Ramalooke's Sketchbook
ohohoh nice improvement! :3
do more "Planet Mi" like dumps! Stupid

great stuff as usual man, awesome work!

whoa man! awesome studies, i really need to learn a thing or two about the way you draw hands, they are great. :D

Nice studies, and the soft brush works fine for harder edges - just make the brush smaller and zoom in. :)

Heeey guys, thank you for all awesome comments and feedback, you're the best. I'll write some replies anytime soon i prommisse. things are extremely busy these days i hardly get time and energy to paint something for myself. here's some stuff i did in last couple weeks. cheers.

[Image: 7_zpsff8f80cc.jpg][Image: 8_zps3c0f42b8.jpg]
[Image: 9_zps4b150709.jpg]
[Image: 11_zps4e7b8c96.jpg]
[Image: 12_zps4dd77da8.jpg]
[Image: 10_zps3697053a.jpg]
here's some dave rapoza inspired stuff. the bold guy is a birthday present.
[Image: Marcin_zps8a7fc914.jpg]
[Image: mira_zps38294391.jpg]
[Image: tryout_zps3a5205dc.jpg]
[Image: slee_zpsa7e07a66.jpg]
[Image: kingslayer_zps5b7aeb93.jpg]
[Image: mermaid_zpsc80a9a16.jpg]
[Image: homeless_zps8eca34bd.jpg]
[Image: boar_zps912d30a0.jpg]
[Image: lastofus_zps415b7337.jpg]

Beautiful update!

Ohhh Yeah! Crazy paitings man! Nice work on the Dave inspired ones, you really captured the style.

Yes! Nice update. Looks like you are really having fun with your work too. Keep pushing!

Kicking ass Rama :D Keep it up!

Ramalooke, those hands look nice as hell! The Dave inspired stuff and those spitpaints(?) are really badass too, especially the boar one and knight dude with the cool perspective. Keep killin' it Man, cant wait to see more.

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The nose and hand studies are fantastic! I really like the variety.

Paintings are lovely as well. That brown toned portrait looks kind of like a face drawn by masters long ago. Something about the bone structure.

Really like how the green of the bottle leaps out in the "guy in the gutter" image.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Those hands look great, and I also really like the movement in the boar piece. Don't know whether its intentional but the girl with the black top has a reeeaaallly elongated torso and arms, might be what you are going for, but if its not, watch your anatomy :) You did a good job with the starveil style too by, looks good.

the boar sketch has some good composition and brush work to it, man.

Thanks mate ;)

Thank you <3

Yeah, lately painting become more fun ;) Thanks for visit!

@Ursula Dorada

Yeah, those are for spitpaint group. Need to do more of these, super fun! Thanks for dropping in and kind words <3

Big thanks mate! I kinda forgot about my awesome toned paper sketchbook. I miss my pencils I need to draw more ;o

Thank you. I fucked up that painting a bit. But I learned my lesson, hopefully I won't repeat the same mistakes I did in that piece. Cheers, for the kind words ;)

Thank you ;)

I'm baack. Been a while. Trying to be more active on the forums, but I really like to post when I have something worth showing. So updates are not as frequent as I'd like them to be. I'll try better next time. Here's my experiments with brush strokes reinforced with jaime jones studies. Trying get out of painting everything with soft brush habit. It ain't easy.

[Image: 13_zpsd878b95c.jpg]
[Image: 14_zpsc8496124.jpg]
[Image: jaime2_zpsa1017d16.jpg]
[Image: mira2_zps839fad47.jpg]
[Image: alkapralka_zpsa74d230b.jpg]
and some stuff from work, i'm allowed to show
[Image: wwysocki_cars2.jpg]
[Image: wwysocki_cars1.jpg]

whoa! man! amazing improvement!

Good push forward, and it's good to see you getting more and more used to painting with solid, confident brushwork.

i have already seen most of this update of facebook, but i though it would hurt to leave you a comment haha.

Those Jaime Jones studies are awesome, i still have to get rid of my softness myself so i hope you keep doing them so i can keep seeing them.
And those portraits are cool, the one of your gf is specially well done. (But i guess making a bad portrait of her wasnt an option!)

Man! Awesome update, I really like the portraits! Those are some nice Jaime Jones studies too. I want to eventually get to some of those, guys brush work is just too beautiful.

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Really love those portraits! The blond girl's hair looks so silky, and the colors are beautifully atmospheric. The armored older king has great expressiveness.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


You're amazing, just whoa...

Awesome ramalooke!! The detail is beautiful on those supercars and your brushwork is ridiculously cool!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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