10-29-2018, 06:58 AM
Some stuff from this week.
Life drawing
Felt like my gesture drawings are better than previous weeks, still got along way to go with them but I feel like I'm improving although my proportions still seem to be all over the place, need to watch more of Proko's figure drawing lessons since he covers alot of concepts.
For the last drawing I tried incorporating what I was practicing last weeks in Brian's class and construct the arms better, think they are an improvement but need to learn the arm anatomy since the arms still feel stiff to me.
Didn't go to my portrait class this week, wanted to spend more time on Erik's h/w but had a really bad day whre my hand just wasn't listening to my head so had to spend Wednesday working on the h/w.
Erik's Homework
Still can't manage a full lay-in in 20 mins, tried working quicker and completed all of these in 30 mins but that still felt abit too quick for me. Still feel like I'm copying rather than interpreting the ref which I've asked Erik about, hopefully he can give me some pointers.
Brian's Homework
Spent more time on these compared to last week trying to fully understand it, working on legs this week. I feel like I understand the process but now I just need to practice it, like alot.
Some studies based off Brian's demo.
Other Stuff
Still spending my time on Monday's working on my quick sketch skills and understanding the Reilly figure abstraction.
Spent some time on Saturday working from imagination. Fucked up the straight on view of the face and made the eyes far too wide, looks like a fish....... Need to work on different angles apart from the 3 basics, prob a good time to go back to Loomis and study that until I can draw heads from different angles.
Lastly a basic head lay-in from my female head. Bought the male version as I wanted to copy the warm up routine from Erik's class and spend 20 mins drawing the head from different angles. Thinking of buying some wigs and eyebrows and applying them to these models since they are both bald.
Life drawing
Felt like my gesture drawings are better than previous weeks, still got along way to go with them but I feel like I'm improving although my proportions still seem to be all over the place, need to watch more of Proko's figure drawing lessons since he covers alot of concepts.
For the last drawing I tried incorporating what I was practicing last weeks in Brian's class and construct the arms better, think they are an improvement but need to learn the arm anatomy since the arms still feel stiff to me.
Didn't go to my portrait class this week, wanted to spend more time on Erik's h/w but had a really bad day whre my hand just wasn't listening to my head so had to spend Wednesday working on the h/w.
Erik's Homework
Still can't manage a full lay-in in 20 mins, tried working quicker and completed all of these in 30 mins but that still felt abit too quick for me. Still feel like I'm copying rather than interpreting the ref which I've asked Erik about, hopefully he can give me some pointers.
Brian's Homework
Spent more time on these compared to last week trying to fully understand it, working on legs this week. I feel like I understand the process but now I just need to practice it, like alot.
Some studies based off Brian's demo.
Other Stuff
Still spending my time on Monday's working on my quick sketch skills and understanding the Reilly figure abstraction.
Spent some time on Saturday working from imagination. Fucked up the straight on view of the face and made the eyes far too wide, looks like a fish....... Need to work on different angles apart from the 3 basics, prob a good time to go back to Loomis and study that until I can draw heads from different angles.
Lastly a basic head lay-in from my female head. Bought the male version as I wanted to copy the warm up routine from Erik's class and spend 20 mins drawing the head from different angles. Thinking of buying some wigs and eyebrows and applying them to these models since they are both bald.