Oh, and I am still on android. :C

Btw. Tiny Space is just precious <3

Aaaaahh, you got some really sweet works in this sketchbook! Love the style and proportions you have on your characters (that sprite animation was crazy awesome)

Alright! CRIT TIME (hope it's cool) - particularly your portrait/head drawings . You have a really good hand on stylized proportions (that b/w sci-fi chick drawing you did was great!) but you seem to struggle with more "realistic" faces a little.

I'm not sure if the heads you posted recently were studies or imagination stuff, but there is definitely room for improvement especially in the proportions of the facial features. I noticed you have a tendency to draw the nose really long (vertically) and the eyes really high up. Also, for doing 3 quarter heads, I can recommend studying the angles of the "outer" side of the head (the side that has the ear hidden) as well.

Anyways, great stuff all around! Congrats in releasing your game - regardless of how it goes I think it's still pretty awesome to accomplish something like that!

Thanks LongJh!

I agree with everything you said, i've been doing a hell of a lot of studies this week pushing myself.

I've had a few breakthroughs, and made a LOT of ugly pictures. but here are the first results from that. The head is not from imagination, and is a good test of my facial anatomy. I still have a lot to learn, and still even more to learn about painting in this way.

[Image: 4APEBg8.jpg?1]
[Image: pOdEs0U.jpg?1]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Nice to have you back Muzz!
Sounds like you're on a journey of anatomy studies, sounds intense >:0 looking forward to seeing more of your results
I think it would be helpful to study more varied faces and get some different proportions in the ones you draw, the portrait in your last post has the same basic proportions as usual, like LongJh described. What woul dhappen if you tried drawing someone with a really short nose bridge?

Haha yeah admitidley it is one of my more generic faces. I've drawn a few hundred faces this past week, but regardless the breakthrough was one to do with rendering not anatomy :).

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
[Image: ofjDtZL.jpg?1]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
[Image: bJvmTvK.png?1]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
[Image: gjyxK1O.jpg?1]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
hey there muzz! i like your stuff so far nice characters! keep working on planes, also your brush strokes are a litle too visible IMO
btw you make music too ? i'm trying but i don't have the equipment to do so, just an sg and my voice haha

What do you mean keep working on planes O_o?

What pieces specifically are you referring to with that? And what is this about so far, this thread is 8 pages long?

Much confuse wow.

But yeah, music is hard. For me it's just an excuse to turn away from the computer and make some noise. Do you mean you have a SG guitar?

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
sorry dude! that kind of stuff:
[Image: aYMhi94l.jpg]

yes, i meant a guitar ^^
sorry again i'm socially awkward haha

I know what planes are. Haha, i just don't see where i need to work on them. As far as i know i have a very solid understanding of form, but i guess there is always room for improvement.

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
[Image: sVtNLLQ.jpg]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
[Image: HuiZ4eb.jpg]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
20XX: In a wartorn post apocalyptic (but still fashion conscious) future, whether you live or die is decided by the respect you command. In this world, one aspect garners respect above all others: ballin' table tennis skills. AKA aka P╤NG PONXG!!!

To keep up with the best of the best, robotic augmentation has become a staple among pro league P╤NGers. These modified player, or modplrXs, gain superhuman abilities, but at the cost of their humanity itself. This is the story of a young lady, Rayl kuel, an up and coming pro with a heart of gold and arms of illegal super reinforced conceptart-redium-plated titanium-gold-pongium alloy core arms, out to change the world and take revenge for the murder of her clan at the hands of overlord P╤NG. Along the way she will meet great friends, powerful rivals, and horrifying monsters, and play ping pong with all of them in a very extreme way.

Hahaha thanks man,

[Image: U6oUh9q.jpg]

[Image: t2g0Tfb.png]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
[Image: s0CH1x7.jpg]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Really cool sketchbook!

Thanks dude. Shimmering swords mate right?

Thanks for dropping by!

[Image: irbn1AW.png]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Really great work on the planes of the head in this one man. Youre starting to really get it. Really impressed with the values in that grey scale as well. I do suggest doing some (or more) Asaro studies, theyl help alot with the subtle angles of the head.


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