Learning to draw...
I just had this post almost finished, then misclicked and lost everything... 

Anyway it's my first time posting in this board, let's see how this goes...

Last month's goals:

Perspective (From a Cube to a Cathedral) Partly
Very helpful to actually do exercises instead of just reading up on the topic. Didn't manage the three weeks I was aiming for though, still on week 2.

Figure Drawing (Drawing Tutorials Online) Partly
Learn how to do it propery. This was my second attempt at following this course, on the first one I gave up on the fourth or so lesson. This time I did moe application from memory, which worked way better. Still not done with the course though, three lessons to go.

Ink Drawing (Dynamic Sketching/Drawabox) Check
The only goal I hit, I wanted to go through the basic warmups and foundational exercises only at this point.

So these are my last and best drawings of this last month:

[Image: wNUVjhy.jpg]

[Image: b4ifnqx.jpg]

[Image: wFhUH2I.jpg]

Now on to the goals for the next month! I obviously need to work harder this time.

Another three weeks of "From a Cube to a Cathedral", then the environment course should start.

Figure Drawing
Finish that course, then move on to Proko and Hampton

Learn to draw animals in this way: http://fengzhudesign.com/blog/sketchbook_02.JPG
Probably going to do them both digitally and in ink, to continue with that as well.

Wow, way to go, you've been working hard! Everything looks good to me :D

Thank you! :)

So, late update...

Perpective NOPE
Avoided perspective because I don't like it. I am trying to keep up with the Environment course, but that's not doing anything about my lack of basic perspective knowledge, so still fail.

Figure Drawing YEP
I finished the course, then actually moved on to Loomis rather than Proko/Hampton, but whatever, similar enough.

Construction NOPE
Didn't draw any animal construction, so FAIL.

Goals for October: same as before

[Image: JDGPES0.jpg]

[Image: 8EN7iEm.jpg]

[Image: iLLEDyz.jpg]

So, um, this is the "October" update *cough*

Perpective NOPE
I stuck with the Environment course, so I did have to use some perspective, but I didn't do any extra practice, and I still suck at it, so... FAIL.

Figure Drawing YEP
I actually had my first ever lifedrawing session. I even dared to do it in ink, so not too bad.

Construction NOPE
Didn't draw any animal construction, again, so FAIL.

Largely still fail, so I guess the goals for November were pretty much the same, again.

[Image: YuTSfrh.jpg]
[Image: cLE5mJx.jpg]

"November" update, even worse than before. Oh dear.

Perpective NOPE
I stuck with the Environment course, so I did have to use some perspective, but I didn't do any extra practice, and I still suck at it, so... FAIL.

Figure Drawing NOPE
Somehow I didn't pick it up again after our vacations.

Construction NOPE
Didn't draw any animal construction, again, so FAIL.

All around fail, so I guess the goals for December were pretty much the same, again (and so far, so was the rate of completion).

[Image: BBpgCrB.jpg]

Alright... so this thread has been dead for about a year now. Which shows how much I've been working on my drawing skills - not at all, which was really noticeable this past inktober. I'm motivated as long as I only compare myself to myself, but as soon as I join a course, contest or study group, I get discouraged by the vast distance between me and everyone else.

Really need to pick it back up, especially Construction.

So here's a short update of the stuff that I did do in the past month year *cough*

Perpective NOPE
Well, I used some basic perspective, but not much, and I didn't continue the exercises, so FAIL.

Figure Drawing NOPE
I drew some figures, though not many, but no regular figure drawing practice, so FAIL.

Construction NOPE
Yeah, I avoid this subject like pest and cholera, I know...

[Image: YIR685E.jpg]

Practiced profiles for a bit:

[Image: AE9MY0t.jpg]

And managed two thirds of Inktober:

[Image: SiRNNfV.jpg]


Nice update - I like those profiles Olooriel :).

No need to beat yourself up (in case you are), I think as long as you're roughly on the path it's OK. The journey is to be savoured as much as the destination.

Good luck anyway :).

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook


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