Crimson Inktober
Great stuff everyoneeee!!
Thanks Fedodidididika, you're too kind >< !

Inktober? More like superfuni-...tober... Ahh.

Sorry for burning your eyes with this one... Really fcked it up, definitely learned from it though-!

For sure gonna go simple next time lololo

Onward to neck-cracking! o/

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
04. Had to do a quick ballpoint study after seeing that whodjacallim's ca sketchbook

Tried to focus more on hatch direction and accurate core shadows. Learned a bit, but still lacking control and still sucky. I think I learned more using pen for the study than if I was doing it digitally because of the extra forethought that I had to put in, so definitely a lot more pen sketching for me.

Don't know about everyone else but isn't it funny the fine line you tread between just a few more hatchings to get the right value and totally f*ing it. Ah yes ink. Love IT. :)

 YouTube free learnin! | DeviantArt | Old Folio | Insta
Day 3

Im rather happy with this one , only done a asian once long time ago . Think i did a good job measured it up with the picture i used for reffrence and i think besides the neck and cheek 8which i adjusted after i saw it of course ) I think i got it rather spot on

[Image: 7hA7kDWl.jpg]

My Sketchbook (do help me out)

And if your rather curious on some older stuff here's my deviantart
Great job everyone :D Loving yours Lyr

I have no idea what I'm doing and it hurts

[Image: Ink14-09.jpg]

Day 4forfourrrrrrrrrrr -! Let's keep going, you beautiful pplz

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Hi guys! Didn't notice this thread before! Loving the variety! Here are mine so far:

[Image: sAs9TUu.jpg]

[Image: Z8h56JA.jpg]

[Image: YaXyLBm.jpg]

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Monkeybread: Yeah for sure man, its like --
not there
not there
not there
not there
not there
nup, you fucked it.

Heres my last few days. Not really happy with any of them BUT I am slowly learning new tricks. For example, yesterday I discovered dots :D

Attached Files Image(s)

The crazy faces of Gary Busey

[Image: WJtaTQUl.jpg]

Hmmm...can anyone tell me what i fucked up here ? Cause im really not sure if i fucked up but theres something thats just off on this one .
Here's the Ref i used

My Sketchbook (do help me out)

And if your rather curious on some older stuff here's my deviantart
quick one

Attached Files Image(s)

Day 5 babeeeeeey

A lot quicker than my last few... And still scary as fck woot

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Day 5!

[Image: QEOsYaG.jpg]

Bit messy but learned a few things, namely 1) get the paper nice and wet if doing an ink wash - it dries so quick and edges can't be softened by adding water like with watercolour and 2) do the background first! I should've masked off the silhouette with drawing gum and got a nice even wash before detailing the figure. 3) adding drops of ink to wet paper looks cool!

greatdictator You were looking for how to draw beards before? I watched this yesterday and there is nice method he shows (from 15 mins in) - (it's a great demo for anyone who uses a brush or brushpen). BTW I think your drawing looks different from the reference because of the chin.

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Love it, Jyonny!

Day 6 and mega fail! :D

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
It's nice Smrr, I love those light sweeping shading lines coming down it's torso and along it's muzzle, really tight ^^

My Day 6, not much time today because of work, just practising sketching directly with brush pen, playing around with ideas for a bigger drawing tomorrow (or whenever!). It's a fairy tale princess locked up in a tower surrounded by sea monsters.

[Image: YyayhHb.jpg]

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453

OH DANG didn't realize this thread existed! Here's all mine so far.
[Image: 8JjdBsY.jpg]
[Image: nXk0EDD.jpg]
[Image: VVsrOEd.jpg]
[Image: 2cJb8C2.jpg]
[Image: AB6ftKs.jpg]
[Image: dLXFf1v.jpg]

I'm still figuring out what I want my drawings to look like, there are so many styles and possibilities...
since some people are linking inspirational artists, I'm gonna link a few of my faves. simple/cartoony is <3!!!

Anthony Holden
Earl Oliver Hurst
Tom Oreb
Shane Glines (NSFW)
Hank Ketcham
the ending of Tangled (designed by shiyoon kim, heavily inspired by Ronald Searle)
bobby pontillas
Erich Sokol (NSFW)

eh guess that's enough for one post

oh in my searching for those links I found out Shiyoon Kim made some neat ink style brushes for photoshop, you can buy em on gumroad if you want. I'm gonna @_@

Sam: thanks for the brush link, it looks like great fun!

Amit: Yeah it don't take much to kill a pen or ink drawing on paper - just like glassblowing. One minute the vessel's coming along well, and the next second you didn't maintain the temperature right, CRACK goes the entire thing you've been working on.

Fern peacock. Unfortunately the recycled drawing beneath can still be seen:


05. Had to miss a couple of days. Hopefully will catch up. Should have used ref, and a pencil sketch, but it's good to know where the weak points are.

 YouTube free learnin! | DeviantArt | Old Folio | Insta
Too kind, Jyonny, too kind!

Day 7 what what whateth!?

Brushpen is already running out of ink ink inketh?
fck dat sht >__>

P.s. aw shiiz! Sam's come to kick assssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssseth

P.p.s. I don't know why I'm talking like thiseth o_o

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Heres days 5 through 7

Doc brown and Marty mcfly (its the only way i see the actors :P )
[Image: t05QsZxl.jpg]
Tim Allen....yeeesh .
[Image: 0ksSg0Vl.jpg]

Also had a terry crews one in the works but was like eehhh with how it looked , so thats why marty and doc are for today and yesterday.

Also for some reason these seem to be becomeing continuously MORE difficult . Like every new one i try theres just soemthign that makes me go mad cause im not sure if i did it appropriately

My Sketchbook (do help me out)

And if your rather curious on some older stuff here's my deviantart
Lots of great new drawings! Wicked stuff! Keep em coming! Great inks Sam, and thanks linking all those. Here's my day 7:

[Image: vy7rjZa.jpg]

Shadow areas needed a bit more care, makes it look a bit off but pretty happy with it. Also need to figure out a good way to render waves and sea with ink.

P.S. To add another link for inspiration, I found a book by this guy in a second hand bookshop ages ago, he does social commentary from a christian angle, cool drawings

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453

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