07-05-2015, 11:31 AM
Thanks for coming by! ;)
Soooo let me take a look on your sketchbook! :D
First: I love theportrait on the top of that page! Also nice on the most recent sketches, expecially the hammer guy on the left, feels like a symbol of the hammerites (Thief games) :D
Yet I still want to give you a longer crit on your last longer piece, the red cape dude in the mountains
First off, there is no way to distinguish foreground from background, jsut the dude and scenery. You should at least border out the middleground where the dude is standing.
Then to the background, why is the mountain is so detailed? It only steals the point of interest from the guy. If you want to emphazise how huge it is then do it by contrast to the sky. That way you also create depth of the scenery.
Now to the guy himself. Nice job on the silhouette! The contrast to the background is quite good. Then I would also add detail to his right shoulderpad. His left one is there to support the silhouette and doesn't need to be as detailed but as his right one is inside the silhouette you better show that it is there. Add more detail and brighten it up a bit. The same goes for the whole arm. At the moment it is quite dark and the only thing "glowing out" is the sword, the arm itself is kinda merging to the darker red cape. If you brighten it up you create emphasis that he is actually wielding a sword.
My last point is for his feet. They kinda look like he is standing on one point on the ground. Yet his silhouette suggests that he is walking forward. Try adding some distance between his legs. You don't necessarily need to move them apart but try try to play with different colors or atmosphere, maybe brighten the front leg up so that one can see that it is in front of the other.
Hope that it helps, keep improving! :D
Soooo let me take a look on your sketchbook! :D
First: I love theportrait on the top of that page! Also nice on the most recent sketches, expecially the hammer guy on the left, feels like a symbol of the hammerites (Thief games) :D
Yet I still want to give you a longer crit on your last longer piece, the red cape dude in the mountains
First off, there is no way to distinguish foreground from background, jsut the dude and scenery. You should at least border out the middleground where the dude is standing.
Then to the background, why is the mountain is so detailed? It only steals the point of interest from the guy. If you want to emphazise how huge it is then do it by contrast to the sky. That way you also create depth of the scenery.
Now to the guy himself. Nice job on the silhouette! The contrast to the background is quite good. Then I would also add detail to his right shoulderpad. His left one is there to support the silhouette and doesn't need to be as detailed but as his right one is inside the silhouette you better show that it is there. Add more detail and brighten it up a bit. The same goes for the whole arm. At the moment it is quite dark and the only thing "glowing out" is the sword, the arm itself is kinda merging to the darker red cape. If you brighten it up you create emphasis that he is actually wielding a sword.
My last point is for his feet. They kinda look like he is standing on one point on the ground. Yet his silhouette suggests that he is walking forward. Try adding some distance between his legs. You don't necessarily need to move them apart but try try to play with different colors or atmosphere, maybe brighten the front leg up so that one can see that it is in front of the other.
Hope that it helps, keep improving! :D