Reputation Report for Hobitt
(Honed Edge)

Total Reputation: 20

Reputation from Members: 0
Reputation from Posts: 20
  Positives Neutrals Negatives
Last week 0 0 0
Last month 0 0 0
Last 6 months 0 0 0
All Time 20 0 0
RottenPocket ( 65 ) - Last updated 04-20-2021, 07:07 AM
Rating given for Hobitt's post in Hob

Positive (+1): Yeees, that's it... Come back into the fold...
Fedodika ( 109 ) - Last updated 03-09-2019, 10:53 PM
Rating given for Hobitt's post in Fedodika the Koala

Positive (+1): [No comment]
Fedodika ( 109 ) - Last updated 03-07-2019, 10:27 PM
Rating given for Hobitt's post in Fedodika the Koala

Positive (+1): [No comment]
beau ( 2 ) - Last updated 03-04-2019, 04:01 PM
Rating given for Hobitt's post in Darktiste Sketchbook

Positive (+1): Honest and critical feedback
Fedodika ( 109 ) - Last updated 03-02-2019, 06:44 AM
Rating given for Hobitt's post in Fedodika the Koala

Positive (+1): [No comment]
Fedodika ( 109 ) - Last updated 02-28-2019, 11:19 PM
Rating given for Hobitt's post in Fedodika the Koala

Positive (+1): [No comment]
Fedodika ( 109 ) - Last updated 02-27-2019, 11:23 PM
Rating given for Hobitt's post in Fedodika the Koala

Positive (+1): i grow fast with these crits so they are not tiring!
Fedodika ( 109 ) - Last updated 02-24-2019, 11:28 PM
Rating given for Hobitt's post in Fedodika the Koala

Positive (+1): [No comment]
Fedodika ( 109 ) - Last updated 08-16-2018, 11:55 AM
Rating given for Hobitt's post in Fedodika the Koala

Positive (+1): [No comment]
John ( 113 ) - Last updated 01-05-2017, 12:50 AM
Rating given for Hobitt's post in John's Thread (Used to be super active! Still the longest thread name ever in CD)

Positive (+1): [No comment]
John ( 113 ) - Last updated 11-02-2016, 01:47 AM
Rating given for Hobitt's post in International Self Portrait Day 2016

Positive (+1): For the initiative of International Self-portrait day
Piotr Jasielski ( 44 ) - Last updated 11-01-2016, 11:14 PM
Rating given for Hobitt's post in International Self Portrait Day 2016

Positive (+1): [No comment]
Jeso ( 10 ) - Last updated 10-25-2016, 11:58 PM
Rating given for Hobitt's post in CC 06 Untitled

Positive (+1): [No comment]
John ( 113 ) - Last updated 08-08-2016, 06:34 PM
Rating given for Hobitt's post in Fedodika the Koala

Positive (+1): [No comment]
Amit Dutta ( 244 ) - Last updated 04-08-2016, 08:35 PM
Rating given for Hobitt's post

Positive (+1): [No comment]