smrrfette's Odyssey
Hey. Yeah, it's nice to know what you gotta be focusing on, isn't it? Haha. Sometimes it's so elusive and hard to find. I really gotta get back to my pencils, I'm starting to think I'm loving painting more.

Your faces are looking good, and it's nice to see improvement in your figure work. Keep tightening up the lines in your pencils, and edges of your paintings. Anything beyond that would me just being nit picky, haha. Great job!

Archreux - Hey thanks man, will keep that feedback in mind ^ ^ yeah it's a nice feeling, now it's just a matter of getting better at those things!

Samszym - dat doge ref ;)
thank you for the support Sam <3
such nice. very push

Fedodika - yap, just gotta spend more time working on personal pieces, as opposed to the other way 'round. thanks you fedodika, hopefully I'll get that kiss soon ~

Mayenla - haha yeah, I need them to remind myself to shut the hell up and keep on keeping on! Thank you, means a lot, Mayenla <3

you guys are wonderful, thanks for the support!

In frustration mode because I know I can do better. It's all good though, frustration is a damn good thing in art >:D

Not much,

I tried 3D for the first time, was super fun, although I had no idea what I was doing:

random poo. Trying to get better with values

sketchbook pages - just applying old stuff

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Man you've been getting alot better in such a short amount of time. I love the progress you're making. Keep going and don't ever stop!!
Oh man, so much stuff i've not seen before! Love the hard work :)

Been through your sketchbook, so much cool stuff and hard work, keep that pencils comings, they're gorgeous.

Oh yes. You've made such an amazing journey and it's inspiring to see you still steady on the path to artistic greatness. Inspiring for a fellow artist to see such a vast amount of hard work!
The values and anatomy have improved lots. Really like how you've managed to use softer brushes in your skintones while still retaining edges and a good sense of form.
Will definitely peek in here more ;D

Adzerak - ahhh, too sweet! I haven't improved as much as you make out D: but really, thank you Adzerak! Mm ~ now if only I can apply that brushwork to personal work :3

Wils - thank you Wils :)! Haha mostly just hard work, hardly an cool stuff yet D: but I'll work on making cooler stuffs!

Kwibl - Oh man, so much stuff i've not seen before! Love the hard work :)
Thaaaaaaaank you Kwibl :D keep killing it with them mecha soldiers!

Tri - whoa thank you man :) I shall not stop evevrevr!

May not look like much today but shiiiiizen, I learned a heck of a lot!! (Finally)

Can't believe I've neglected doing personal work for so long... it really is the best way to improve. Fudge, there's so much to do... so many possibilities!

also, a shoutout to Zbrush and any 3D software devs: I effing love you all. Thank you developers, you're amazing.

so I did a 30min muck around in Zbrush (super fun - but still have no idea what I'm doing)

then this, working from value to colour, using the 3d model as a rough base - because why not? Experimenting is the shit! Haha, mostly to help with my understanding of form and value.
Don't ask about the generic subject ;_; just learning how to paint

if the values are correct, the piece should look good in any colour :/


out of town tomorrow sadly, so I'll be sketching wherever I can

Night daggers o/!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Demon guy's looking cool! I'm liking the color experiments, think you're basically right about nailing the value and then the color doesn't matter as much, but maybe put some more thought into why the colors are what they are? Like, on the demon the brightest color is that purple, but the shadow tones are blue in one spot and black in another, and it's sort of confusing to me. And I guess he's standing in a pool of magical abstract shapes, seems like that should be producing some light too :/
Keep it up!

Looks ballin' smrr.

I had to go back so far to see my last comment. How you pumping out so much work!!

I come from the land of tuggerah, which borders on Watanobbi (not even joking) near Gosford.
So we are like.. 2hrs away from each other! Next time I am in Syd we should totally hang out. Hit up a life drawing night or some shizzzzzzzzz.

Your sketchbook stuff looks soooo nice too, such a wicked traditional skillset you have :D

Keep up the good work!

Jaik - bleh D: I'll get better but thanks Jaik!

Ohhh no waaaaays~! I've been up your way a number of times! Well, y'know, mostly driven past... or arrived by train by having fallen asleep on shittyrail's *ahem* Sydney Trains wonderful transportation system... but still haha. I'm down Parramatta way. Yeah that'd be awesomeeee man! I'm up for that for sure ^ ^

Thanks for dropping by, keep killing ittttt! o/

Samszym - haha true, true! After I "finished" it, I was like: ugh, them overly-saturated colours... it's easy to see they've been pulled from mah butt. :P okay, I wasn't really like that, but you get the point xD
thanks muchly for the feedback Sam--! Taken on board, gotta think about light placement more annnd colour, albeit the values are decent. Will do as always :) thanks for poppin' by!

there vas no time todayeth.
Bah, I could've found some if I really tried... damn laziness.
But whatever, making sure I did at least something when I got back, so here are some 15min experiments - just sketching random forms, the second one turned out a bit better and I had a lot of fun making it.

Also made thumbnails sketches on my phone for the bloodsports entry, but my phone... well it... it d-d-... died. ;_;
anyway, I'll upload 'em tomorrow I guess along with some other stuff for the entry (that's the plan!)

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
So much hard work as always, keeps me motivated! If I were to give a suggestion though, maybe do something more focused on being slower, more on accuracy and clean lines. I get the feeling you draw heaps into the forms and kinda find them by feeling all the ellipses and surfaces. It's something I worked on kinda recently, and I feel like maybe it might be similar for you. I think it really helped in my imaginative stuff, just trying to be a little more deliberate and build upon simple but accurate forms.

Hope that made some kinda sense and helps! Keep up the great work regardless :D.

Oh, and make sure you get me on that meetup with Jaik, I like people too :p. (I live in the hills area)

ImSkeptical -True thaaaaat, I've been meaning to and am going to make more rendered pieces! Aaah, yeah I've been trying to give that a shot - although my designs are sucky because of it haha (something I'll be working on soon!). I'm really just trying to build on simple forms and trying to realise that I can paint whatever, no matter how messy it starts, so long as the forms and values are there.
Thanks muchly for the feedback, Skeptical! And yessss for suuuure! :D it'd be so awesome if we all caught up--! 016

alright so, I'm gonna finish this sketch tomorrow - man, experimenting is fun :)

and some silly swamp elder thumbs.

ugh, *facedesk*. Pick it up girl,

Breaking Bad can wait
get your work done ffs.

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
hmm, need to plan more, could have saved a lot of time.

Learned a lot doing this one:

Loosey goosey

need to do a tonne of these:


sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
love love smrrfette! are you taking after pkmike by chance haha? anyways, love love! <3

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
hey smurfette,

I like the color experiments on your last pieces. Also to check out Zbrush is a good move, I can also recommend sculpting with real clay and doing light - studies of that.

Keep up the hard work.


Please help me getting better by checking out my sketchbook

Flo -Thanks Flo! Indeed, messing around in 3d programs has really helped my understanding of light on form and simplifying value. True that, thanks for the suggestion, gotta find me some clay! o/

Fedodika - bahaha - it's not that great Fedodika ;_; but thank you nonetheless <3! Hmm, pkmike as in Mike Azevedo? Ah, I've only managed to catch one of his streams, really D: he's great with lighting soooooo... I'm lost with your question because this piece is like wtf?! ¯\(°_o)/¯

Goals for today got screwed up after visiting the doc to check out my arm problem/shoulder pain. He needed me to do some stretching tests to see specifically where the pain was located - which, in turn made it go from bearable discomfort to unmanageable discomfort (again). But it's all good because ultrasound plus x-ray makes smrr something... something... (go crazy?! Don't mind if I d--
[Image: tumblr_mv01h5uuC01rxjanxo1_250.gif]
anyway haha)
I'll be ecstatic if I'm able to fix this problem. The doc reckons it's not an injury brought on by drawing, but by overworking it last year due to yoga every morning, etc.

Well, I can safely say: the harm did good because I read a lot.
I'm feeling so inspired after having finished reading Prince of Thorns (- it's such a good book ++ recommmeeeeendddd!)

Anyways, incoming, poor update:

and a rough:

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
YA pkmike, he is like the only artist i know who super saturates his colors

It's a pretty tough feet, like to be able to pull that off in it's own haha; PLEAZ KEEP MAKING ME HAPPY WIT ur ART ._.

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]

Such workflow! Those angels look pretty promising. Keep it up!

Rognoll - Shoryeiou-sh-... I dunno what that means, but ala-thank you Rognoll-! haha :D will do!

Fedodika - whoa, badass!
Yeah I don't know what I'm doing yet. Who knows what my work will turn out like - hopefully my own one day... but I'm not too fussed with style atm :P
But yeah, thank you, you lovable thing you :3!

just some stuff,

And some lousy sketchbook pages, although, I think I've picked up on something while drawing these (finally omfg) - now I just need to exercise what I learned. Maybe I'll finally get a bit better at it.


sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Jeeez always with the constant updates, you drawing machine you. Those Hampton studies will serve you well. Using that gesture->shapes->landmarks->anatomy->values process is really good. Not just for figures either it can be used to draw anything. I recommend Scott Robertson's book How to Draw too if you havnt picked it up yet.


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