Ramalooke's Sketchbook
aaw, that hurts man.
I understand your sorrow. Photoshop can be a little motherfucker sometimes.
But try to look on the brigther side of life, now you can start over and do it better.
Or keep painting pretty ladies, i´m okay with that. xD

Amazing artwork. Isn't there an auto save backup feature in Photoshop?
I might be wrong :/

Anyway, Keep it up man. :)

Oh man...that sucks...
Beautiful studies, keep it up!:)

I'm a very unpatient man, I hate doing same stuff twice. So I guess I'll simply move one and work on smething new. But thanks, always good to hear from you xd

It's a strange thing that happened. Autosave feature didn't help. Oh well. Thanks for dropping by. CHeers <3

Thank you! =D

Been a while. Here's some sketches and wips. Small update but it's so difficult to get free time these days.

[Image: 1_zpscc225f05.jpg]
[Image: 2_zps3e2f83b5.jpg]
[Image: 4_zps15c9c142.jpg]
[Image: 3_zps16f90cf2.jpg]

nice studies! I loved the latest one, with the girl viewing from the top! keep it up!

course you can join! Please, it would be better with more members! o/

Haven't been in here for a while, awesome stuff recently. That rocky, misty, tree-y thing on the last piece came out great. Dead moody. And I let out an audible "oh my god" when I saw the viking up above. I love it! So so good. I'd love to see you do more stuff like that, so fun lol..

Anyway, keep it coming, no real crits, just keep doing what you're doing :)

PS, that sucks about the personal piece. PS is a dick sometimes. Onwards and upwards though, sure the next piece'll make up for it :D

i´m loving that phone study with the scratched surface, i also like where that wip with the horned green lady is going. Its maybe to early to say anything, but be sure to push those values and add some sexy colors/dramatic light to catch the eye. (Well, thats what i would like to do, just a suggestion! Her face is already looking good.

Aaaaahh mah gad ...
Inspiring sketchbook is inspiring! I mean shiiet, you've kicked ass even mooooore since I last popped by!
Love it. Love it all.
Looking forward to updates man! :D

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Oh Shit!! Ramalooke's updated! Awesome stuff man, especially on that latest post. That chick in the trees looks like it has loads of potential. I hope you continue on with that one coz I would love to see this one taken further! Whatever you decide to do man, I look forward to seeing it, keep it up man.

beautiful sb, the one with the lady on the tree can be a really strong piece if you finish it, keep bringing good work!

God damnit Ram, I just shut everything down for the day and now I want to paint again after checking your new stuff out!
I agree with everyone else, that green lady is looking mighty fine. Feels like you took away a lot from those masterstudies you did before. I kind of get that vibe here! Really looking forward to seeing the progress on that one mate.
And oh dayum that smartphone still life. Dem smudges and scratches!

Thanks mate ;) And I still remember about the goup thingy, waiting till my present schedule will loose up a bit.

Hah. I'm happy you like it. I have a whole project back in mind. So there will be a lot stuff like this viking thingy coming up in a while. Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate them ;) \

Thank you. I don't know about this lady on a tree piece. I feel like I didn't do enough planing and I hate. Actually I'm quite suprise that anyone liked that sketch xD

Yeah like I said. I'm suprised anyone like that forest nymph sketch. I can't stand looking at it. Feel like I could do a lot better with it if I plan it a bit more. Anywho I appreciate all your kind words. Thanks, mate, much love <3

Thanks ;) Oh and btw. link to your sketchbook is broken ;<

Hah, thank you mate ;) Yeah, masterstudies were very beneficial, maybe I'll do a some sort of a challenge on the forumz to push myself and othere pps to do more of these. We'll see. Cheers for dropping by. It's always good to having you here ;3

You guys are great. Didn't suspect this lady on a tree piece will get such good responses. Maybe really I should get back and finish it. I'll reconsider this. For now some studieeees. Understanding Bridgman is hard Oo.

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Haven't seen this SB before - awesome! Lots of great studying and imaginative works going on in here, man. I think in certain areas your edges can be a bit too soft and don't really help to describe the form or material of the form, but overall it's solid stuff.

Thanks mate. Yeah, my edges need some work. I'm to attached to the soft brush =D Workin' on it. Thanks <3

Haaaaaanddsss. Bridgman is tough to figure out. But once you do. Oh boy oh boy oh boy

[Image: 3_zpsec9797a6.jpg]
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[Image: 6_zpsd2c3a0c0.jpg]

Awesome hand sketches, keep it up.

great studies, i have to hit my birdgman book more times :0

Solid figure studies and great Bridgmans! I want to see the girl in the tree more finished :D

Nice studies and paintings, make sure you use what you learned from bridgeman!

Wow, little dwarf guy with flying beard has so much spunk!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb



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