06-23-2015, 01:40 AM
I drew from when I was old enough to hold a pencil until I was about 14. With all the typical influences: Vidja games, Anime and comics. My older brother and cousins could all draw well at a young age too so I was always trying to catch up with them. I think my competitiveness helped me early on. I kept going with drawing passed the age where most kids gave up on it. So when I didnt have anyone to compete against I got lazy and stopped drawing. I took a couple drawing classes in community college which taught me a few things about fundamentals. But I didnt really get back to drawing regularly untill about 2 years ago. I got a job doing caricatures and it made me realize I was wasting my life not pursuing art. I hope to dabble in illustration and maybe concept art and comics. Down the road I can see myself crossing into fine arts. The gallery scene seems to be opening up to "imaginative realism". So I bet in 10 to 15 years the average art collector will have more interest in the kind of art I like as opposed to prints of campbell's soup cans and pickled sharks.