Hey guys, how is it going. Caisne, tasty sargent studies man! love them, made me wanna do some of those.
Rainbows, nice sketch man, I'f try to push the forms more man. Just to give it more volume.

So... I think im done.. finally. (x.x) god, im so sick of looking at this.. Any suggestions as far as details, contrast levels, or such things?

[Image: 17547852796_96122e6a88_z.jpg]

@rainbowsorknives waht a creep. You did a pretty good job on that one man. The thing i dont like about it is that there is not much variety in terms of materials. It seems to be made of one thing. Next time try to thing what is what. What is skin, cloth, metal fur etc. According to their surface, they reflect light differently and there fore have different value ranges. do some research om that man. This will make your shit more realistic

@Jeso looks like an 100 hour piece man. It really shows that you put a lot of effort into it. I can do a paint over for you and try to push it a little bit further, today or tomorrow. If you dont mind

study from the morning stream.

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Yea Caisne, knock yourself out. Im sure it'll be revealing somehow and help me out on future shits.

Nice planes changes in those fingers.

A wild shittily drawn Daenerys appears..

[Image: 17407255700_96c714e8c5_z.jpg]


Before job study. Got to figure out a few things before doing my own

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30 Speed Paint Theme was Fish Car

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Trying to improve the grey values, some variation of one my Priestess in summer dress.
With a bird and cursing/talking with the wind.

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Hey Cas, Try to practice with fill range of values, that would be my advice. like really push it use reallllly darks, and use reeaaalllly lights. that ill make the form look much better. Maybe put a little more time into the practice too.. Do some long still life drawings, make it look finished.

Also here is a couple thingies.. a film still study and a sketch of a skelly dude to apply the knowledge.

[Image: 17481480549_b748f1b3ea_z.jpg]
[Image: 17665421462_96cd5030ee_z.jpg]

Hi Jeso! Thank you for your advice. I liked your studies a lot, the way you put the blueish light more integrated with the clothe in the second made it very nice, more than the first.

I find out that I was afraid to put darker (really darker) values and really white values.
Then I said why not, and good bye irrational fear. Bomb

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There you go, that looks much better! You gotta keep working on structure and anatomy and stuff, but as far as values go, there is an improvement. So dont be afraid to use full range of values.

Went back to traditional. It's been a loooong time. BTW, i like to see there is improvement in your posts guys. Keep it up!

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[Image: Screen%2Bshot%2B2015-05-10%2Bat%2B9.12.56%2BPM.png]

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woaa shit... Nice Aumes! are those from life?

And here are my own shits of recent..

Fucking girl portrait man.. cant believe it took me nearly 4 hrs and it sucks that bad..

[Image: 17782013706_25a71ca141_z.jpg]
[Image: 17808311875_4003473fbc_z.jpg]
[Image: 17620752750_2ef5666dcb_z.jpg]
[Image: 17808261675_d89741a7a0_z.jpg]

Style exploration... What up

[Image: 17649580278_b7b35af25d_z.jpg]

Awesome stuff as usual in here! I don't have much to say to anyone really, I missed too much to start commenting on really old things, just to keep working hard everyone! Cool paintings though Aumes, and Jeso I like the hut / temple thing above, reminds me of a little girl with pigtails, quite soothing!

Some stuff from me, signed up for Watts Atelier head drawing and going over the skull a lot:

[Image: BjjUvuH.jpg]

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Awesome work everyone !

Caisne : Very inspiring stuff , love those speed paintings

JyonnyNovice : Awesome skull studies !

Head Study

[Image: 1aVv6yM.jpg]
Art44 Thats a solid study man.. Great practice.

Some recent studies.
[Image: 17843474836_b9364b0ba7_z.jpg]

[Image: 17869817975_70e155ac77_z.jpg]

Paint over for Jeso. Amit and others gave a lot of good advice, Heres what i think.

1 the frame is too tight for subject matter feels uncofortable
2 the sword is almost tangible to a frame - not good
3 CHaracter (head is alittle too big btw) looks out of the frame. leads the eye out of frame as well
4 cloth behavior is weird
5 chick is stepping out of the frame.

Other major thing about this is they're striking a pose for a fight or a defense. But we cant see what the threat is, which makes the story telling aspect of a picture uncomfortable for the viewer.

Hope itll help man,

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