@Hobitt fuck man, memories
@art44 nice one there, man. It could use alittle bit more edge edge control. Little bit too sharp all over ther place for me. Maybe just a personal preference tho
Hello everyone! I just joined today CD community, and here is my first work im posting in the group!
I was trying to combine modern city with art nouveau.
Hey Algitru, Nice values man, The door way on the far left is a bit odd tho. Uhmm, I couldnt make a connection to art nouveau, is it supposed to be on the design? Its not coming a cross enough i guess.
these organic ornaments i added to the buildings should make this look like art nouveau, so bad that it doesnt look like that :/ . I think i had to study art nouveau more to be able to apply it to my personal works.
Well to be fair, when i think about art noveaou, i think about, the colors, and the panels, and compositional decorations, I think when its used for architecture it becomes a very ambiguous thing.
But, keep working it buddy!
I've got a little sketch, zbrush doodle, took about an hour/
Character Sketch. I would appreciate Critique. I feel like there is something missing in my value sketches. for me it looks like made out of clay, same texture everywhere. Dunno how to improve that...
Nice work Algitru. Well let's see now, if you want to show texture you have to paint texture. Yep that simple. Do value studies of different textures only and you will start adding to your library of textures to draw from when you do your characters.
The value sketch you put up looks like a fairly quick one and I would say it is quite hard to imply different textures very quickly without smart use of brushes, or a lot of experience. However in general the main things that differentiate materials the most from one another are form (volume and edges) , pattern (can give us clues as to what we are looking at based on our own real world knowledge) and reflectivity (speculars, and bounce light). Your materials look the same because you handle reflectivity the same no matter the form; the arm is painted with the same highlight and shadow falloff properties as the trousers. Just because the same light hits everything, doesn't mean they should all react in the same way.
It might help if you concentrate on simplifying materials down to these things, and also concentrate on them in your studies. And textural detail can very much be implied in sketches by doing the bare minimum in well chosen places rather than rendering like crazy, but this takes a lot of practice to do well!!