Natzetta's sketchbook - Visual mind-vomit and other cute things
*edit* his left arm was bugging me the whole time, so i changed it.
I think I can die happy after seeing this last work.
Its just incredible how much power did you achieve with brush strokes and red color. I love the characters and point of view that you took on this one. Great job ! :O
(11-25-2012, 07:18 PM)Toxicpanda Wrote: I think I can die happy after seeing this last work.
Its just incredible how much power did you achieve with brush strokes and red color. I love the characters and point of view that you took on this one. Great job ! :O

thank you so much! :D
I'm always worried about posting ~weird~ images like this, because the unusual style isn't everyone's cup of tea.

something more quiet, to balance out the brutal lines from above:

Currently sitting on this, but I can't figure out where I'm going with it.
when all else fails, sketch some faces.
my awesome girl! <3

hey, lads!
it's been a while since i've been online, because our internet was fried.
you don't know and neither do i.
loving those sketches, i think you are getting closer and closer to a unique and powerful style, maybe making your illustrations red and black illustrations a bit more readable, but thats just my opinion lol, keep pushing hard!

thanks, man! any opinion is welcome. =)

armless ballet dancer robo sketch. thing.
hey natzetta! really diggin' your sketches on paper! i also like your color combinations :D keep em comin' man! :D
Thank you! ^^

sketching with some new brushes:

Wow.. dem colours! so awesome, but I agree with Eduardo, some of them are getting lost in the colours.

Thanks, Jaik!

Sketch from yesterday


Aaaand some old drawings done with ballpointpen on paper:

from 2006
[attachment=12034] size A4
[attachment=12035] size A3

from 2008
[attachment=12033] size A3

from 2009
[attachment=12036] size A4
[attachment=12037] size A2
[attachment=12038] size A3

from 2010
[attachment=12039] size A4
[attachment=12040] size A4

from 2011
[attachment=12041] size A4
[attachment=12042] size A3
nother sketch

edit: damn, forgot to edit the hand, eh. nevermind, the whole image looks questionable on the big screen. O__O
quick sketch. strange nose is strange.
currently working on this
hmm, dunno what else I could/should do. I hate it when I can't decide whether a picture is finished or not.

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