11-27-2013, 02:13 PM
Sorry for the recent lack of updates. I've decided to start building my portfolio- it's less than a year until I graduate and most of the stuff I show here isn't portfolio material (studies, perspective exercises). So, time to produce some portfolio-worthy pieces. That entails longer research and generally more time spent on pieces, so I won't be able to keep up my usual pace. Here's some vehicle linework- Feng Zhu says in one of his vids that linework is appreciated in portfolios, so that's one of the thing I'll get to first. If you have any tips/advice, please leave me a comment Cheers!
Portfolio: www.rene-aigner.de
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reneaignerillustration
dA: http://reneaigner.deviantart.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reneaignerillustration
dA: http://reneaigner.deviantart.com/