Tien's Sketches
Heyaw Crimson daggers, I'm Tien a french digital artist looking to improve my work, so feel free to critique it ! Thank you very much !

Actually I've been working on my linework and pen control as much as my values btw but yeah, here are the pics !
[Image: mprRLVu.jpg]
[Image: Tdkelbj.jpg]

Hi there :)

Whoa, rly original ideas to paint! You got my interest :D I'd like to see more of your work :) I can't really critisize you, cause I'm a newbie and I don't see anything to improve on your paintings, but keep going and posting here.

Have a nice day :)

Could you please look at my sketchbook and give me some recommendations? Thank you very much
Cool stuff Tien, I had to take a took at your da because there wasn't much to pick at to help you out. The main issue I'm seeing is that your shadows tend to get too dark. Remember that shadows pick up weaker sources of light and only really get dark at points of contact or close contact. Keep on posting!
Thanks a lot Lilly and BenFlores !!
@BenFlores : thank you very much for your review, I didn't put a lot of my work because I felt like my previous works aren't as good as those ones haha... Ok I understand ! I will work this out ! (I actually never thought of shadows as a low light....)

So here a bunch of studies (not a lot, I don't know if i'm allowed to post those here ?) and experiments I did earlier

[Image: htKRx8X.jpg]
[Image: bkMozfb.jpg]
[Image: mqakSg9.jpg]

Wow you have some cool ideas here man, I loove the batman design(though the shoes seem a bit impractical) there's not really anything I can critique here so just keep it up man :)

Thank you Triggerpigking ! yeah I had some troubles to design those boots... No worries haha actually working a lot on my line quality though so there is not a lot I can show atm x)

But here are some of my latest work, illustration and studies =)

[Image: ajjtBSr.jpg]
[Image: hnkYtIk.jpg]
[Image: AHIfw35.jpg]

That first painting is really cool! It looks like something from a dream. I think you said you use to do lucid dreaming? Its crazy how creatively your mind works while dreaming isnt it? Its like that joke people say about there being an awesome button in photoshop somewhere. You press it and an awesome painting appears. In a dream you literally have an awesome button. Those animal studies look great by the way.

Ahh I remember those time I used to sketch white on black, keep on drawing man.

Thank you guys !
@Hypnotic_haze : thanks for the support mate ! i used to do some yes, but since highschool I didn't worked that out a lot, so now I can't remember my dreams properly every nights... But only if I tell myself to do so and usually it's a quite fast skill recovery haha (but I should put more work if I want to do lucid dreams as I don't have any "talent" at it.)
yeah it is ! you can get sooo creative ! I remember about a dream happening in some maghrebin places, maybe Morrocco or Tunisia with a ghost, The most awesome ghost design ever I reckon hahaha

@Crackedskull : Thanks ! I keep going !

I'm just ending my visa in Australia, so I'm preparing my stuff to go back home, that's why I don't have much to post, don't have a lot of time, but as soon as I am more settled, i'll go full drawing =D

You have some interesting color choices. I'd recommend you to work on your edge control a bit ,from what I see you don't really have a firm grasp over that. Also try doing more finished stuff as well.Keep it up.

Thanks Rinkoudan !! yep I'm actually workingto get that ^^

Sorry for not being present so much, I've got quite a busy month haha, so here is what i could do since then ^^ Thank you very much !

[Image: gVI5wjp.jpg]
[Image: gu9x06l.jpg]
[Image: gVsjvq3.jpg]

Nice character designs, man. I hope you dont mind I tried to fix some of your perspective issues on your controller. The values look good on it, its just the perspective made it look a bit flat and distorted. You should check out the How to Draw book. Its really good for learning perspective.

Attached Files Image(s)

Yeah not at all ! I'm looking for feedbacks so thank you very much for helping me !!
yeah I have that book, i'll study it after Art Fundamentals (Edited by 3DTotal, a very good book ^^), Thanks again !


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