

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