08-19-2012, 03:41 AM
sweet sketchbook dude, lots of very nice studies and imagination stuff here.
From browsing through your recent stuff i would say your studies are coming out much stronger and polished that your imagination stuff, so maybe more imagination stuff could balance that. Also i agree with Kidult's comment. Your values in your imagintion stuff seem very similar throughout, so perhaps contrast and value studies could help with that.
You have a very promising sketchbook, please keep sharing your stuff ;)
From browsing through your recent stuff i would say your studies are coming out much stronger and polished that your imagination stuff, so maybe more imagination stuff could balance that. Also i agree with Kidult's comment. Your values in your imagintion stuff seem very similar throughout, so perhaps contrast and value studies could help with that.
You have a very promising sketchbook, please keep sharing your stuff ;)