Sam Peterson's Sketchbook
I figured I should start a sketchbook here on the Crimson Dagger forum, it's a great site and I need to start updating online more. I've been following the Daggers since the start, though I haven't been nearly as active as I'd like, and am going to try and change that. You can find my original sketchbook on conceptart .org at that tracks my progress since I started.

It's been way too long since I've posted online. Here's a small sample of what I've done recently. Here are some sketches and finished work, and I'm really going to push myself to start updating often and not disappear for months at a time.

Since my last post online I was able to get a short contract position at Trion Worlds in San Diego that is now over, and am going to try to update my portfolio to get some freelance work while I keep an eye out for concept artist positions in the area. Updating regularly should push me to be more productive. Wish me luck.

Awesome work. Subscribed.

Overdue update.

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Awesome sketchbook!
Great work man *instant subscription*
Thanks guys!

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Heeey. Here's 101 heads I did with ballpoint and an orcish dude.

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Really sweet stuff!
Dang, these are really great! Your lines are really nice and clean and I love your brushwork. Please keep posting your work, I'd love to see more.

really cool sketchbook man, love the paintings

Holy Moly! Sam you are leveling up like crazy! Love how much work you have been pumping out. Looking through your work mmakes me want to draw non stop. Great work mann!

Amazing Sam, you're a powerhouse:D I think I saw your work over on You've improved so much since then man. Anyways, really digging your design language. Keep it up, and please post more often:D

Yeah Its a great body of work man, very strong

Where is my mind?

Thanks a lot guys! Appreciate it!

Just some weapons:

So here's my usual art dump from the past 6 months or so... not sure really. Probably missing a lot of stuff but is basically a selection of some of the studies and concepts from July or so of last year until now. I'll see if I can actually manage to start updating regularly and better track what I do throughout this year :D

I've also been streaming on Twitch Mon-Fri every week and running an art community where we do weekly challenges and study challenges, so feel free to check it out:

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Awesome sketchbook! I really like all your designs and how varied you are! How do you go about studying so many different things? I have a tendency to stick to drawing human characters only too often so I shy away from doing creatures, machines and environmentse (everything else haha)

one thing you can work on is your value control. Some of your drawings have tendency to flatten out a bit because there is the same value range over the entire image, think about making a gradient over the entire piece, so that some areas have a smaller value range than others, do you know what I mean?

But seriously your stuff looks great, keep it up!!
Very nice work man! Keep updating :D

Thanks guys! 
BjorkJT: I tend to focus on one big thing at a time more or less (getting more efficient at laying out values roughly, lighting, composition, edges, etc) but I tend to try to identify what I need to try out next and slowly move on to that thing from week to week. Yeah, definitely, thanks for the feedback, that's something I noticed recently and need to work on

Handful of more sketches that I've done lately. Hoping to finish the Medusa illustration soon done for The Art Posse weekly challenge.

You have a very nice conceptual sense. Keep this up!

One piece of advice I could give is not to leave any pure black spaces -there is pretty much always a bounce light and the darkening should always be gradual unless it's a direct shadow.


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