Forrest's Sketchbook of Wondercanes and Dreamsicles.
those things could butter toast like NOBODY'S BUSINESS

srsly though I might swap them for a weapon(s) with longer reach and a nonflame section if you really want fireblades, fire that close to the wielder's hand would probably cause some burns. And I'd say try out a bigger head, it didn't look wrong until you mentioned it but eh, might help.

It is so great to see your studies :)). Especially about your notes/observations <3
Maybe in the character you should increase the head just a little, to see if works? i really dont know haha. And your technique reminds me other artist, this type of shading somehow remembers me this guy. Did you know him?
Btw, see your 25 pages really motivated me to do more and more!! o/

Sam Eh, I'm not worried about her being burnt, just that they're too attention grabbing, I think I'm gonna just stick with normal daggers :P

Rosolino Thanks :) And I increased the head a little bit I think it's better now. And I definitely started this character with that same technique (Starting with Ambient Occlusion before going to color). I don't always, just felt like it this time ha.

Here's what I did today :D I really want to challenge myself more, I know I can do more with my time than this. Tomorrow I won't have too much time to work but should still be able to post something. Then Sunday expect an awesome day of studies :D

[Image: 0cb123bfcbd186fd0fc795b12478d88b.png]

[Image: c2ce68cb63fd2dff9e399bac185390d2.png]

[Image: 8dec35fafcb56db632f338b1eaf1d5e7.png]

[Image: 46bab8958e6c7323d08ed5d3d6077703.png]

Nice work dude. I really like the way you make notes, I have started doing that on my studies too after watching your vid :) I think it really helps as it forces me to focus on what I am doing. I still don't end up with quite as much at the end as you do, but one day :D

Keep up the good work, you are an inspiration!

Killin it! What else can be said? Keep leveling up you maniac :)

Jaik Thanks! I'm glad my video could help you out :) And it's alright if you don't churn out many notes, it's just there to help you learn so any notes can help.

pnate awww shucks <3 thanks

Well I wanted to post on Saturday but ended up having to spend most of my day watching a 2 year old. I don't know why I thought I was still gonna be able to get any work done that day ha. And then it slipped my mind last night so here is today and yesterday's art dump :)

I finished the character I was working on too! YAY! Now I'm on to a new illustration :)

[Image: f1ed77004e513d46c057bc59a077e75c.png]

[Image: 6781c34a0d96e72d46c8f447cb1ff919.png]

[Image: 8a532686d7926cabce8f5eb6a05acbcf.png]

[Image: 5b9f10026d8fbdc959e329326ff33a85.png]

[Image: 5f7a80883879fe8dd0c4a705e92629eb.png]

[Image: 6ab2de73f87d31cf0c615f146746fc3e.png]

So this week has been busy for me with my brother coming to town and 4th of July and all. Didn't have as much time as I wanted but that just means I'm cherishing the time I now have :)

So here's some more work on that earth elemental illustration and some studies I did for it, oh and a little portrait thing I did as a warm up this morning.

[Image: 41b4dc07ef389710ccb66ab6a2608cb4.png]

[Image: 0fcb18a7d04d782c12cdb788a4bdbddd.png]

[Image: 05ca18c3f47621127ad8bd24d43d9601.png]

[Image: 4c875a44472b1fae78a51f65918d84f5.png]

[Image: b5efcab4a111b856bbcb8932aa815bdc.png]

The improvement!!! Wow man, way to go. Keep up the good work, super inspiring.

Dood that tiefling? character. Fucking sick. Your work ethic paying off man, so awesome.

aCrab Thanks :)

ImSkeptical Thanks very much :)

So here's what I did today. I'm not sure about giving the girl a backpack in the earth elemental image so I removed it for now, I think it gives for a better silhouette but I don't know. Right now the image looks super cluttered too just cuz I've been adding in photos and junk but I'll make sure to clear it all up and make it more readable soon :)

[Image: 753ac2e5f865fdd6f385616215ef3b4d.png]

[Image: d94e90c79b4d47662c705134045dd0b0.png]

[Image: 1aef8e4f6e5203d7d84d38488301c9ff.png]

[Image: 6cc750ac56fa9a68f6e6c3f288bf3205.png]

[Image: cfcfdf1a522957a4e6cf85941bb8e626.png]

nice forrest! the last character reads so well in terms of form. Only crit I'd have for it is that something seems off about the pose, I think it is the leg that holds the weight of her body that isnt quite planted on the ground. keep going man
BenFlores Thanks Ben! Yeah the weighted pose thing is still new to me and it's been a bitch, I'll try to get it better next time :)

So here's what I did today and yesterday yay! The Earth Elemental thing isn't quite done yet, but definitely will be done by tomorrow :)

[Image: 5c3536010177708a7a5072a16db449c1.png]

[Image: 6a72b06573c95d84f2c9136759021ea9.png]

[Image: e56b4818160cd624a3bb4cc7288f63e5.png]

[Image: 7afd171128a3c06a20a8e787799dfaa1.png]

[Image: de4364001267a379de325e107af3c164.png]

THats one badass systematical approach to studies - youll be a beast in a few years. One tip= when u're studying color - look for more then just from photos, and push warm/cool contrasts and saturation more in some places. Keep pushing!

iCi thanks iCi :) I want to study more from life, sometimes it's just hard to find content in person that can be applied or adapted into an illustration I'm doing. However I will try to push my warms and cools more :)

Finished the Earth Elemental, very happy with the turnout, however not fully satisfied. I know I can do better if I push myself to do better. So tomorrow will be spent figuring out what the hell my next illustration will be because alas, I still have no client work :(

[Image: 6b2a3f987e23c2867772f3bb7d36afea.png]

[Image: 98a390ca485474b7061660a5580b4aa3.png]

[Image: 2c6608172f2e634af6c958ed26ecfbd4.png]

Hey Forest, hope you get some work soon. I've been following you're sketchbook for a while...even in this short time I haven't been posting myself.

Anyway, I wanted to say I saw your youtube videos, really loved them, and am planning on implementing studying that way into my future studies. It was really awesome to hear your thoughts, love your sketchbook, and oh! I wish I had found you here before I went to Massive Black this past Dec, totally would shaken your hand and said this in person.

Keep at it!

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
nphill19 Thanks! I'm glad that you're gonna jump on the studying bandwagon, we need more people to do so :D And aw man well if you go to the next workshop let me know and I'll shake the hell out of your hand.

So I am working on my next illustration, gettin pumped. Ready to start the study train back up. Gonna try to make some more time to doodle at the start of my day just to help apply my studies to things that aren't so finished looking. I think it'll help keep the information in my head easier if I apply it instantly to not just one but two things. So more painting! :D

[Image: 179fcd27d1137d61a5b0df73e0e29114.png]

[Image: 0d3c63e6041dd22b7f13e371a68755e0.png]

[Image: 4fb60c47f5f897bdd6393f34542e12d8.png]

[Image: 85acbbb24a645ac691c0bbfbfdfb55f7.png]

So I wanna start this thing where at the end of every week I gather all of my paintings and studies and junk and I post them all together to see how much I really got done in one week. This week was a good start but I know I can do more! If you wanna see all of the images at their full resolution you can go here:

[Image: 2145588d7b90e95c9cb0ba713c584ccf.png]

[Image: 0ff20bc934e29512308eeb74b262dd85.png]

[Image: 7d5f39990bbd2cbdf91a4df916e23756.png]

[Image: 2a78ff0d0c9d5f89d3a91de09e75bc48.png]

In an Art Shell - Week 1

[Image: 6d7dcc180dd8c40e1e00ecd4f3b55fc4.png]

I really like this idea of the compilation of all stuff done at the end of the week! It's really a good possibility to get an overview of how much work was done.
Totally dig the guy with the fire monster in the background, it looks great in only flat colours and has a nice armor design as well.

Love your work ethic. I think that's actually one of the things I also love the most about the Crimson many people putting so much love and hard work into art. It's truly inspiring, I'm so glad I joined.

Looking forward to your next update (:


Thanks Cyprinus :D You're welcome to join me with the weekly compilation if you'd like to do your own ;D

So I haven't done as much as I would've liked over the last two days. Had a thunderstorm yesterday so I couldn't draw for the majority of the day but hopefully I'll make up for it later in the week. For now I've been doing thumbnails for my next illustration, been trying to do them in only 4 values like what it says to do in Creative Illustration by Andrew Loomis. Also been thinking about how I layer the values and what works best and junk. And I've been doin it all with Eytan Zana's brushes which are really cool to work with :)

I'm going hiking tomorrow so not sure if there will be an update, we shall see!

[Image: 9c3a880d2090c112abc9c0ff8c883aa1.png]

[Image: 13aa83ef3a0743e52e803fe1eff5b239.png]

[Image: f4b6c7a1ca5d1b011a1bdd29091ef68a.png]

[Image: 559b66c776eb5dff68cfc0bb8724534b.png]

The amount of studies you can produce is overwhelming man, need to copy you some. Love it all!


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