Does constructive critic really works?
I always like getting constructive criticism, I can't really recall any point where i've got any uneedlessly harsh ones though.

I think it's good to listen to them as long as you don't use them like a crutch and try to think about what you need to improve on yourself as people are'nt always going to be leading you along with helpful crits.
I also think it's fine to get crits from people who are under your skill level as long as you take them with a grain of salt (unless the person really clearly knows what he's talking about) albiet it's probbly a safe idea to take most crits with a grain of salt.
I think more then anything else crits should be used to draw your attention to a problem and then you should think about how to fix it yourself and not just blindly follow any crits you get.
edit: EduardoGaray ctrl paint made a vid on crits a while back slighlty different from how you mentioned though he said one good thing then one bad thing then another good thing or it was 1 bad 1 good and then 1 bad again I can't quite remember.


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RE: Does constructive critic really works? - by Triggerpigking - 06-06-2013, 08:34 AM
RE: Does constructive critic really works? - by SpectreX - 06-06-2013, 08:32 PM

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