Sickbrush "Fantastic Daggers" class
Hey everyone!
These are the portraits i managed to do so far.
Now going to do the lasso enviro..pretty nervous about that.

hey everybody,

here is what i ve got.
@melanie: thanks for the notes you put in your artworks, they were really educational for me :)


Attached Files Image(s)

Please help me getting better by checking out my sketchbook

great references there Flo, thanks for posting these bud <3


im not part of the class but i saw you lecture on youtube and decided to try to follow the assignments

saw the vid on saturday and regretably i had'nt much time but i'll post what i've got so far

still missing some sketches hope to finish this week :/

still not happy with the environment...

awesome work everybody

i hope a can keep following this class on demand

thx and bye
Great work so far guys! Keep them coming!
wow. nice 'entries' so far! i first tried to watch some faces and 'create my own' without direct reference, and after i tried some with sometimes looking at ref.
and flo, where did you get those beauty headshots/portraits in your post? it says the link at the bottom of the image i guess, but i can't read it >:

here are miiine, indians and native americans missing - will update immediatly ^.^
[Image: ethnics_zps6eb9b1a7.jpg]
Here is my landscape.
Nice entries everyone!

I wanted to finish these before today's stream but life came in between and i don't have the time and can't be around for the stream either :(

I will definitely finish all the ethnicitys and do the lasso landscape as well though!

15 minute studies and then 15 minutes reference less portraits to see what i learned.

10 minute indian studies, i was getting tired no more refless drawings X_X

10 minute asian portraits

10 minute Black ethnic sketches

Started a bit late, I finish it later.

[Image: yay1.png]

[Image: caucasain____i_guess__by_kamiru_desu-d5gzmzh.png]

@ Sickbrush thank you man for making us get off our asses and back to work. You're the man ! And awesome drawings everyone, it's really exciting to study here @ Crimson Daggers and to see so many determined people

I've attached a .rar for people who want a better resolution for the refs.

Video for the second class is up!
This time all is safe, both YT and livestream options are available.
Thanks for the great participation guys i can't wait to see your next work!

New assignment!
[Image: assignment2.jpg]

Urrghh found out about this way too late (yesterday morning) and then worked out the due time wrong.. So its a bit late. Not really happy with the result, but spent too much time on it not to post it here lol.
[Image: 10-10-12-1.jpg]
[Image: 10-10-12-2.jpg]
[Image: 10-10-12-3.jpg]
[Image: 10-10-12-4.jpg]
[Image: 10-10-12-5.jpg]
[Image: 10-10-12-6.jpg]

awesome !

@ Kamiru

hope these will help.

i hate free hand ellipses ;)

painting hopefully tomorrow
I have a question about the new selection/gradient assignment. Are you going to provide an image like you did before or is it open? I think I missed the details. I still plan on going back and attempting the other assignments as well.. Hopefully I uploaded my image correctly.
[Image: 8075574731]

I can't figure out how to upload photo. Help?
(10-11-2012, 11:03 AM)Ghoulz Wrote: I have a question about the new selection/gradient assignment. Are you going to provide an image like you did before or is it open? I think I missed the details. I still plan on going back and attempting the other assignments as well.. Hopefully I uploaded my image correctly.
[Image: 8075574731]

I can't figure out how to upload photo. Help?

Hey Ghoulz,
The first class assignment for the gradient/selection tool is for the image posted on the first page. There has been another class since with an updated assignment. Look for the YouTube links by Sickbrush!
As far as image hosting goes, not sure how other people do it, I bet there's a better way, but I can tell you how I post images. Whenever you respond, or make a new reply there's a landscape-icon on the top right of the text box; when you click it it gives you a chance to link to where your image is located.
There's a couple of routes you could go, imageshack offers image hosting, though I've had some trouble uploading nudes lately due to their user-flagged violation terms service. (apparently art = porn) 4519626a
-You could set a blog through Blogger, or host through a deviantart account.
When you right click your image on any website, you can scroll down and click "view image".
copy paste that link's location in the landscape-icon image I mentioned above.
you could just type [img] weblinkgoeshere [/img]
-feel free to pm if you have any more questions!
(10-11-2012, 11:03 AM)Ghoulz Wrote: I have a question about the new selection/gradient assignment. Are you going to provide an image like you did before or is it open? I think I missed the details. I still plan on going back and attempting the other assignments as well.. Hopefully I uploaded my image correctly.
[Image: 8075574731]

I can't figure out how to upload photo. Help?


3. Press [Insert Into Post] and your image will be attached at the cursor positon

hope i was able to help u
Hey Ghoulz, just use photobucket and link your image with the IMG tags, it works better.

Also, I'm not sure if this will be helpful to anyone, but I was struggling with ellipses and constructing the images as well so I wrote down my process and thoughts. Hope this makes some sense.

1. I started this drawing more or less freehand, jotting down rough boxes and noting the main proportions. The really hard part for me here was finding a way to measure width as the lamp kept getting too fat. What really helped was finding the middle point where the neck connects to the base and comparing that with some landmarks on the lamp shade part.

For example, the square part at the end of the lamp shade fits about three times in the opening of the lamp shade and three times in the base. This gives me an idea about the size of all three major parts of the lamp, only leaving the neck to worry about. Also as I go along I will compare almost everything to one of these two pieces of the object (mostly the base), making sure everything stays consistent.

2. This is where I started struggling with ellipses, but the point of the exercise is to use measuring lines so I was not going to just wing it. I used squares in perspective, trying to line the center of each square with the center of the objects I was trying to draw.

For example the bottom square lines up with the ending of the lamp neck and the square for the opening lines up with the power knob.

3. Once I started using the squares and I had the approximate sizes marked up everything went much smoother and although I jumped outside the lines a bit for the final details it really helped to have the rough outlines there. I really recommend trying to encapsulate every piece of the object you're trying to draw into a square and comparing it with at least one if not two other pieces of the object.

Good luck.

[Image: lamp.jpg]
@ dracken

i hope i'm not being a dick for correcting people ... if I am you guys would tell me right ? i'm just trying to help

p.s. ellipses are so damn hard to draw ... i would stab them if they were real


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