Hello, Crimson Daggers, a little bit about myself :)
Not the greatest of artists but with perseverance, studying, practice and a little magic, I aim to flourish my artistic ability into something I can be proud of and enjoy for a living. My goal is to understand various art concepts, techniques, and develop my own artistic identity, but, the thing is, I don't know where to began and I am hoping Crimson Dagger community can aid me in that journey.

All my life I've been drawing with informal education and even then my drawings are not that great. I took a long break after HS from drawing, and after some soul searching, I've found out that in my life, even if I'm not good at it, art, is what I enjoy, but I feel as if I am not naturally talented enough to pursue it as a career. Even if I do, I'd like to know what options there are in the field of Art, so if anyone can shed some insight on that that would be great too. I'm scared to pursue it and spend a large amount of money on schooling for something I am not naturally good at, or great at. I feel as if, I struggle on creating unique ideas out of my head, I have no formal sense of texture, anatomy, angles, texture or color, or how something should look etc, I am hoping the community here can suggest some exercises, books, etc to help me improve.

I am taking a Gesture Drawing, course next semester, so this month I am going to spend educating myself and improving (if that's possible),

here's my recent drawing I did, this was looking at a reference though, which is the only time I can draw something decent.


Thanks! I hope to learn and grow.
Welcome to daggers! Dont worry about not having natural talent in art. Thats a common misconception that you need talent to be an artist. Its a skill that you improve through lots and lots and lots of practice. So the first thing I recommend is to get yourself in the habit of drawing at least 10-20 minutes every day if you arnt already. I believe theres a study that says once you perform an action once a day, for 14 days it becomes a habit for you. Then if you dont draw for a day it will feel weird to not be drawing.

Also this site is invaluable for figure drawing http://artists.pixelovely.com/practice-t...e-drawing/

I also recommend Andrew Loomis's book Figure Drawing for all its Worth and Michael Hampton's book Figure Drawing: Design and Invention. You should start a sketchbook thread here so we can help you get on the right track. Good luck!

Hello Hello first i would say you need to know who you are pratice is a good thing to build up discipline but you need to know a bit where you want to branch up it may be early to know where you want to go but you may feel it inside it important to be clear about what you want to achieve because you dont want for a example to be spending all your time on portrait if your not interest in that kind of arena if you let say love landscaping.By that example i mean that let say you want to be good a landscaping spend time to learn what is really useful to that particular field.It also mean do not be afraid to try new thing you may not be interested by let say portrait but with pratice maybe you will.Last thing Just don't do mindless pratice be goal orientated.

So You Wanna Be A Professional Artist?

5 Fundamental Skills Every Artist Should Master

My youtube channel to find useful and quick tutorial

A direct link to the resource section if didnt look at it

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(12-14-2013, 08:02 AM)Hypnagogic_Haze Wrote: Welcome to daggers! Dont worry about not having natural talent in art. Thats a common misconception that you need talent to be an artist. Its a skill that you improve through lots and lots and lots of practice. So the first thing I recommend is to get yourself in the habit of drawing at least 10-20 minutes every day if you arnt already. I believe theres a study that says once you perform an action once a day, for 14 days it becomes a habit for you. Then if you dont draw for a day it will feel weird to not be drawing.

Also this site is invaluable for figure drawing http://artists.pixelovely.com/practice-t...e-drawing/

I also recommend Andrew Loomis's book Figure Drawing for all its Worth and Michael Hampton's book Figure Drawing: Design and Invention. You should start a sketchbook thread here so we can help you get on the right track. Good luck!

Thanks, I will, but, I sometimes have trouble on deciding on what to start drawing. What do I draw? I have trouble creating unique ideas through my idea.

(12-14-2013, 09:51 AM)darktiste Wrote: Hello Hello first i would say you need to know who you are pratice is a good thing to build up discipline but you need to know a bit where you want to branch up it may be early to know where you want to go but you may feel it inside it important to be clear about what you want to achieve because you dont want for a example to be spending all your time on portrait if your not interest in that kind of arena if you let say love landscaping.By that example i mean that let say you want to be good a landscaping spend time to learn what is really useful to that particular field.It also mean do not be afraid to try new thing you may not be interested by let say portrait but with pratice maybe you will.Last thing Just don't do mindless pratice be goal orientated.

So You Wanna Be A Professional Artist?

5 Fundamental Skills Every Artist Should Master

My youtube channel to find useful and quick tutorial

A direct link to the resource section if didnt look at it

What is considered mindless practice? Read above response too.

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