01-02-2018, 07:20 AM
(12-24-2017, 08:17 AM)Amit Dutta Wrote: Heya Peter, some nice pencil life sketches there. Just saw your question about printing. It's going to be way quicker and easier to scan a single sheet, than try stitch a bunch together. Just scan at a relatively high res, like 600dpi. Should be more than enough to work further on in PS and adjust print sizes for final printing. Good luck!
Hi Amit thanks for getting back to me. Yh that's what I was thinking actually, I gave it ago last week but since I only have an A4 scanner my drawing was too small to actually ink to the detail that I was after. I even printed it off at its actual size (9x24 inch) across 3 sheets of A4 but even then it was still too small. :(