Mythtaken and his training collage
Good anatomy studies up there, keep those up.

Man bear pig came out pretty cool, but I wish it had a better pose. Maybe like comin outta the bushes or somethin, haha.
Thank you! Yeah I probably could have pushed it farther with the pose, it actually started out as just a sketch and I thought it would fit the CGhub challenge. I would most likely do some pose sketches and such if I had planned it.

I think one of my weaknesses are that I just draw static poses :/ no action at all. I will work to change that though!

Love the Manbearpig, looks cool, and quite humorous

Thanks, yeah those skinny legs would never hold that body lol (I just assume that's what you mean, correct me if I'm wrong)

aaand i'm back again, here goes!

ah man you should post more environments, i saw some and they look amazing indeed
Thank you for the kind words!

I had some fun doing those, even though they never came to any use! But it's good practice, and I should indeed do more of them.

Really cool stuff you got going on here man, i really like those creatures and stuff on the previous page and how you handle lighting and values. keep it up.

Thank you!

Ok here's a sketch from tonight's session, it's for CGHub Creature Forge challenge: The Nectar Creeper, far from done though!

Here's a link to the challenge CGHub Creature forge

Maybe I should have colour balanced it before posting, that's just raw colours up there, no editing what so ever

Here it is, it feels a bit odd.. but i finished it at least, and I did learn a few things on the way. So the outcome was positive even if the piece isn't that strong.

Warm up sketches, took a bit longer than expected. Number four (4) happened to become way too similar to a piece that Noah Bradley did, so I won't continue with that one.

Warming up with some colors before starting with thumbnails!

Man, your sense of light is great! You really know how to make use of it! :) great style, great color, great rendering and those environments look very interesting! Keep it up! :)

También se habla español!
Thank you, I'll try my best to become even better in all aspects!

Some thumbnails for an idea that I will develop further. I'm interested especially in numero 4, I think it suits my idea best. I also got some other ideas for number 1, 5 and 6.

Swamp dragon. Well, I feel like it doesn't convey the feeling of it being a swamp dragon. I might actually give the topic (swamp dragon) another try. Anyway, it was interesting to work on this piece, and I did learn a lot, going from small grayscale thumbnail sketch to full illustration.

I'm going to let it mature here until tomorrow before I post it on my blog, if there's anything that needs to be fixed, I'll be able to see it after a night of sweet sleep.

aaand there we go.. ..gonna let it sit for tomorrow, then make some changes if necessary..

Your characters are great man, like the last guy you posted, keep it up with those! If i could offer any advice on your stuff i suppose it would be to get some more movement into everything, but yeah good stuff man!
Thank you, yeah I need to practice more action poses, I think I've entered a safe zone with these static poses I normally draw. I'm currently trying to change it though. Started a piece with bit more movement! We'll see how it turns out :p

Wow nice sketchbook. You have some great things and I like how loose and natural some things are. Good job! =)
Thank you!

Here's something to distract you guys with, one of three paintings om working on at the moment. Playing around with perspective. It's far from done though

Wicked duelling


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