smrrfette's Odyssey
Left-handed awesomenesssss...YEAH! I can't even draw an eye with my left hand haha. Really digging those portraits, but I hope your right hand gets better...
Oh and talking about hands, really good imagination ones. GOOO!

TonariNoPunpun - hahaha lies! I bet you could, Tonari! Just gotta give it a shot!! The intervals that I experience this arm pain has become so common that I know when it's gonna happen for me to give it a good break (though I'm gonna see a nerve specialist eventually as well :) ) and thank you <3!

ramalooke - Eeh ramaaaaloookee D: thanksss-! That's sweet; I wish I could see what you see though haha :3
I'll keep on keepin' on for sure!

Fedodika - Haha awks, I shoulda put "self-portraits" on my previous post. hurhurh
I won't forget to now though!

Soooooo, thought I wouldn't risk it with my main arm - so after I applied the nude study from imagination:

I did more work using me left hand:
couple of observational studies, more self-portraits, and a sketchbook page

Yesss phone updates D:

I highly recommend using your left hand to draw stuff! It really opens your eyes!!
I don't know, but I feel like I'm learning a whole lot more using my left arm because I'm thinking more about how the shapes of the face interact with each other. So again, I kid you not, but I really do feel like I'm learning lots more. Definitely keeps you outta that cosy comfort zone ;)

Give it a try if you haven't already! :D

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
oh whoa, the left hand thing does sounds interesting - and looks pretty awesome too!

those all with lefty? they all look about on par with right hand, wow i wanna be ambidextrous like smrrfetteeeee!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Wow, with your left hand! They are amazing, you are amazing! Go go go!
I bet it has something to do with the connection between the hands and the brain sides. I should give my left hand a go too, sometimes at least! I frequently used to change hands for different actions, like brushing me teeth XD to keep my brain fresh. A while ago I started reading Betty Edwards Book "Drawing on the right side of the brain" which also deals with the brain modes etc. I'm not very far into the book but it's an interesting read (:


Yep i'm going to explore this left hand trick, surely refreshing, I can't wait to try ! Yeah drawing with our second hand causes that we are more careful with our line and so more conscientious and in a low pace.

Awesome work buddy ! \o/
I had a shock when I saw your sandal drawing, haha I always forget that is summer in the other side of earth ! So weird :D

Pardon my english.
Hey Smrrfette, just popped over to have a look at your sketch book since you took the time to look at mine =D, have to say those recent self portrait studies are really lovely pieces , you've got a great style going on there, the figure studies you've been doing are great also . Keep it up dude I look forward to more =D
Left handed shmeft handed. I draw with meh feet!

Attached Files Image(s)

Glad to see you are making progress instead of making excuses.
Left handed drawing seems quite intruiging, might try out a sketch or 2.

Dang Smrrfette! I've been keeping tabs on every update, it's always a good kick in the ass coming in here! I cant wait to get to some left handed drawing now as well, the little I've done was pretty challenging but really fun.

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Jonesoda - Awesome, I'm glad I've gotten you to give your lefty some TLC :D but haha thank you Jones! And hey, right back at 'ya!

crackedskull - yeah, fcuk excuses right? I'm done with them! Thanks cracked! It'll be cool to see what you whip up with your lefty!

Hypnagogic_Haze - You ABSOLUTELY KILLED ME WITH THIS HAHAHAA!! couldn't stop laughing :') but srsly, stahp you pro D: !

Eljay - No worries! Ah, thanks D: they're getting closer to looking like me, so that's a start. Eeeh, gotta get better with figures!! But yase thanks you for dropping by! Keep it going! :D

Virid Rain - Ah, thank you Virid D: it really is good fun! I'm thinking of trying to draw things upside down next :3
mwahah, Ikr! I can't believe it's freezing over there xD

Cyprinus - Oooh I've heard about that book! Always been interested in it, might try to check it out :) Heck yeah, give it a shot! Hahaha I was always fascinated with trying to write left-handed, y'know, as you would, bored in a classroom ^ ^ but that was the extent I'd try xD thank you for the support Cyprinus! Still far from amazing though :3 one day, hopefully!

Fedodika - hahaha I know, it's sad right? One would think your main arm would be better adjusted than the neglected arm :/ and lol if I can do it, you sure as hell can Fedodikikikaaaaa!

Ursula Dorada - thankssss Ursula! Yeah, it's fun too; I realised now is a better time than ever to suck in my ego and experiment like crazy in order to grow. No matter how the study/personal piece turns out :3

You guys are sah schweet. Like-a da candy, <3

Slacked off a bit with these sets of LH sketches - started watching Breaking Bad for the first time ever and thought I could multi-task... ya, right.
No excuses tomorrow. Gotta do some observation studies and apply.

A quick value study... trying to understand how skin works :/

And applying :/ trying to get the skin right. Unfinished, before bed

Dat skin. So tricky.
Gotta keep trying new methods! Gotta keep experimenting in order to grow and become a fearless mofo!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Why are you so awesome Smrrfette?
You already are a fearless champion mofo and that's why you grow so much! I really dig your traditional sketches. Loving that they interplay with eachother on a page. I used to get that as a critique before, to have composition in the sketchbook aswell. While it can give interesting results, it's way more dynamic and real to just fill the page :P

As for the last application of the skin, you missed out on a lot of hightones in the value. Went way darker with everything! Have you tried replicating your study as close as you can? Maybe that could help you understand it more. Then after the application you can move over to a standalone sketch and see if you remember all the hints from the study. Because I see that you paint other things when you apply, while not bad I think that it leads your mind on another track!

Keep rockin' yoo :D

Very nice.
Artery - lav ya <@ <@! Hurry up and make a sketchbook, damn you!

Bjulvar - ><" you're really too sweet Bjulvaaaaaar! I'm not even close ;_; haha I say, go with the flow with your sketchbook pages! Whatever you want to do - sure, keep composition in mind... but that's only something you should take note of ~ don't let it overrule the fun you get out of sketching :D though lol, my sketchbook pages literally have 0 thought in them atm

Oooh yes! Agreed! Thanks for the feedback!! Definitely working gonna work my ass off to get my figures to look better (and so that I can paint them from imagination decently)

okay, shite update
Lots planned to improve my figures.

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Awesome ! Your work and attitude is such a huge inspiration!

Eventhough I don't always comment, it's always great getting a kick in the butt from your posts. Thanks for all the inspiration and motivation!

I luv u smurf.... ._.


70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Fedodika - n'aw, ilu2 fedodika :3
but hahaha yeah, right! I don't deserve a support chain - a swift kick in the ass is more than enough!
thanks as always! <3

constructicon - whoaa that's just too sweet constructicon! But really, thank you! I have to admit, without positive thinking, I'd have fallen in on myself and stayed there like a good little girl ... .-.
and hey, right back at you! - whenever I see all of your juicy perspective... I cry a little ;-;

seeing my Dad for dinner at a restaurant... where I will eat everything.

I'm kidding!
But srsly.

I miss him, shall be good,

here's some stuff - it's nice to know what I'm going to be focussing on. Like, my area of absolute suck has finally been found... and I will annihilate it.

all from imagination

Much thinking; I feel like my eyes have just opened up to view a new world.

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Reading above, where you make the notes not to give up, is really impressive! It takes a lot to keep pushing ourselves even when we don't think we're making progress. Keep pushing yourself! You're making such huge leaps here it's truly inspiring.

smrfette, one day you're gonna wake up, and do a piece and you're gonna say, wow... can't believe i did that. and that's gonna be IT! it happened to me recently, it gives you such a boost of confidence that it's better than a kick in the ass, it's like a kiss from an angel! the more you work, the faster that thing's gonna happen! GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]



you rock and are on your way to rocking yet harder


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