Sickbrush "Fantastic Daggers" class
this thread is HOT. look at all this beautiful education.

Here are my works for this assignment :)

I missed last week :(, so hard keeping up with everyone!

[Image: 0145PracticeSketches271012.jpg]

^ cute kid alert, go girls.

[Image: 2-13.jpg]
[Image: 1-12.jpg]
[Image: lemecopy.jpg]
[Image: 3-11.jpg]


Here is my mug :) :

This is the final version of the selfportrait painting.

much better, good job!

Hey everyone!
Here's the briefings for the character assignment! I'll return with more details and stuff as we progress but for now these are the basics!
[Image: characters1.jpg]
[Image: characters2.jpg]

You guys can also do the assignments and if you want you can band in groups of 5 and do the group too!

@ Students:
For Tuesday i just want to see your refferences and what you find regarding your assigned character + some random sketches in regards to your char.

This is how i paired you guys :
Saavi - Ramalooke
Rana - Dascia
Kethun - Fotis
Xia - Marina
Mavis - Chooby

Awesome task and great job on the description Cris. Have a blast guys, can't wait for the final pieces :)
Really curious what you will make of it ! Awesome task !
And can I do it alone, like, all the characters or just one or two? :P

I'm doing some assignments from different mentorships right now, so I won't be following the same deadlines..

Well I'm still really early in the work here, but I figured I should write out my thought process, maybe it will make things easier for me later on or it will be helpful to someone else.

I decided to do Saavi the Knife weilder.

Step 1: Try to identify the key components of the character
Tribal, probably a noble savage
Knives, knives and more knives, also packs light so probably a nomad
Slim, agile, well built.

Step 2: Try to find cultures that match these traits
In my mind the ritual scars bring to mind Indonesia or Southern African tribes, but the use of steel Knives and the nomadic lifestyle would match Northern Africa or maybe the Middle East more.

Either way he would wear few clothes, no heavy armor, capes, layers of cloth which he can take off if it gets too hot, maybe a turban or a jaunty fez :)

This would match his knife throwing skills since he doesn't need armor to engage in battle, he can kill you from miles away.

Step 3:
Based on research conducted in step 2 I build a base anatomical model, trying to keep him noble looking and with long limbs (I think I made him to muscular right now, because I was using a statue of David as basic reference)

I jot down a few different potential faces/ outfits. (I tried a few more, but these three looked the most reasonable).

[Image: Saavi-test.jpg]

I believe these three were supposed to be Algerian/ Turkish, Zulu and loose cloth with zebra print for that high end fashion statement.

Step 4:

Starting to rough out a few more polished outfits, figuring out what works and what doesn't. I still have a few more of these to go, but I think I am more or less decided on his face and his boots/ slippers. He will probably have a turban and a cape, not sure how much jewelry he'll have, probably depends on how much time I end up having.

At this point I'm also trying to figure out what would work composition wise. In the first image the cape position is rather stupid and the pants look ridiculous, so I tweak it a bit for the second image.

I still have a ton of work to do and once I decide on the final com/ outfit I'll study materials and whatnot, but this is it so far.

[Image: version-1.jpg]

[Image: version-2.jpg]

[Image: version-3.jpg]

Step 5: Profit?

good work Dracken, i enjoy your thought process going into it and you nailed some of the main characteristics of Saavi.
Concept wise i like some of your decisions, i think the last version is a bit better. Since they travel so much, they will also sleep around, sometimes outside. The earlier versions would've made some really cold nights for Saavi but the last one is a bit better. I like his turk orientation too, it's an interesting cultural allignment, just remember he is from Mi, so give a small twist to the culture just so it doesn't read 100% as our turks.

keep it going!

p.s. : mateus you can do any of the chars you wish man!

Oh nice!! I might post mine in a bit.. Not as much as you have done though. Mat... we made a group of 5 and have 1 extra. If you want to join us for chat/support let me know.
Hey, so I'm a bit behind (still working on the selfies today) but I'm definitely planning on doing this, probably going to do Mavis, get some animal studies in as well. What I'm wondering is if a couple of people wanted to get together and form a group of 5? if your interested, PM me and we can see if we can work something out and maybe progress at the same rate, shoot some ideas about..

OK I started on Saavi, but my sketches are not so advanced yet XD

Finished my Rana stuff. I kind of got a Celtic vibe from her so I focused in that direction though I added in different elements from alot of cultures. Like her hand designs and tattoo's and such. I figure that even though she's a sweet little healer now, back in the day she had to be into some pretty dark stuff to be able to kill an entire army or even be put in that position, so I gave her tattoos and stuff. Lots of vials and pouches. No weapons lol.

[Image: Untitled-1-1.jpg]

[Image: Rana-sheet.jpg]

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