Jones Sketchbook
keep pushing man youre getting better
Thank's Ben!

Another portrait like the other (his chin hair went too sharp when I minimized :(), done with that type for now. Also some gestural clothed figure studies, saw this setup on ctrl-paint. Lastly some close ups, let me know how I did and what you see I could improve on for later work.

I've got to get to more studies again, wanna be doing characters and so forth so I really want to get anatomy down more. Also I'm really happy I have a mentor now! Really looking forward to the progression.

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Maybe try be a little more conscious about your edges? Things like the hair can go pretty soft and more clumpy. If you want it to be all stubbly try changing the hue abit as well, bit more towards green. That change is probably more important than the hairs themselves. Also maybe try experimenting with reflected light, or a secondary light source?

Got some nice improvement over your sketchbook though, lots of hard work too xD. Keep it up

Dude! Thanks for the visit in my sketchbook! really appreciate it! I love your work and dedication. If i would give you an advice it would be to start studying colors and practice all your sketches directly in color! It really helps:) Keep on rockin! see ya!
Dude! You're really improving at a fast rate! Keep up the hard work! I look forward to seeing your progress as you work with the mentor! Push yourself and push some more ;).

ImSkeptical - Thanks!, going to keep what you said in mind when working, your right, Gonna try and keep on top of those edges.

Alexnegrea - Thanks, I'll try starting some more things off in color.

JonHop - Thank's Man:) I'm really looking forward to it as well!


Mentor want's us to do a creature painting for Friday, sort of a starting point for that class, Been doing creature sketching, and came down to three I liked. These are the thumbnails I've done today of the three creatures. I'll choose one of them, I really like the glowing mushroom one but it doesn't really show off the actual creature well.

First two row's are more 'realistic' environments and creatures. First time trying thumbnails like this, you can see I wasn't too comfortable with them at first but second row started getting the hang of it a little more.

Will be doing more full figure drawings/studies - really want to improve my proportions for imagination characters. Super pumped for the Mentor class of Saturday, and the creature design is due in Friday.

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Looking to improve my line work, as well as my ability to draw out figures. I found that my arm feels too restricted with the tablet flat on the table, propped it up with a packaged brick of clay and it freed up my arm, felt so much nicer. Going to try and make or find some sort of stand to hold it at a bit of an angle, that will support the whole tablet so it doesn't break or get damaged somehow.

I seem to be able to draw body parts, but when it comes to full figures I have many issues. Going to try and do gestures regularly and some full figure studies.

Anyway, morning sketch, another sketch, screenshot study and faces from ref.

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You are improving!

Warre - Great to hear!, Although I keep feeling like I should be dedicating more time, I procrastinate a lot on the computer, checking websites, facebook all that when I could be drawing :s


Today, went out to find some sort of stand to properly hold my tablet at an angle, but I couldn't find anything. I guess I could try making something.

Final creature, ditched the full illustration type approach from the thumbnails to focus on creature design. used a round brush for most, then found It was taking forever so built it up with a quick custom fur brush I made.

Anyway here's my first 'finished' creature kinda basic but hey (also a quick hoof study)

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I dislike the plastic-y digital look of some of my recent portraits, so been trying to change it up. I've been doing gestures but I'm downright horrible! and just delete them after. Going to keep trying to improve my lines and figures though.

Here's a quick morning sketch, face study, and trying to apply it with a sketch. I should definitely be doing more meaningful studies like this, and applying them. Felt I learned quite a bit.

Mentoring is in a few hours! Can't wait!

Update - added quick sketch before class.
Update 2 - another sketch while watching and listening to our mentor :D
another 1 and done sketching, just gonna watch now.

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wow dude your stuff is coming along nicely since the last time i was in here, im liking the imagination sketches too, i dont have anything to crit im pretty sure its already been said, but keep up the good work man, its good to see you pushin it!

*He who says he can and he who says he cant are usually both correct*
Wow is see you really improve, those last grey scales are really good

Thanks Guys. Here's today's batch. Wasn't really feeling it today, felt it impact my sketches. Just gotta work through it though. Nose Studies, Sketch page practicing noses after the study, and a female portrait from tonight, I't looked like a man (still does a bit) so I'll pick it up tomorrow after some studies of the female face.

Hate posting my line drawing sketches because they looks so sloppy. But I'll just cringe and post them :s

I don't think I've posted what I'm working towards currently for awhile, so here are a few things I'm trying to achieve, if you have tips or any suggestions let me know!

*Improve line work
*Improve Imaginative Figure Drawing (+anatomy in general)
*Do more interesting/creative paintings - design's, finished stuff
*Work harder at studies and application

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Thank's a lot Woofy, will try it out that way.

Retrying Loomis with a pencil and paper, some gestures.
The scan's aren't to great, didn't pick up all the lines too well. next two pencil sketch pages are of my creature design. and last random sketches.

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Big improvements being made dude! Good stuff! Those Loomis studies are the way to go if you want good gestures and figures, just try keep your lines confident and flowing, it all takes practice and we are all getting there, good work mate.
Jones wtf man you're a beast on these studies! I see what you mean about the "plastic" quality of the faces. Maybe if you threw in some studies that focused on the anatomy and planes of the face, along with a variation in brush (which can sometimes help), can set you straight. remember that you're always trying to feel the underlying form, to round and you get digital mush. !
deerandfox - Thanks & yeah, we all just gotta work hard :)

CoreyKlamb - Thanks man! I'm gonna study planes of the face real soon, two people have recommended to do so now, so I better get to it!


Some female figure studies(tried being more confident with my lines) only drew each one once but duplicated the line work so I could try shadowing. and rest are just imagination sketches.

Gotta get to some studies for my creature design, and get the final thing going, due Friday. I should try doing more interesting/imaginative stuff, haven't been doing too much because I feel my fundamentals aren't good enough yet.

I'm doing a lot of studies and practice sketches, but I feel like I don't have much to show in terms of finished and creative work. Got to push more paintings and idea's.

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Gorilla studies for the creature design, and I'm pretty sure that's the final creature I want. will get the final set up soon and push it as finished as I can.

Also some face sketches from photos.

Tried the random character generator, got a bunch of reference images and was all ready, but it went pretty bad. Found myself relying off the reference images too heavily for the pose and proportions of the body :s and it only got worse when I started sketching in the clothing. just gotta keep practicing anatomy, and full figures for a bit longer until I'm ready I think.

Feeling a bit more confident/comfortable with digital sketching now at least.

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(10-10-2012, 03:54 PM)Jonesoda Wrote: Gorilla studies for the creature design, and I'm pretty sure that's the final creature I want. will get the final set up soon and push it as finished as I can.

Also some face sketches from photos.

Tried the random character generator, got a bunch of reference images and was all ready, but it went pretty bad. Found myself relying off the reference images too heavily for the pose and proportions of the body :s and it only got worse when I started sketching in the clothing. just gotta keep practicing anatomy, and full figures for a bit longer until I'm ready I think.

Feeling a bit more confident/comfortable with digital sketching now at least.

Man you improved a lot with the Gorilla studies and that last portrait!
If you want to go deeper into construction of imaginative stuff you should read Hogarth or Bridgman, they are great for that. On the Gorilla I like esspecially, that you used some bigger strokes to show of the forms. You could try this method more often, to block in the shadows and light with fewer strokes when studying. This will improve you'r three-dimensional understanding.
You got the spirit! Keep up the good work :)
Loomic - Thanks for the suggestions, got some Bridgeman pdf's, but haven't gotten into them yet.

Sketch for the creature final from last night. next is the final design, got the base down, a lot of work ahead of me tomorrow to finish it up for Friday.

Last a character from Dennis's generator, that thing is pretty cool. character is supposed to be post apocalyptic themed, female assassin. I'm feeling a bit more comfortable with drawing the body, just needed reference for the arm's and boots. Probably a lot wrong I'm not seeing right now (tired as heck) but I'll get to finishing it sometime soon hopefully.

Definitely gonna try more characters from the generator (and imagination) sometime soon. I'll try and do more dynamic and interesting poses when I improve my anatomy some more. (Hopefully soon!)

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