Arch's Book of Stuff
Bookend - Yeah, although I'd like to get a little faster at it because reading about art always makes me want to stop what I'm reading, and thanks! I'm really trying to break away from lines and get back into more painting, but line work is just too much fun and relaxing sometimes.

I've been busy with client work, which has been going really good! I'm almost done, and I've got not much more than a few sketches that I've been doing on breaks and stuff between work. The project should be wrapping up by the beginning of next week and I'll have a whole bunch of time to myself. There's a whole lot of concepts, sketches, paintings, and a lot else that will be happening soon!

Really want to get back on ADS as I've been talking with my friends and hearing about all of their amazingly awesome personal projects. I'm so lazy and need to fuck around less so I can start making more things happen. Anyways, more stuff to come. I'm so hungry for it. Haha! :]

very nice studies!
specially the leather ones in the previous page
Good luck with the client work! It's always good to be busy ^^
VoodooMama - Thanks, it's very much appreciated! I'm almost done, so it'll be nice to get busy doing personal work and improving myself.

I'm nearly done with the client stuff! I was up all night trying to meet the deadline, which was fun, and other than that I've found some time to get out some sketches and studies in the midst of all that shit. Honestly, I probably won't post the work unless you guys really want to see it because it's so boring and just . . . not "sexy" work. Haha. Knowing me, I'll probably just post it anyways, even though I may not like it, I want to be able to share throughout the entire journey.

ANYWAYS, I'm a little out of it today and will probably just take it easy as I wait for some final feedback from the client. I need to get out and socialize. :V

Juicy lines ,keep it up !
Damn, every time I come back to your sketchbook there's so much more delicious stuff in here! Can't get enough of it, so keep posting what you got, hehe. Glad to hear you got more client work! I hope there's much more waiting for you in future (:
Not sure if I asked you before, but are those sketches made from refs? I'm just wondering where you get your inspiration from.


BlueBear - Thanks, man! :] 

Cyprinus - Wow, thank you! Definitely going to be on looking for more work sometime soon! :D I don't use reference when I sketch, although, usually beforehand I go and flip through an art folder I've been building for inspiration. So I suppose that could count as reference? Occasionally I will flip through it a few times for flavor. I also watch A LOT of anime. Haha. If you don't have a folder full of juicy art of any kind, I'd suggest building one.

Sorry for the lack of updates again. Life, work, and other stuff. I'm still doing some client related work, and it's been taking longer than expected to wrap up. Going to have more time soon, and I'm going to the zoo this weekend with some friends, so I'm really looking forward to earning that!

Anyways, I've got a few sketches and studies from life/photos. Sketchbook stuff is all life. I've been lucky enough to have a friend with a canoe, and we occasionally get the time to go out on the lake for a few ours. Being out on the water is awesome, and the view isn't half bad either. :]


Teach me how to do poses :'D you're killing it man!

We understand, life gets in the way - nothing you can do about that ~

Keep going at it man!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
smrr - Thank you! I think doing it everyday has really been helpful, and finding a schedule to continue doing it in. I'm just getting back into it, so I'm looking to get on track again! :D

Too many video games. So, in the the midst of some small client stuff, I've not done much else aside from a few studies here and there. Also been getting outside with friends and such, which is nice, but it's just not art. Haha. Anyways, I've still got a lot of stuff to work on, and some personal projects I'd really like to continue pursuing more seriously. :V

In terms of actual art, I'm going to be focusing on painting with drawing as a base. I'm still troubleshooting a reliable workflow that I can use to get me the results I want. The bottom right one of this last batch of studies really came out well, I think, and I wasn't all too dissatisfied with the result in terms of implementing some fun painting things. The only thing that's been bugging me is the stiffness of the paint. I should really read Alla Prima.

Love how energetic your sketches are becoming (especially the way you do them in #422), and that’s with proportions, gesture and everything being spot on. Good job!
Also good to hear that you go out and meet friends etc, it’s important to not loose all social skills on this journey to art-awesomeness.

As for the last batch of heads, I think what makes the bottom right one really stand out compared to the others is that you’re using more hue variation. Both in skin and shirt. It makes him look really alive. Keep it up!

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Lyraina - Thanks! Seeing people is important, especially for mental health. Haha. I'll keep that in mind when I go and paint the next head/face as it's all been for one thing I've been chipping away at slowly. I'm working to get that painting finished soon. :D

I don't have any real drawings or paintings to show at the moment so it seemed like a good idea to go through all the photos I'd taken over the summer of my time spent traveling around the state with friends and such. Photography isn't really something I know much about, and all the places we visited were so great that I couldn't help but to try and capture some of it. These were mostly taken with my Ipod and phone.

I've got a lot, so there will be a little bit pouring in with each post. Hope it's not too irrelevant. :]

Hey everyone! It feels like forever since I last posted anything on here. I suppose you could call it a hiatus of sorts, but mostly I was just caught up in life and some client work I'd recently finished up about a month ago. It was some pretty depressing work to be honest and I dropped out of art for a bit and just gamed my ass off for like 2-3 weeks, haha. Luckily the job payed well and I had the luxury to do all that.

Now am I only getting back into things and it feels great. So, I've got some studies that I've been using as a means to warm myself up for personal work. Painting is something that still scares me, so there's really none of that at the moment, which I'm planning on changing very soon! Better drawings should help anyways.

I'll be posting as regularly as I possibly can.

Comments and critiques welcome by the way. I'm really looking for anything and everything I can do to improve. :D

Some more daily warm-ups.

That samurai fella looks pretty cool :D

crackedskull - Thanks man! Trying to get more sketches like that out. :]

More daily stuff. So far I've not been able to do much aside from these sketches everyday. Gotta work on doing more work in the day and not wasting the last 6-8 hours. More paintings, too. Yes. I'm trying to work up the courage to get into those again. :T

Hey! Long time no post.

I can't say I've been up to much aside from studying and working on some small projects for my portfolio. I've got a lot of old stuff to share, so it'll be a few posts till I'm all caught up. :]

More recent studies and whatnot. I'm focusing on portraits only because I'm trying to get in more still lives, and I'm still pretty bad at painting faces. The first one was earlier in the week, and second one was the day after. I'm still kinda rusty as it's been a couple of weeks since I really painted. It's been feeling pretty good getting back into it, despite the dissatisfying results. Gotta embrace the failure. :]

sketching like a badass   Thumbs_up
nice going man

Ankit - Thanks!

Some real sketchbook stuff. I don't really use it for anything serious anymore. It's mostly a thing of documentation if anything else because it's really fun drawing from life whenever I'm out and about. Really, the thing is sort of an experimental mess. :V

Study from the past couple days. This took forever and I shouldn't have spent so much time on it. Hopefully I learned something to apply. :D

Sorta quick study for a thing I'm working on. 


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