09-13-2014, 10:55 PM
I once read about this place known as Tristan Da Cunha, an island that is surrounded by at least 5000km of ocean in every direction and is pretty much the remotest place in the world. Looking at pictures of the place really inspired me because it made me think of what sort of adventures and mysteries would be had in such a faraway land. I thought it would be cool if there was an rpg game with such a setting.
So I found this game engine online that allows me to make an action RPG, which is great for an artist like me, because it allows me to concentrate on the visual development side of things without having to figure out coding. Currently a lot of things are still up in the air, and the only thing I have decided is that the game would be a fantasy/sci-fi hybrid setting and take place in some sort of island or archipelago. Here are some of my explorations thus far:
![[Image: characters_by_ateo88-d7z02t4.jpg]](http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/256/8/0/characters_by_ateo88-d7z02t4.jpg)
For this one I'm envisioning the game to be something like a jrpg where you start as one guy and make friends along the way to form a party. Unfortunately, I have not been feeling this idea as of late, and moving towards having the player just control one character in a open world game.
![[Image: melee_weapon_by_ateo88-d7yzzy9.jpg]](http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/256/a/4/melee_weapon_by_ateo88-d7yzzy9.jpg)
Here is the main character and a concept showing his melee weapon which is foldable. The bow he carries is foldable as well, but I have yet to draw out the concept. The character was designed with the 'control a whole party' idea in mind: Because his role in the party is like a jack-of-all-trades, I thought that the foldable weapon motif would emphasize his flexibility and versatility.
![[Image: boatman_by_ateo88-d7z0015.jpg]](http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/256/7/d/boatman_by_ateo88-d7z0015.jpg)
This is a picture of an important npc. You basically pay him to ferry you around the island(s).
Next up would be creating some environments and try using 3D software in the environment creation workflow. Slightly further down the line would probably be to try using zbrush to create a 3D model of the main character. I'm creating this thread because I hope to be motivated by my fellow artists to work on this instead of procrastinating
I guess it would also help to know what other people think. I have several ideas and it would be good to get input on which ones I should stick with. As usual, advice on how to improve the art itself is always welcome.
So I found this game engine online that allows me to make an action RPG, which is great for an artist like me, because it allows me to concentrate on the visual development side of things without having to figure out coding. Currently a lot of things are still up in the air, and the only thing I have decided is that the game would be a fantasy/sci-fi hybrid setting and take place in some sort of island or archipelago. Here are some of my explorations thus far:
![[Image: characters_by_ateo88-d7z02t4.jpg]](http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/256/8/0/characters_by_ateo88-d7z02t4.jpg)
For this one I'm envisioning the game to be something like a jrpg where you start as one guy and make friends along the way to form a party. Unfortunately, I have not been feeling this idea as of late, and moving towards having the player just control one character in a open world game.
![[Image: melee_weapon_by_ateo88-d7yzzy9.jpg]](http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/256/a/4/melee_weapon_by_ateo88-d7yzzy9.jpg)
Here is the main character and a concept showing his melee weapon which is foldable. The bow he carries is foldable as well, but I have yet to draw out the concept. The character was designed with the 'control a whole party' idea in mind: Because his role in the party is like a jack-of-all-trades, I thought that the foldable weapon motif would emphasize his flexibility and versatility.
![[Image: boatman_by_ateo88-d7z0015.jpg]](http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/256/7/d/boatman_by_ateo88-d7z0015.jpg)
This is a picture of an important npc. You basically pay him to ferry you around the island(s).
Next up would be creating some environments and try using 3D software in the environment creation workflow. Slightly further down the line would probably be to try using zbrush to create a 3D model of the main character. I'm creating this thread because I hope to be motivated by my fellow artists to work on this instead of procrastinating