Vandrake's sketchbook
These are really good.

What's most impressive to me is how much you paint. With the perseverance you have, you'll become a pro in no time.

One suggestion. Your characters look a little stiff. I recommend you practice gesture. Especially because you seem to be interested in fantasy art. I'm no expert but fantasy characters are usually very dynamic, look at Frazetta.

Proko has great videos on youtube.

Have fun

[Image: semiorcoreto72.jpg]

Half-orc concept

[Image: dragonrider272.jpg]

Dragon rider new version 

[Image: dragonhead72.jpg]

Dragon Head
[Image: gollum72.jpg]
The half orc concept is good the only probkem is that you still have problem to properly represent the hand wrapping around the handle because you still leak the understanding of how the hand wrap around the cylinder of the handle.The blade is going back in space so the hand and arm would naturally adjust to reflect this position but instead we see to much of the part of is hand that should be facing away from us of so you end up with a hand that doesn't reflect the spacial relation require to accurately represent the object in it correct perspective in space.

For the dragon piece one advise would be to avoid bathing everything in rim light it make your work look amateur learning to use the less is more rule of art to create accent and contrast in your work should probably be prioritize.By bathing everything in rim light you kinda remove the roundness of your shape and you end up with subject matter that look flat.One other thing i recommend is avoiding drawing subject matter in a profile view it just again make your work look amateur to people who have experience we understand this to be a way to hide your leak of understanding of perspective.It not wrong per say to draw subject matter in profile from time to time but i think it a good rule to try to commit to creating artwork that don't look like they are straight out of a egyptian wall.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Nice updates here! Your value and color work seems to be improving as well. I like the style of the dragon designs with your latest, and the green orc/knight is very well designed as well. Keep it up!

Happy new year everyone!

[Image: miercoles72.jpg]

[Image: skeletonking72.jpg]

[Image: elforeto72.jpg]

[Image: kenku72.jpg]
Happy new year!
Do you also do street art? Referring to the poster you made for the cabildo.

(01-24-2023, 01:56 PM)Leo Ki Wrote: Happy new year!
Do you also do street art? Referring to the poster you made for the cabildo.

no, this was just the proposal for a poster for a youth art fair
[Image: imperius72.jpg]

Imperius inspired in the fanart of Tamplier painter

[Image: garrosh72.jpg]

Garrosh from Warcraft

[Image: orco72.jpg]

An orc

[Image: minemikomali72.jpg]

A Dtiys for a challenge
Oh i love the diablo angel strangely enough i was working on something involving angel myself but don't tell anyone it a secret.The armor look metallic that great and the light behind him you often put that rim light on alot of the thing you do but here it work even more because you got a light source in the viewer view which help justify the colored rimlight.

I also like the orc with the beard the lighting is very dramatic and he look intimidating.MAMA!!!!

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
[Image: chaoswarhammer72.jpg]

[Image: diablofanartterminado72.jpg]

[Image: beholder72.jpg]

A few more pieces
You're pretty prolific! Nice work on the rim light, you've greatly improved on it since you last used it.

I might have a tip for light transition areas. Sometimes you do it so narrow it flattens the piece. That cool orc painting, there's a lot I like on it, you've got great curvature going on but then when it reaches the light vs shadow limits it jumps too quickly from one to another, undoing some of the effect of the volume work elsewhere.

I suspect it's happening because you're approaching painting with a drawing-oriented mind. You stick to outlines and features without giving the same attention to plane changes. Painting may become easier if you pretend it's an sculpture you're chiselling away at. Take chunks away from it:

(sorry about the roughness, used a mouse, too lazy to setup the tablet)

(03-16-2023, 10:17 AM)dimensional-knight Wrote: You're pretty prolific! Nice work on the rim light, you've greatly improved on it since you last used it.

I might have a tip for light transition areas. Sometimes you do it so narrow it flattens the piece. That cool orc painting, there's a lot I like on it, you've got great curvature going on but then when it reaches the light vs shadow limits it jumps too quickly from one to another, undoing some of the effect of the volume work elsewhere.

I suspect it's happening because you're approaching painting with a drawing-oriented mind. You stick to outlines and features without giving the same attention to plane changes. Painting may become easier if you pretend it's an sculpture you're chiselling away at. Take chunks away from it:

(sorry about the roughness, used a mouse, too lazy to setup the tablet)

Thanks for the tips and the kind words!
Sketch dump!

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[Image: oldmanwizard72.jpg]
[Image: enanominero72.jpg]
Nice updates, great to see you keeping up with your studies. Pretty interesting character designs as well for your two latest paintings, give off a great fantasy vibe which I dig. Are you planning on developing them further? Keep it up!

[Image: grifo723.jpg]
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(05-02-2023, 11:57 AM)cgmythology Wrote: Nice updates, great to see you keeping up with your studies.  Pretty interesting character designs as well for your two latest paintings, give off a great fantasy vibe which I dig.  Are you planning on developing them further?  Keep it up!

thank you! I don't think I'll keep developing them, I'll do new things
you have problems with the basic geometric shapes, the convergence of your lines are wrong in the boxes, Rubens already said: "You can draw anything using cylinders, spheres and boxes". The sooner you learn this the better.

    About your anatomy studies avoid copying without understanding, many of them the muscles don't make sense.

Attached Files Image(s)

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