01-24-2014, 11:11 AM
Not sure if you're interested in this sort of thing, but let's try. Here are two OPs I did in another art forum. To be clear again; these are not my artworks. I only did the critique and OP.
The value structure doesn't work. If you want to show that something is glowing, you have to lower the other values in the image significantly. That will go a long way to make the fires and the cool light really pop and glow. Also think about edge quality; right now all your brushstrokes are very messy and there are neither really sharp edges nor are there soft or lost edges (which you should see in the smoke etc.)
Quick OP to illustrate:
Quote:Your values don't make sense. You have two kinds of light sources in this image; the night sky (which by convention we tend to depict as blue-ish) which gives a very dim and diffuse light and the artificial light sources (blue magic light and torches). Apart from the areas where artifial light hits form, no value can be lighter than the primary light source: the sky. Which means that the building and large parts of the landscape are way too light. This causes the image not to read visually and it also stops the magic light from "glowing".
Apart from that basic stuff, I'd advise to simplify some forms in the landscape and leave the moon out altogether since t's competing as a focal point with both the caravan and the magic blue light.
OP to illustrate the value issue:
Portfolio: www.rene-aigner.de
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reneaignerillustration
dA: http://reneaigner.deviantart.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reneaignerillustration
dA: http://reneaigner.deviantart.com/