11-12-2018, 11:43 AM
Yup i think my radar got triggered on the ellipse of the stair of the top corner monument.There not follow the same degre of ellipse nothing major but enough to make the monument seem like it was off centered i had the sensation it was sinking.One trick is to lay the layer on top of the original and see it they match.Do this to check ellipse after you first guessed the degre.
Additional comment after revision your monument is brighter than the original.You don't push your smoke into fine particule the transition could be improve.
Not trying to have a harsh critic just giving you thing to work on and some tips to improve your vision of thing. Soft vs sharp transition think of how wind can affect particule in the air and how thick the smoke is. The thicker the smoke is the more it reflect light.Thick smoke near the ground and fine particule clouding the scene since it the ''camera''is near the scene and above ground.
Additional comment after revision your monument is brighter than the original.You don't push your smoke into fine particule the transition could be improve.
Not trying to have a harsh critic just giving you thing to work on and some tips to improve your vision of thing. Soft vs sharp transition think of how wind can affect particule in the air and how thick the smoke is. The thicker the smoke is the more it reflect light.Thick smoke near the ground and fine particule clouding the scene since it the ''camera''is near the scene and above ground.