04-29-2014, 08:45 AM
Thanks, it was a master study btw. Brb transferring Kim Jung Gi's knowledge to myself :D
Day 7 and 8
6h done.
argent study wip

Day 7 and 8
6h done.
argent study wip

04-29-2014, 08:45 AM
Thanks, it was a master study btw. Brb transferring Kim Jung Gi's knowledge to myself :D
Day 7 and 8 6h done. argent study wip ![]()
05-06-2014, 10:01 AM
Subtly looking up and right, while the head is tilted left is bullshit! This pose is driving me nuts.
Sargent too stronk for me. I think Its impossible at my current level to get that face right using the hard way( which is the only way im going to do this). The fact that I kept making it worse over the hours made me break inside. How can I get the near identical likeness, but not fall into details and fuck up the structure? I tried the painterly way, but thats even harder, I got caught up on values and colors aswell. ![]() Heres the face in the painting. ![]() Abandoned this. Currently trying to get the likeness right before getting into colors. ![]() Sketches. ![]() ![]()
05-06-2014, 02:13 PM
I think your issue with finding the likeness has to do with drawing the features too quickly. I was taught to render the forms of the head and skull structure first, shading the eyes and mouth as if they were just spheres pressed into the face. when the lighting and form on all the really simplified forms looked alright and the proportions were in place, the drawing would have a likeness without having even drawn the eyes or lips or nose at all. Likeness comes form the skull structure and getting the forms accurate, not from getting all the little idiosyncrasies of the features copied exactly. Once you've got the likeness and the lit form down it's time to start painting in the features, but if you try drawing those first getting a likeness is super hard.
And when doing features make sure to build them up at the same time, so draw a lid on one eye and a lid on the other, then the other lid on the first then the other lid on the second. Totally finishing one eye and then moving on to the other eye will make it nearly impossible to match. good luck, really nice work!!!!
05-06-2014, 03:45 PM
Yeah seconding Sam, don't draw/paint eyes/nose/lips/ears. See everything as lumps and dips in an object that happens to be flesh color.
05-06-2014, 07:18 PM
Thanks Sam and Meat, you are right, I did jump to details too quick when painting. Also thanks for the feature drawing tip Sam, I think it will be escpecially usefull in full frontal portraits.
Working on crimson arena and doing 100 faces challenge. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
05-08-2014, 11:04 AM
Whoa! Wild penis man appears.
That master stud came out great, but I think your grayscale studies and works are lacking contrast in som key parts. You should try adding a secondary light source for the darkest parts.
05-08-2014, 07:08 PM
Thanks Rognoll, will try adding a second one in the future. And remember the motto: Design with dicks.
Heres some more stuff. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
05-09-2014, 06:09 PM
Too much hasty stuff, gotta focus and refine instead of doing too much half assed drawings. Also campfires are fucking though.
05-12-2014, 12:27 AM
For the whole day I felt tired and got really easily distracted. Didnt get much done. I should get some music on the hard drive and just unplug the internet.
05-19-2014, 06:21 AM
Unplugging the internet ... scary but can be really effective, yes >.> (Or just a tool that blocks certain websites :P)
For some reason, I really enjoy that rectangle-shape-picture up in post #388... Keep it up!
05-19-2014, 08:57 AM
Tnx for stoping by my sketches :)
hh unpluging the internet is probably the most ultimate decision anyone has ever made.. :p Anyway, let's keep on working on the faces so we could get better at them together ! :D Rock on !
05-19-2014, 09:21 PM
Thanks Shin and Lyraina.
Soooooo Ive been in a hospital, to put it shortly. First I got a fevour and some stomach pain, but It generalised to the appendix the next day and the fevour worsened. So I got worried and checked in with doc, which lead me to get diagnased with inflamed appendix. Had an appendectomy and then recovered for 5 days in the hospital. Glad to be home at last. Did some anatomy study while I was at home(before the operation) and some pensketches I did while recovering in hospital. Sorry for the blurry quality on some. ![]() ![]()
05-21-2014, 04:17 AM
I like that sketch where it's a far landscape with distant mountain, and a small silhouette person sitting on the branch of a huge tree. Especially like the pen marks in that sketch.
The latest sketches are interesting 'cos you're starting dark, and painting in the light. That is an interesting process to explore more.
05-22-2014, 07:14 AM
Thanks Meat. An exercise I used to do was to start with dark and focus on how light travels and through that convey form.
Got some wips Ill post once they are finished, for now heres this. ![]() ![]()
05-22-2014, 11:19 PM
hey, nice sketchbook! I dig the knightsketch in post 391, looks promising!
Dont worry about colors that much, so focus on values for now. Try watching that planes head, i think there are lots of images in google [search it like that "planes head"] Its already simplified so it will help you already. The face will come toghether without you knowing if you simply put down its major planes. And for anatomy I would recommend you two sources of knowledge. For Proportions Riven Phoenix youtube channel - easier and more effective than loomis or bridgeman. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjMvttRETaY And "Drawing Tutorials Online" from Matthew Archambault. http://www.drawing-tutorials- online.com/ This is very basic stuff but even pro`s review their fundamentals constantly. Mr. Robertson is still practicing/improving ellipses haha. Hope that helps Crack!
05-23-2014, 07:05 AM
Construction- Got some head plane folders, Ill go over them again soon, some planes near the eyes have really helped out so far. Thank you for those links man! The first one is really good, checked it out and did some proportion sketches while watching it. So far I have been reminded to really take my time, because I just fly over the basic sketch and sometimes pay the price. Phoenix also has a really good analogy and a way of explaining, got me intrigued. Also subscribed to Archambaults online video course.
05-24-2014, 08:44 AM
Today was math exam. Think I did ok.
Tried out studying from a video tut on soft brush work. ![]() Listened to Mciii's livestream and got some useful info from it, I gotta make a specific goal because lately Ive been just stumbling aimlessly, focusing on fundamentals and general improvement. (which isnt a bad thing) but Ive decided to focus on making a portfolio to the best of my current ability. And the content should be my favourite subject matter etc. Been working on the knight sketch, here the progress so far. ![]() found a cool brush and decided to sketch something with it. ![]()
05-26-2014, 09:19 AM
Saw a Game of thrones episode that inspired me to make an illustration, started with astudy for it Also messed around with different layer properties in the last image.
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